Omg, guys, this was amazing, thank you so much! Not gonna lie, I kinda expected to do really well, but winning? Not so much. This really feels like a Rybak moment! It was a huge win at the GL, and now again here, so thank you so much for that. And that 7 from 7 really sealed the deal as a massive victory!
Big thanks to Effiland for this incredible hosting, it felt like a real Eurovision experience! And thank you to everyone who voted for this hot mess.
12 Effiland, Bigicia, Solentoya, Svobodnia
10 Joseyeon, Halleloo, Tuzi
08 Endórë, Utopolis
07 7, Rehi Kaita
06 Pyreica
05 Oussou Empire, Låpøtré
03 Öösingimaed, Tanoiro