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  • Ej kolegenice.

    Nisam dobro, u guzvi sam nenormalnoj :( Video sam PP al tek kad uhvatim malo vazduh, moci cu da odgovorim.

    Nadam se da si ti dobro xrunhug
    neighhhhh heeeeey i've been missing youuuuuuu i was not around when you skyped me sorry for not replying ttyl xxxxxxxxxx
    Here are the 7:30 p.m. lead-in averages for the networks:

    Network .........................18-49 rating ......... 2+ in millions
    ABC ................................ 0.967 ................... 6.585
    CBS ................................ 0.859 ................... 6.012
    NBC ................................ 0.919 ................... 5.743
    Fox .................................. 0.918 ................... 3.045
    CW .................................. 0.559 ................... 2.126
    Flash 0.4/0.4 1.35M
    iZombie R 0.3/0.3 1.11M
    CW average: 0.4

    hmm mislim da je iZombie blizu 0.4 nadam se da će adjusted up
    Here you go for Monday night:

    7:30PM Lokalni programi za Ponedeljak

    18-49 rating
    ABC ............... 1.085
    CBS ............... 0.952
    Fox ................ 0.932
    NBC ............... 0.931
    CW ................ 0.614

    Total viewers (in millions)
    ABC ................. 7.047
    CBS ................. 6.149
    NBC ................. 5.720
    Fox .................. 3.434
    CW .................. 2.013
    5) Hannibal ....................... 0.304

    4) Welcome to Sweden 8.30 ..... 0.272

    3) Beauty and the Beast ... 0.251

    2) Aquarius ....................... 0.224

    1) Messengers ................... 0.165

    LOOOOL. Aqurius i Hannibal adjusted down...
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