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  1. Happiness

    Elimination game 2014

    Austria Greece Finland The Netherlands Russia Switzerland France Hungary United Kingdom Poland Saved San Marino Italy 14. Armenia 15. Malta 16. FYR Macedonia 17. Latvia 18. Israel 19. Belarus 20. Germany 21. Ireland 22. Norway 23. Portugal 24. Georgia 25. Lithuania 26. Slovenia 27. Montenegro...
  2. Happiness

    Elimination game 2014

    France Hungary United Kingdom Poland Armenia Iceland SAVED Italy San Marino Austria Greece Finland The Netherlands Russia Switzerland 15. Malta 16. FYR Macedonia 17. Latvia 18. Israel 19. Belarus 20. Germany 21. Ireland 22. Norway 23. Portugal 24. Georgia 25. Lithuania 26. Slovenia 27...
  3. Happiness

    Elimination game 2014

    Russia Finland France Switzerland Austria Hungary The Netherlands United Kingdom Greece Poland Armenia Iceland SAVED Italy San Marino 15. Malta 16. FYR Macedonia 17. Latvia 18. Israel 19. Belarus 20. Germany 21. Ireland 22. Norway 23. Portugal 24. Georgia 25. Lithuania 26. Slovenia 27...
  4. Happiness

    Elimination game 2014

    JamieBrown You've just broken the 15 minutes rule :)
  5. Happiness

    Elimination game 2014

    Iceland Malta Saved: Russia San Marino Finland France Italy Switzerland Austria Hungary The Netherlands United Kingdom Greece Poland Armenia 16. FYR Macedonia 17. Latvia 18. Israel 19. Belarus 20. Germany 21. Ireland 22. Norway 23. Portugal 24. Georgia 25. Lithuania 26. Slovenia 27. Montenegro...
  6. Happiness

    Elimination game 2014

    Greece Iceland Malta Poland Armenia Saved: Russia San Marino Finland France Italy Switzerland Austria Hungary The Netherlands United Kingdom 16. FYR Macedonia 17. Latvia 18. Israel 19. Belarus 20. Germany 21. Ireland 22. Norway 23. Portugal 24. Georgia 25. Lithuania 26. Slovenia 27. Montenegro...
  7. Happiness

    Elimination game 2014

    Hungary France Italy The Netherlands United Kingdom Greece Austria Iceland Malta Poland Armenia Saved: Russia San Marino Finland Switzerland 16. FYR Macedonia 17. Latvia 18. Israel 19. Belarus 20. Germany 21. Ireland 22. Norway 23. Portugal 24. Georgia 25. Lithuania 26. Slovenia 27. Montenegro...
  8. Happiness

    Elimination game 2014

    FYR Macedonia Russia Greece The Netherlands Austria Iceland San Marino France Finland Malta Poland United Kingdom Italy Armenia SAVED Hungary Switzerland 17. Latvia 18. Israel 19. Belarus 20. Germany 21. Ireland 22. Norway 23. Portugal 24. Georgia 25. Lithuania 26. Slovenia 27. Montenegro 28...
  9. Happiness

    Elimination game 2014

    Russia Austria San Marino France Iceland The Netherlands Greece Switzerland Armenia United Kingdom Finland Italy Hungary Poland Malta Latvia Saved FYR Macedonia 18. Israel 19. Belarus 20. Germany 21. Ireland 22. Norway 23. Portugal 24. Georgia 25. Lithuania 26. Slovenia 27. Montenegro 28...
  10. Happiness

    Elimination game 2014

    Italy Iceland Armenia Greece Switzerland Poland The Netherlands Hungary United Kingdom Israel Finland Malta Latvia Saved Russia Austria San Marino France FYR Macedonia 19. Belarus 20. Germany 21. Ireland 22. Norway 23. Portugal 24. Georgia 25. Lithuania 26. Slovenia 27. Montenegro 28. Spain...
  11. Happiness

    Eurovision 2015: Confirmed Countries

    Maybe they didn't consider that fact yet but, they qualified because only 1/3 countries failed to qualify, one more country could mean to San Marino that they wouldn't qualify as they were 10th. That's all about participation number. And other than less participation number, I can't see anything...
  12. Happiness

    Eurovision 2015: Confirmed Countries

    Why would Monaco come back anyway
  13. Happiness

    Elimination game 2014

    Sorry Teo xcry1 Italy Iceland Austria Russia Armenia Greece San Marino Switzerland Poland The Netherlands Hungary United Kingdom Israel Finland Malta France Latvia FYR Macedonia 19. Belarus 20. Germany 21. Ireland 22. Norway 23. Portugal 24. Georgia 25. Lithuania 26. Slovenia 27. Montenegro...
  14. Happiness

    Elimination game 2014

    Poland The Netherlands Hungary Finland France United Kingdom Latvia Malta Israel Belarus FYR Macedonia SAVED Italy Iceland Austria Russia Armenia Greece San Marino Switzerland 20. Germany 21. Ireland 22. Norway 23. Portugal 24. Georgia 25. Lithuania 26. Slovenia 27. Montenegro 28. Spain 29...
  15. Happiness

    Elimination game 2014

    Greece Poland Austria The Netherlands Iceland Hungary Finland Russia France Italy United Kingdom Switzerland Latvia Malta Israel Armenia Belarus San Marino FYR Macedonia 20. Germany 21. Ireland 22. Norway 23. Portugal 24. Georgia 25. Lithuania 26. Slovenia 27. Montenegro 28. Spain 29. Ukraine...
  16. Happiness

    Elimination game 2014

    Latvia Malta San Marino Belarus Israel Armenia Germany FYR Macedonia SAVED Greece Poland Austria The Netherlands Iceland Hungary Finland Russia France Italy United Kingdom Switzerland 21. Ireland 22. Norway 23. Portugal 24. Georgia 25. Lithuania 26. Slovenia 27. Montenegro 28. Spain 29...
  17. Happiness

    Elimination game 2014

    Armenia Finland Ireland Hungary Germany FYR Macedonia SAVED Latvia The Netherlands Malta Italy France Iceland United Kingdom San Marino Russia Belarus Poland Israel Greece Austria Switzerland 22. Norway 23. Portugal 24. Georgia 25. Lithuania 26. Slovenia 27. Montenegro 28. Spain 29. Ukraine...
  18. Happiness


    Re: WLSC 65 ஃ POKÉMON! ஃ JOIN NOW! (DDL: 31 MAY 23.59 CET) I had a Pokémon thema in my mind if I host:mad: :lol: Good lucks, will send song soon
  19. Happiness

    Elimination game 2014

    Russia Greece Poland Armenia Austria Finland Ireland Hungary Israel Germany Belarus FYR Macedonia Switzerland SAVED Latvia The Netherlands Malta Italy France Iceland United Kingdom San Marino 22. Norway 23. Portugal 24. Georgia 25. Lithuania 26. Slovenia 27. Montenegro 28. Spain 29. Ukraine...
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