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What's typical of the 2023 entries


Well-known member
March 28, 2023
Teacher! I'd just like to report that I've completed my 1000 lines ahead of schedule!

(I got that BOT that wrote the lyrics for Georgia to do all the hard work for me ;))
Oh dear, so I'm assuming your lines say "fact is a check, musical is category, enter my contestant, me am the allegory"


Well-known member
April 1, 2021
In my opinion this year the wrong songs got a revamp. Let me explain: usually, in other years, those songs that kinda sound unfinished get a revamp, and while some fail, some actually sound like a cohesive product afterwards. This year, I feel like a lot of songs got a revamp that already sounded complete (I am not saying they sounded perfect or anything), while those that feel like a demo to me remain unchanged.

Ireland and Albania are both nowhere near my Top 10 (with or without revamps), but both sounded cohesive to me before revamp, they were just not something I gravitate towards.

Meanwhile Greece could have used a revamp when it gets chaotic in the second half of the song, and cleaning that up in a revamp could have made me like it much more. Another example would be Malta because I love what’s already there but the production really doesn’t sound very full and it’s based heavily on repetition of one melody line, and adding e.g. harmonies or counter-melodies towards the end could make me keep my interest until the very end.

Disclaimer: by songs sounding incohesive or incomplete etc. I don’t mean the songs that feel like they’re taylored out of several songs like Armenia, Israel, Finland etc., they can still feel like a finished song when it becomes apparent that they did it on purpose as a stylistic choice - doesn’t mean I like that choice (although I do like it in some songs), but I can accept it.
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