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  1. Happiness

    Estonia ESTONIA 2014 - Tanja - Amazing

    Is the guy she was dancing with her boyfriend? They were looking like so damn a nice couple.
  2. Happiness


    Re: WLSC 65 ஃ POKÉMON! ஃ JOIN NOW! (DDL: 31 MAY 23.59 CET) GET OUT
  3. Happiness

    Israel ISRAEL 2014 - Mei Finegold - Same Heart

    I read on comments someone saying that, "ata shotek", in hebrew. it means you say nothing. In fact, this song is not bad at all. But that could've been created a litte better and less boring. Could be better and could qualify as well.
  4. Happiness

    Elimination game 2014

    Let's play second tour, shall we? Albania Armenia Austria Azerbaijan Belgium Belarus Switzerland Germany Denmark Estonia Spain Finland France United Kingdom Georgia Greece Hungary Ireland Israel Iceland Italy Lithuania Latvia Moldova Montenegro F.Y.R. Macedonia Malta Norway Poland Portugal...
  5. Happiness

    San Marino SAN MARINO 2015 - Michele Perniola & Anita Simoncini - Chain Of Lights

    re: SAN MARINO 2015 -Michele Perniola & Anita Simoncini If so, then their Junior Eurovision representer from 2013 should join. He was a talented guy and really deserved something better at JESC.
  6. Happiness

    Eliminate Game 2011

    Switzerland Armenia Germany The Netherlands United Kingdom Finland Sweden Moldova Denmark Slovenia Estonia Azerbaijan Cyprus France Norway Italy F.Y.R. Macedonia Portugal Bulgaria Romania Turkey Greece Iceland Bosnia & Herzegovina Russia Poland Latvia Georgia Malta Belarus Croatia Belgium...
  7. Happiness

    Austria AUSTRIA 2014 - Conchita Wurst - Rise like a Phoenix

    I've supported Conchita every time but it's getting more like a show or an effort to get attention, instead of being herself. From now on, that's just eyewash.
  8. Happiness

    Eliminate Game 2011

    Lithuania Austria SAVED: Switzerland Armenia Germany Ireland The Netherlands United Kingdom Finland Sweden Moldova Denmark Slovenia Estonia Azerbaijan San Marino Cyprus France Norway Italy F.Y.R. Macedonia Portugal Bulgaria Romania Turkey Greece Iceland Bosnia & Herzegovina Russia Poland...
  9. Happiness

    Eliminate Game 2011

    How could you even let Hungary to stay that long :? Slovakia Lithuania Ukraine Spain Austria Serbia Albania SAVED: Switzerland Armenia Germany Ireland The Netherlands United Kingdom Finland Sweden Moldova Denmark Slovenia Estonia Azerbaijan San Marino Cyprus France Norway Italy F.Y.R...
  10. Happiness

    Were they right, or were they wrong?

    Netherlands finally found a right way to select their entries since last year, without a National Final. That's the spirit. I hope Latvia also does the same thing soon. Because I don't really trust in national finals. Singers may feel stressed or under pressure to impress viewers to get...
  11. Happiness

    Eliminate Game 2011

    Belarus Belgium Hungary Italy Slovakia Romania Portugal Greece Russia Georgia Poland Bulgaria Lithuania Iceland Ukraine Turkey Spain F.Y.R. Macedonia Austria Serbia Bosnia & Herzegovina France Norway Malta Cyprus Croatia Albania Latvia SAVED: Switzerland Armenia Germany Ireland The Netherlands...
  12. Happiness

    Elimination game 2014

    Austria Russia Greece Iceland United Kingdom SAVED The Netherlands Italy Switzerland 09. France 10. Hungary 11. Poland 12. San Marino 13. Finland 14. Armenia 15. Malta 16. FYR Macedonia 17. Latvia 18. Israel 19. Belarus 20. Germany 21. Ireland 22. Norway 23. Portugal 24. Georgia 25. Lithuania...
  13. Happiness

    Elimination game 2014

    Greece United Kingdom Russia Iceland France SAVED Austria Italy The Netherlands Switzerland 10. Hungary 11. Poland 12. San Marino 13. Finland 14. Armenia 15. Malta 16. FYR Macedonia 17. Latvia 18. Israel 19. Belarus 20. Germany 21. Ireland 22. Norway 23. Portugal 24. Georgia 25. Lithuania 26...
  14. Happiness

    Elimination game 2014

    Hungary SAVED Greece Italy United Kingdom The Netherlands Russia Austria Iceland France Switzerland 10. Hungary 11. Poland 12. San Marino 13. Finland 14. Armenia 15. Malta 16. FYR Macedonia 17. Latvia 18. Israel 19. Belarus 20. Germany 21. Ireland 22. Norway 23. Portugal 24. Georgia 25...
  15. Happiness

    Elimination game 2014

    Switzerland Russia The Netherlands Austria Iceland Hungary France SAVED Greece Italy United Kingdom 11. Poland 12. San Marino 13. Finland 14. Armenia 15. Malta 16. FYR Macedonia 17. Latvia 18. Israel 19. Belarus 20. Germany 21. Ireland 22. Norway 23. Portugal 24. Georgia 25. Lithuania 26...
  16. Happiness

    Elimination game 2014

    Hungary Greece Iceland France Poland Saved Switzerland Russia Italy The Netherlands Austria United Kingdom 12. San Marino 13. Finland 14. Armenia 15. Malta 16. FYR Macedonia 17. Latvia 18. Israel 19. Belarus 20. Germany 21. Ireland 22. Norway 23. Portugal 24. Georgia 25. Lithuania 26. Slovenia...
  17. Happiness

    Elimination game 2014

    Valentinaaaaa!!! xgaah Russia Austria Hungary United Kingdom Greece The Netherlands Iceland France Italy Poland Saved Switzerland 12. San Marino 13. Finland 14. Armenia 15. Malta 16. FYR Macedonia 17. Latvia 18. Israel 19. Belarus 20. Germany 21. Ireland 22. Norway 23. Portugal 24. Georgia...
  18. Happiness

    Elimination game 2014

    San Marino Italy The Netherlands Iceland Poland Greece France Switzerland SAVED: Russia Austria Hungary United Kingdom 13. Finland 14. Armenia 15. Malta 16. FYR Macedonia 17. Latvia 18. Israel 19. Belarus 20. Germany 21. Ireland 22. Norway 23. Portugal 24. Georgia 25. Lithuania 26. Slovenia...
  19. Happiness

    Elimination game 2014

    Finland Hungary SAVED San Marino Italy The Netherlands Austria Russia Iceland Poland Greece France Switzerland United Kingdom 14. Armenia 15. Malta 16. FYR Macedonia 17. Latvia 18. Israel 19. Belarus 20. Germany 21. Ireland 22. Norway 23. Portugal 24. Georgia 25. Lithuania 26. Slovenia 27...
  20. Happiness

    Turkey TURKEY 2015 - not taking part

    My guilty pleasure, deleted :oops:
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