Netherlands bombed as expected because the song sucks, but be aware that I had you all witness an important moment where this popular schlager queen who was by all means quite conservative and religious would sing in support of the rights of gay people.
I can write a whole lot about the how and why of this, but it serves little purpose. It is history, it is sort of important, but it is not my history.
So, fucking pinksters, listen up. When corona struck I needed something to break the loneliness. This forum is gay as shit, but its members provided this break for me. I had no real experience with any LGBT-stuff. I was an 'ally', like I supported all this equal rights shit etc, but boy was I a failure beyond that. You made me see this. I mean I was sucking hard on the copium being forced to deal with my internalized homophobia. I can pretend it was not there, but the brain and the heart did not ever align so well that pretending is an option. We are three years in. I know pride month is not about heterosexuality, but after three years of you people teaching me some fucking perspective I now know to not take my heterosexuality for granted. It is called a privilege, but at the same time it is not a freedom when it is forced on everyone. Setting the LGBT community free is what gives my preference for women meaning. This sounds asinine, but it is the opposite. It is through this process of LGBT people fighting for their rights that I am set free as well. Now, where the LGBT community remembers the fallen and the success and all that it is right now and claims that it has reason to be proud, I have none of this, for I was never a part of this. But proud I am. Of you. For teaching me, for setting me free, and more broadly for making this world a better place. Be proud.
Oh yeah and of course congrats on the winner, think it was Fierro? Bit of a bland song though but whatever. Ashley thanks for the hosting, you did a very good job of course, loved the little histories.