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  • Ei,tudo bem ? Ante que mais bem vindo a Wales no WV ,troca interesante.Quanto ao FSC ainda não ouvi as musicas (Tirando no L.L),mas quando tiveres os teus votos podes me envia-los,e começa a preparar as tuas músicas (eu este mês acho que vou selecionar 5 mas tu faz como entenderes ) Fica Bem :)
    Mandei te a aquele link para podermos falar melhor,pensei que como estarias oniline visses a minha mensagem,mas parece que não,a alguma possiblidade de nos encontrar por lá, achas que por volta das 20:30 dava ? (sugere uma hora).
    Suponho que tenhas visto a minha mensagem,tens ate amanha de manha para enviar as tuas musicas,e ate as 20:00 para enviares os votos.(os da nossa seleção de musica e os desta edição) :)
    Edward has exceeded their stored private messages quota and cannot accept further messages until they clear some elsewhere
    your inbox is full. No need to post anything about it, your change has been made in the entry submission thread and participant list. So everyone should see it.
    Sending this here as your inbox is full. You can feel free to submit your entry now, either by messaging it to me or directly entering it onto the wiki. The deadline for submissions is 27 June. :D
    Dear Edward, I'm really happy you are back. I was really busy those days (I'm starting to work this week) and tonight is "craziness" with show preparation and I really will answer your message ASAP. Thank you for voting in BNQS! xcheer We missed you! Unfortunately, I need to tell you that you jury voting was rejected due to extremely high correlation between your preference voting and jury voting - 0,96! Everything above 0,8 is considered to be very high but this is really extreme and we even can't take into consideration "sense" of votes. However, your time to vote in game is very appreciated and we added your preference voting into televote rankings! xcheer
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