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What is Eurovision about?


Active member
October 1, 2009
Eurovision is all about excellent performance. Excellent performance includes a good song, good vocals and excellent stage performance. Something that triggers emotions such as happiness or sadness, a sense of familiarity. It's a 3 min of storytelling.

All of this was present in Conchita's act.


Well-known member
March 27, 2012
I see it like this. A good song alone may not be enough to win the contest. What you almost certainly need is a good song plus a good hook. Tastes may differ greatly on a big regional scale and on a small individual scale. Every year all entries have their supporters and their contesters (needless to say, not in the same proportion). But not all entries are equally likely to receive points, even after adjusting for the differences in perceived sympathy towards the songs. Here comes ''the hook'' into play. While the spread in taste covers large segments of the field (i.e. the participants in the contest), usually each year only a few benefit from a strong hook. The list of potential winners and eventually the actual winners almost always come from this category. The hook itself may be an overwhelming performance, brilliant staging, a poignant gimmick. Anything that makes an entry stand out from the rest and therefore mobilises the masses to vote.

  • Would have Lordi :fi: 2006 won without the costumes? Doubtful at best.
  • What about Loreen :se: 2012 without the masterful staging? One can only wonder...
  • Or Ruslana :ua: 2004 without the epic choreography? At least it's open to debate.

And then there's this year.
  • Would have Conchita :at: won without the beard? Possibly or even probably not.
  • But does this make it any different from past winners? I don't think so. (see above examples)
  • Is it an unfair advantage? Advatage? Yes. Unfair? Not really, since it doesn't break any rules.
  • Is it morally wrong? Well, personally I wouldn't go into such an ample discussion about such an extensive topic, but since morality is derived from principles defined by society, it certainly is something that can be discussed.

Such a good post.


December 28, 2009
If you ask the juries and EBU Eurovision is about killing EUROpean culture and homogenize it, and to mark English and western superiority.

If you ask parts of the audience, broadcasters aswell as EBU it's also used as an LGBT convention and political propaganda forum.

If you ask me it SHOULD be a music contest showcasing all colors of Europe in music.


May 17, 2013
Cluj, Romania
Eurovision is about feeling the “wow” factor and getting a memorable song that people can hum and keep them entertained for a long time. I still remember songs from the '90. Each tries to obtain that factor through various methods.

Austria had the "wow" factor and also the song was easy to remember, so "wow" factor + memorable song = winner.
Can you honestly remember Finland or Italy's entry? Can you hum that? I don't think so.
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