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Which countries are at most risk of being booed?


February 26, 2016
Very childish booing an entry thanks to the political actions of its government. Does anyone want to boo me because of Viktor Orbán? I am ready for it. :cool:

PS: Last year hungarian NF voters sent peace song not the government.


Active member
February 2, 2015
Czech Republic
Anyone else expecting :pl: not to be booed despite the possible new laws regarding abortion and miscarriage in the country?

With all respect, I think that only a person with both eyes afflicted by astigmatism might get the impression that Michal Szpak represents goals and ideals of current Polish government (or new management of Polish TV, thankfully installed by the government too late to prevent his participation).
[MENTION=13781]Chorizo[/MENTION] I completely agree with you about the Russian propaganda more or less clumsily hidden in their Eurovision entries (especially in Polina´s case). However, I disagree with booing. I think that it´s not only disrespectful to the artists (who may or may not be aware of what purpose they were used for - we will never know that for sure) and their fans, but also quite counterproductive, since it helps Russia to be perceived as victim ("Why they are so bad at us? We just sent a simple-minded smiling girl singing about peace. How intolerant they are..."). I believe that classier and much more effective way to express disapproval - if one´s conscience does not allow otherwise - is silence and unimpressed facial expression.



Well-known member
May 9, 2014
[MENTION=13781]Chorizo[/MENTION] I completely agree with you about the Russian propaganda more or less clumsily hidden in their Eurovision entries (especially in Polina´s case). However, I disagree with booing. I think that it´s not only disrespectful to the artists (who may or may not be aware of what purpose they were used for - we will never know that for sure) and their fans, but also quite counterproductive, since it helps Russia to be perceived as victim ("Why they are so bad at us? We just sent a simple-minded smiling girl singing about peace. How intolerant they are..."). I believe that classier and much more effective way to express disapproval - if one´s conscience does not allow otherwise - is silence and unimpressed facial expression.

I am against silence as a means of protest because it wouldn't be noticeable on TV at all. I enjoy it when Russia's moments of glory are disturbed by boos. It feels fair and deserved to me. I don't think that anyone in the West considers Russia the victim. The only people believing that are the Russians themselves plus their usual buddies and these people believe that anyway, no matter whether someone boos or not.

If the Russian artists were just ignorant pawns in this game of propaganda and didn't know what was going on, it would be a pity, of course. Probably many Russians are pretty ignorant about their country because they grow up in world of propaganda.


Well-known member
May 22, 2010
There should be no boos, it is disgusting behaviour and Eurovision is not a forum for politics. Booing the likes of Sylvia Night was okay because it was part of the joke and was funny, and totally about the act/non-political, but booing because of politics is a big no no!

However, I probably wouldn't object to it so strongly if it wasn't as hypocritical as it is. Why does only Russia get booed?
1) It doesn't have the worst gay rights in Eurovision.
2) It doesn't have the worst democracy in Eurovision.
3) It doesn't have the most oppressive "regime" in Eurovision.

Russia gets booed coz it's the in thing to do, people think they're cool by booing when in fact they just look like arses. And these what I call 'Eurogays' they probably don't have a clue about anything beyond the scene and Lady Gaga, let alone politics.
How exactly are they helping Russian gays by booing their country? If I was a Russian gay person, I'd be very unhappy at somebody booing my country.
Why do only Russian gays matter, what about Belarussian or Azeri gays?


Well-known member
October 1, 2009
I wasn't in Vienna last year, so I didn't boo Polina but I certainly would have. She absolutely deserved to be booed because she agreed to sing a propaganda song for Mother Russia. She should have never received that many points for her phony peace song. There was nothing wrong with booing her at all.

This year, Sergey performs a stereotypical gay song that represents the gay Eurovision bubble from about ten years ago. This is nothing but Russian propaganda again. Last year, the Russians sang about peace while waging a war. This year they have a flamboyant gay performance while suppressing gay people in real life. It's the kind of crap Russia has been doing for many years and this deserves all the boos in the world.

Your country won with LGBT propaganda song ;)

ESC fans generally behave like sheep and western fans in general ignore everything coming from eastern part of the continent (unfortunately that is the fact)

Also don't forget the millions of Russians that support Putin and vote for him. I don't want to meet those people.

Also many people in Austria voted for Freiheitliche Partei Österreiche. I suppose you don't want to meet them too?
November 24, 2015
Essex, UK
Your country won with LGBT propaganda song ;)

ESC fans generally behave like sheep and western fans in general ignore everything coming from eastern part of the continent (unfortunately that is the fact)

Well I mean as a 'western fan' myself, 4/5 of my top five are from eastern countries this year, soo.. (and Latvia&Russia were my top 2 last year)


Well-known member
May 22, 2010
I take issue with the individual acts or artist singing. For instance, when I found out Alex Sparrow said some homophobic stuff I was upset then, but had I been in Dusseldorf I still wouldn't have booed him - indeed, I still supported him because I loved his song and his style which is what Eurovision is all about - NOT politics!

But how someone can attack the likes of Polina I don't know - what did she ever do to anybody?? :? I can't say I know a terrible lot about her, but all I saw of her was that she was a sweet lady who tried her best and deserved her second place. You punish her coz President Putin is a homophobe? Well if that's your version of "justice" then it says a lot about you!!


Well-known member
October 1, 2009
Well I mean as a 'western fan' myself, 4/5 of my top five are from eastern countries this year, soo.. (and Latvia&Russia were my top 2 last year)

I say in general, not all fans act like that. But fact is that we always can hear booes when Belarus give 12 to Russia, or Greece to Cyprus, or Serbia to Montenegro, but never when Norway gave Sweden 12 and vice versa. It's a little bit a hypocritical behaviour


Well-known member
May 9, 2014
Your country won with LGBT propaganda song ;)

ESC fans generally behave like sheep and western fans in general ignore everything coming from eastern part of the continent (unfortunately that is the fact)

Also many people in Austria voted for Freiheitliche Partei Österreiche. I suppose you don't want to meet them too?

I have three songs from the ex-USSR in my top 10, so I can hardly be blamed for ignoring Eastern Europe. Only four songs in my top 10 are from Western Europe.

Comparing the FPÖ to Putin's fans is a big stretch although the FPÖ is sadly pretty homophobic.


Well-known member
May 17, 2015
I say in general, not all fans act like that. But fact is that we always can hear booes when Belarus give 12 to Russia, or Greece to Cyprus, or Serbia to Montenegro, but never when Norway gave Sweden 12 and vice versa. It's a little bit a hypocritical behaviour

Well said. This tells a lot about the profile of many people who call themselves "Eurovision fans".

The good thing is that's only a tiny group of people - people who watch and vote in ESC don't give a f... about Putin, laws and stuff some people force here all the time. They just want to have fun and have joyful Saturday evening. And that's exactly the point of Eurovision.

Once again, Eurovision is not a property of Eurovision fan clubs and their ideas.


Well-known member
May 17, 2015
I have three songs from the ex-USSR in my top 10, so I can hardly be blamed for ignoring Eastern Europe. Only four songs in my top 10 are from Western Europe.

Comparing the FPÖ to Putin's fans is a big stretch although the FPÖ is sadly pretty homophobic.

That doesn't say anything nor deny the fact you are pretty ignorant and observe one country through a very narrow window called "politics". Also, that doesn't have anything with this topic at all.


Well-known member
May 9, 2014
That doesn't say anything nor deny the fact you are pretty ignorant and observe one country through a very narrow window called "politics". Also, that doesn't have anything with this topic at all.

This was a reply to you claiming that "in general" Western fans ignore Eastern Europe and now you complain my answer doesn't have anything to do with the topic?
I have demonstrated that your claim doesn't apply to me, which was the point of my post.

Your claim of me being ignorant is solely based on me not cheering for Russia like you do. The political window is wide open, even if you don't understand that.


Active member
February 2, 2015
Czech Republic
I am against silence as a means of protest because it wouldn't be noticeable on TV at all. I enjoy it when Russia's moments of glory are disturbed by boos. It feels fair and deserved to me. I don't think that anyone in the West considers Russia the victim. The only people believing that are the Russians themselves plus their usual buddies and these people believe that anyway, no matter whether someone boos or not.

I think the important question to ask oneself is - why do I need to express my disapproval? If the answer is "to make myself and my friends sure to which side we belong to", then... I cannot see the point of it, since you and your friends already know that, with or without booing. Much better answer - in my opinion - would be "To open eyes of those who didn´t realize that sometimes seemingly peaceful songs are trying to distract attention from war aggression" or as you put it "the Russians plus their usual buddies" "grown up in world of propaganda" and therefore lacking the necessary distance. Based on my observation, that seems to be what you are trying to do in this forum. So, now let´s imagine something:

Russia wins Eurovision. It´s not the nicest outcome for neither of us, but let´s pretend it happened. Now, if the reaction of the audience will be booing, how it will look like? "The angry evil envious and spoiled westerners are attacking Mother Russia", will be most probably the Russian official interpretation of it, targeting national pride and having the intended impact on Russians/EastEuropeans in general: "Yes, the WestEuropeans are exactly like we imagine them to be, basing our knowledge on propaganda Russian media, therefore it must be true." So, that is what i meant by saying it´s counterproductive - I believe this type of protests actually help to dig even deeper trenches between so-called East and West, which I see as unhealthy situation. It´s a vicious circle, really.

If the Russian artists were just ignorant pawns in this game of propaganda and didn't know what was going on, it would be a pity, of course. Probably many Russians are pretty ignorant about their country because they grow up in world of propaganda.

Well, how to put it without hurting someone´s feelings... Let´s say that a certain Russian female singer gave me the impression of not being exactly the brightest mind of our century and I wouldn´t be surprised at all if she didn´t realize (maybe to these days) what she was part of. Yes, there is always a possibility that she was a Putin´s agent, dutifully following his orders like in some James Bond movie (or in one hilarious ESC fanfiction I´ve read recently) while successfully pretending to be a naive girl coming to us from some peaceful parallel universe full of giggling princesses. But we don´t know that for sure. Perhaps she was a victim of blackmail or just authentic blonde. Who knows?
November 24, 2015
Essex, UK
I say in general, not all fans act like that. But fact is that we always can hear booes when Belarus give 12 to Russia, or Greece to Cyprus, or Serbia to Montenegro, but never when Norway gave Sweden 12 and vice versa. It's a little bit a hypocritical behaviour

I agree there, it is a little bit hypocritical. But I feel like the nordic countries don't swap points as much as Greece&Cyprus or Belarus&Russia for example, or maybe I'm just slightly biased. (i'll watch back to test that later)


Well-known member
February 25, 2011
Speaking of myself, I won´t boo any entry because I am really annoyed about the booing in ESC.
But I am quite sure, that Russia will get booed again by some fans, maybe not so much during Sergey´s performance but during the voting.


Well-known member
March 18, 2016
:az: and :am: relaitons are bad and the situation in Nagorno-Karabach is really bad right now. If this continues and becomes war i'm afraid booing is sure.


Well-known member
May 17, 2015
This was a reply to you claiming that "in general" Western fans ignore Eastern Europe and now you complain my answer doesn't have anything to do with the topic?
I have demonstrated that your claim doesn't apply to me, which was the point of my post.

Your claim of me being ignorant is solely based on me not cheering for Russia like you do. The political window is wide open, even if you don't understand that.

Nope. It's not about cheering at all. I like Russian entry, that's correct. But even if I hated it I would have written the same thing as written above.

This topic, generally speaking, is not about cheering or disliking the songs competing in ESC. Booing is clearly a political act based on a very narrow minded observation of one country, Russia in this case.

Honestly, I don't care that much for Russia anyway. I have never been there and I don't have any attachment to Russia.

The thing I can't stand is the way how many self proclaimed fans treat SINGERS from this country.

If you think this booing thing helps gays there you are very wrong. That act creates only antagonisms between gays there and somewhere else in Europe. Believe or not, some Russian gays also feel Russia is their homeland no matter how they are treated. Do you really believe they feel part of the game when some asses boo their singers in Eurovision? Do not forget Eurovision is one of of very few windows for gays in Russia to feel more free. Should we take that from them? To ban Russia from competing? By doing that you ban gays to attend their free space. Well done.

Booing is wrong for some many reasons, this one above is just on in the line.


Well-known member
May 9, 2014
I think the important question to ask oneself is - why do I need to express my disapproval? If the answer is "to make myself and my friends sure to which side we belong to", then... I cannot see the point of it, since you and your friends already know that, with or without booing. Much better answer - in my opinion - would be "To open eyes of those who didn´t realize that sometimes seemingly peaceful songs are trying to distract attention from war aggression" or as you put it "the Russians plus their usual buddies" "grown up in world of propaganda" and therefore lacking the necessary distance. Based on my observation, that seems to be what you are trying to do in this forum. So, now let´s imagine something:

Russia wins Eurovision. It´s not the nicest outcome for neither of us, but let´s pretend it happened. Now, if the reaction of the audience will be booing, how it will look like? "The angry evil envious and spoiled westerners are attacking Mother Russia", will be most probably the Russian official interpretation of it, targeting national pride and having the intended impact on Russians/EastEuropeans in general: "Yes, the WestEuropeans are exactly like we imagine them to be, basing our knowledge on propaganda Russian media, therefore it must be true." So, that is what i meant by saying it´s counterproductive - I believe this type of protests actually help to dig even deeper trenches between so-called East and West, which I see as unhealthy situation. It´s a vicious circle, really.

I think when people boo, it is often simply to vent their frustration and to make their disapproval impossible to ignore forcing others to deal with it.
I agree that the Russia government would make use of any booing for propaganda purposes and if Russia were declared the winner this year, I would be very much surprised if that didn't lead to massive booing. So I can see your point.

I think you should also consider that not booing would also be used for their propaganda. They would just tell a different story: "Everyone loves Sergey and Russia because our country and our president are the best in the world and we do everything right! The people of Europe love Russia but their politicians don't treat Russia fairly although the Europeans want that."
That's the story I'm more afraid of but I can also understand your point of view. I just fear the propaganda that tells the people that Russia is loved and that they do everything right more than the propaganda that the West is evil.

Well, how to put it without hurting someone´s feelings... Let´s say that a certain Russian female singer gave me the impression of not being exactly the brightest mind of our century and I wouldn´t be surprised at all if she didn´t realize (maybe to these days) what she was part of. Yes, there is always a possibility that she was a Putin´s agent, dutifully following his orders like in some James Bond movie (or in one hilarious ESC fanfiction I´ve read recently) while successfully pretending to be a naive girl coming to us from some peaceful parallel universe full of giggling princesses. But we don´t know that for sure. Perhaps she was a victim of blackmail or just authentic blonde. Who knows?

It's possible that she received media coaching telling her that she should play the dumb blonde when anything political comes up. It's possible that she didn't play that role. It's possible that she didn't even understand the lyrics and didn't know what she was singing about. We really don't know that. I think the twins in 2014 were really clueless because they didn't even speak basic English, they were very young and their song wasn't political like Polina's. They probably had no idea what was going on and they couldn't expect being booed that year. I just think Polina should have been better informed and aware of what was going on in 2014 but I only know her from Eurovision, so I might be wrong about that.


Well-known member
May 9, 2014
Nope. It's not about cheering at all. I like Russian entry, that's correct. But even if I hated it I would have written the same thing as written above.

This topic, generally speaking, is not about cheering or disliking the songs competing in ESC. Booing is clearly a political act based on a very narrow minded observation of one country, Russia in this case.

Honestly, I don't care that much for Russia anyway. I have never been there and I don't have any attachment to Russia.

The thing I can't stand is the way how many self proclaimed fans treat SINGERS from this country.

If you think this booing thing helps gays there you are very wrong. That act creates only antagonisms between gays there and somewhere else in Europe. Believe or not, some Russian gays also feel Russia is their homeland no matter how they are treated. Do you really believe they feel part of the game when some asses boo their singers in Eurovision? Do not forget Eurovision is one of of very few windows for gays in Russia to feel more free. Should we take that from them? To ban Russia from competing? By doing that you ban gays to attend their free space. Well done.

Booing is wrong for some many reasons, this one above is just on in the line.

I would be fine with banning Russia and other countries by introducing a new rule that states that countries with severe human rights violations are not allowed to participate in the contest. Then the dictatorships, most political controversy and the booing would be gone and the contest would be more peaceful. The Russian fans could still watch and enjoy the contest even if Russia didn't participate in it. The Australians fans enjoyed Eurovision before 2015, didn't they?
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