strajker December 25, 2013 Përshëndetje Oussouland, Your All Around The World: Albania entry has been confirmed. MAY THE MOUSE POINTER BE EVER IN YOUR FAVOR. Mirupafshim.
Përshëndetje Oussouland, Your All Around The World: Albania entry has been confirmed. MAY THE MOUSE POINTER BE EVER IN YOUR FAVOR. Mirupafshim.
A-lister December 10, 2013 Again?? :? I don't get it! I barely got any messages stored there... well well... try to re-send in a minute, I got some deleting to do!
Again?? :? I don't get it! I barely got any messages stored there... well well... try to re-send in a minute, I got some deleting to do!
A-lister December 5, 2013 Hi! I answered u in PM I have no idea why my inbox is always full btw haha, it's like it's getting automatically for strangely.
Hi! I answered u in PM I have no idea why my inbox is always full btw haha, it's like it's getting automatically for strangely.
A-lister December 2, 2013 Again? What's up with my inbox getting full like all the time? I don't even have much there? hmm... well I'll delete some then
Again? What's up with my inbox getting full like all the time? I don't even have much there? hmm... well I'll delete some then
Nicholas123 November 25, 2013 Έλα τώρα!!!! Τραγουδάει κι ο Παντελίδης μαζί της! Θα πάρω αυτόγραφο στ' όνομά σου και θα στο στείλω ταχυδρομικώς!!!! 3
Έλα τώρα!!!! Τραγουδάει κι ο Παντελίδης μαζί της! Θα πάρω αυτόγραφο στ' όνομά σου και θα στο στείλω ταχυδρομικώς!!!! 3
Nicholas123 November 25, 2013 Μάντεψε πού θα βγάλω τους φίλους μου για τη γιορτή μου!!!! Αχαχαχαχα!!!! Î*άολα - Εδώ Σε ΘÎ*λω ΚαÏ?διά Μου Live - YouTube
Μάντεψε πού θα βγάλω τους φίλους μου για τη γιορτή μου!!!! Αχαχαχαχα!!!! Î*άολα - Εδώ Σε ΘÎ*λω ΚαÏ?διά Μου Live - YouTube
Amir November 25, 2013 like I announced in my thread I don't really have time to participate the next weeks I really should focus on other stuff now, but of course I will return someday
like I announced in my thread I don't really have time to participate the next weeks I really should focus on other stuff now, but of course I will return someday