Draw | Nation | Artist | Song | YT Link |
1 | Dwyforland | Elton John | Are You Ready For Love (2003 Remix) | Link |
ras | Dviforlend | Elton Džon | Gotovja-li ty ko lubvi (2003 uzmes) | |
2 | Lo'Paia | Kaleen | Knocking On Heaven's Door | Link |
dva | LoPaja | Kalin | Tuču po dveru raja | |
3 | Marcobia | Coldplay | Man In The Moon | Link |
tri | Markobija | Koldplej (Holožena igra) | Ludec po Mune | |
4 | Emsfrynt | Lady Gaga | Abracadabra | Link |
četyr | Emsfrynt | Ledi Gaga | Abrakadabra | |
5 | Svobodnia | Freya Skye | Can't Fake It | Link |
pet | Svobodnija | Freja Skaj | Nemožu privrac-te sje | |
6 | New Bander State | RØNIN | Numb | Link |
šešt | Nevja Banderčja Samauprava | Ronin | Uzduben | |
7 | Moisantia | NORAZO | Bread | Link |
sem | Moizantija | Norazo | Lepec | |
8 | Vermilion | Disco Lizard | See You in Paradise | Link |
vosem | Vermiljon | Diskovja ješturka | Uzvidamu-sete vo raju | |
9 | Divided States of Lemonadia | Slayyyter | Out Of Time | Link |
devet | Razdelani Samiupravi Lemonadiji | Slejjjter | Nedobrano vremi | |
10 | Kimmystan | Bradley Simpson | Carpet Burn | Link |
deset | Kimmistan | Bradli Simpson | Obžig odpolavečj | |
11 | Tamausia & Deltannor | Vella | All My Love | Link |
rasnadeset | Tamauzija za Deltannorem | Vella | Celja moja lubva | |
12 | Afnia | FEX | Subways Of Your Mind | Link |
dvanadeset | Afnija | Fex | Podzemki tvoja razuma | |
13 | Carpentaria | Laura Pausini | Una Storia Che Vale | Link |
trinadeset | Karpentarija | Laura Pauzini | Probula šta cenja-se | |
14 | L | JENNIE, Doechii | ExtraL | Link |
četyrnadeset | L | Dženni, Douči | JeščjaL | |
15 | Balearica Isalnd | Cascada | Evacuate The Dancefloor (Phobia & Shaker Remix) | Link |
petnadeset | Suša Balearika | Kaskada | Evakuaj-te tancapolo (Fobija da Šejker uzmes) | |
16 | United Kingdom of Destrion | Desingerica x Djexon | Pumpalicca | Link |
šeštnadeset | Spločeno Korolstvo Destrjona | Desingerica da Džekson | Pumpalicca (kačka) | |
17 | Federal Republic of Meridia | Janani K. Jha | Cut the Cord | Link |
semnadeset | Federalja Respublika Meridija | Džanani Kej Džaa | Razrežaj-te šnuro |
Well, Jastaberežje has plenty of fresh air, it's a resort town after all!I eat only air so i will skip this edition full of unhealty microplastics aditivs salads and hot potatoes!
Another nation already has Lady Gaga, so you will need to choose a different song.Winner following....
Adière vikta
I'm aware; this is a fake entryAnother nation already has Lady Gaga, so you will need to choose a different song.
wow, you've even learned Svobodnian language alreadyVermilijon