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Kamandé (Ka-Mân-Day) is a former region of the Federal State of Orovoda that gained its peaceful independence on July 23rd 2010. Kamandé is an African word meaning Generation, reflecting the new era the country is beginning by claiming its own rights.
Kamandé's flag national emblem is the Moon hourglass, an object said to have been grateful to ancien civilizations of the country. According to the legend, two pieces of pure glass coming from the sky, in the shape of the Moon, landed on the Earth, near the ocean, and stayed on the ground for hundreds of thousands years without anyone discovering them. The glass slowly began to impregnate itself of the ocean's water over the years, gaining a part of its soul. It is said that anyone with a pure mind holding the Hourglass would control time, seasons and weather and share the wisdom of water through his life. The Hourglass must be passed to the youngest of the person's children through an official ceremony shortly before death occurs. If the water inside the Hourglass continues to flow, the child is allowed to be the next holder. If the water stops and refuses to move to the bottom bulb, the Hourglass reflects the child's impure mind and foresees that neither of his descendants will be of good destiny. In this case, the Moon hourglass breaks itself, the child is instantly killed and the world must wait hundreds of thousands more years for another piece of glass to fall from the sky.
The Moon Hourglass is drawn on Kamandé's national flag.
Full name:
Republic of Kamandé (English)
Monasimian Kamandéo (Kamandéo)
République de Kamandé (French)
Capital: Sima-Noire
President: Malena Ernman
Population: 419 000
Official languages: Kamandéo (61%), French (32%)
Currency: Noi (Sign: KN)
National Day: July 23rd
Broadcaster: KAOS 1 (Kamandé Alpha-Omega Society 1)
National arena: Zydeko Arena (14 300 seats)
For a full list of NSC entries and more information about the country, visit the Kamandéan Wikia Page.
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