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  • I'm not in mood for anything today as well :/ I think that I'm gonna try to relax as more as possible
    Thanks for the compliment.

    I agree. That's a good attitude. We should send songs we love, not songs to get points. I could have chosen a softer song, but I felt "Esta Noite" was the perfect return. It was kinda misunderstood, but that's the game. I like foreign music too. To be honest, Portuguese music is not even my favourite. :lol: That formula you suggested seems pretty, but I don't think it works like that. People in FSC want to hear more pop, than dance or rock or anything else. I got this impression. But I'm a little green, so maybe things don't work like that. I just wish people were open to all music genres like I am. I gave points to Canada's entry when it's not even my cup of tea, for example.

    Thanks for supporting Portuguese music. You're awesome. :)

    And that is a curious method. :lol: Amazon has always so many releases. You got a lot of choices everytime you go there, right?
    First of all, thank you for the friend invitation.

    Well, I will stick to the dance for now (electropop last month, dance-pop this month). I feel I have to make a difference, you know. I see no point of sending songs like everybody else is doing. I said that yesterday in the FSC's thread. I won't send cute pop songs or pop ballads for now. I will do it in the futiure, I just don't know when. I know there's a high price to pay because of that - I came 31st last time, but it's just a game. Yeah, JosePT made some good choices. Aurea is great. And xcheers! I also like Amor Electro and Luísa Sobral. ;) Your knowledge about portuguese music is amazing. Y

    Your entries seem very recent indeed. How do you cacth those songs like that? Do you know the singers you send before choosing their songs or what? :)
    Oh, really? That's nice. Join the club. I have a random music taste too. :lol: I like so many music genres. Pop, R&B, rock, rap, dance, some folk and fado. Yeah, "Esta Noite" is a pure dance masterpiece in portuguese - which makes it even better.

    That's a good idea. Keep sending unknown USA acts. Leave the mistery in the air. :lol:
    And it is not your cup of tea, right? Judging for the USA entries... I'm glad you are able to be unbiased while giving points.

    Thanks for the 3 points. :)
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