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Which Spin-Off should be 190th? FINAL ROUND

Choose the theme

  • Mixology

    2 9.5%
  • Vocaloid

    0 0.0%
  • Sequelmania

    2 9.5%
  • Compose Your Song

    2 9.5%
  • Girlband vs. Boyband

    0 0.0%
  • Top Of The Pops

    5 23.8%
  • BallVision

    3 14.3%
  • BalkanVision

    7 33.3%

  • Total voters
  • Poll closed .


WorldVision Mod 🌻
Staff member
October 16, 2011
Mixology: a cocktail of medleys, mash ups, sampling, interpolation and remixes
Vocaloid: songs made using singing voice synthetizer software
Sequelmania: Send a song and its sequel
Compose your song: create a song via ai application using a sample and your own lyrics
Girlband vs. Boyband: Send two Songs, one from a Girlband and one from a Boyband. You make also two Votings, one for the Girls and one for the Boys. The Scoreboard shows all together, the song and band with the most points overall wins the battle.
Top Of The Pops: In Memories, Send a performance on TOTP by a song.
BallVision: Guess what? We are throwing a ball! You can send up to three entries, one for each category. Category A is Balls to the Wall (send a provocative song), Category B is Night of a Thousand Divas (show your Divas, pop or otherwise) and Category C is Band Bias (send a song by a band). Each category will be judged separately and the top 3 of each category will face each other off in a super final.
BalkanVision: Send an entry from a country/region residing mostly or partially in the Balkan Peninsula. (Eligible countries: Albania, Bosnia & Herzegovina, Bulgaria, Montenegro, North Macedonia, Croatia, Greece, Romania, Serbia, Slovenia, Kosovo and Turkey)


WorldVision Mod 🌻
Staff member
October 16, 2011
Is it me or were we allowed to vote for multiple options before? (I'm not now)
You're allowed to vote for multiple options when there's more than one round (aka when there are more than 10 or so suggestions, not applicable this time). In the final round, you can only vote for one option ^^


WorldVision Mod 🍁
Staff member
August 9, 2011
Birmingham, UK
I would host but I’m actually going to the Balkans (:hr:) for the first time next weekend :lol: I’ll be away for a week and I don’t think I’d be able to squeeze a whole spinoff in before I go so I’m gonna have to pass
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