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  • Excited to see the results! I haven't voted, but I keep up woth the results. Čestitke Dubravka :).
    Dobro vece kraljica Dubravka :D. I'm doing well, just hungry, I'm sitting in the library right now, I'm gonna go to the lounge soon to eat :lol:. You? How was your day?

    Partying it up on HOS :D
    Sve standardno, život u uobičajenoj kolotečini. Što bi rekao Ekrem "kuća poso poso kuća" pa malo forum i to je to
    Hola! We are waiting for the results of BB! :mrgreen:
    But the results of Favorite game is not particularly encouraging.
    And how are you? :D
    Perdoname, Jukica! Sooner or later it had to happen - San Marino should win! :mrgreen: But if Asiye saved San Marino in this round, Croatia is canceled :cool:
    O kolegenice zdravo, evo zbrajam glasice za ranking game :D Onda cu i na NSC da glasam. Kod tebe?
    What is it about? I might like it :lol:. I did watch the first entire season of Desperate Housewives :oops:. Though, I'm more of a comedy type of guy. I like New Girl, Outsourced (which was cancelled, sadly), 30 Rock
    Hhhwwwwwaaaaaat!!! I've never heard of the series, ever in my life :eek: :eek:. I have to see it now! :lol:
    E cao kolegenice :D Evo pomagao sam malo mami, farbala je jaja, meni je Uskrs sad za vikend :D :lol: Kako si ti?

    Jao da, morao bih da glasam, do kad je rok?
    Dooooobro Veče!

    Phhhheeeew, I'm glad to hear that no one is in the hospital :)

    I'm so tired, I'm gonna sleep in a few minutes, I just need to set up my alarm :lol:
    Hey Juki! I read on the how are you feeling thread :(. I hope your friend/relative is doing better (and you're feeling better as well) :/. It's times like this in life that makes me sad. I had 2 similar occasions with my dad. So, I understand how you feel :(

    To lighten up your mood! What was that show that you started watching?
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