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What games do you play?


Well-known member
September 28, 2009
You should definitely be proud, CD Projekt RED is already one of the most iconic gaming companies :D


February 9, 2012
This response is late but I’m literally dying inside for Death Stranding. Every trailer for it has blown my mind, and my intrigue for just what the hell it’s about continues to rise. Hideo Kojima is a game making legend and I’m so excited for his first release free from Konami’s chains. I’m confident it’s going to be extraordinary. I’ll probably disappear off the face of this earth for a month come November.

Cyperpunk actually looks really cool as well. I’ve never played The Witcher games, but this futuristic punk theme is closer to my kind of thing, so I’ll likely check it out once it releases.


June 22, 2016
Psichopatų slėnis
Cyperpunk actually looks really cool as well. I’ve never played The Witcher games, but this futuristic punk theme is closer to my kind of thing, so I’ll likely check it out once it releases.

Try last two parts of Deus Ex, if you didn't it before.


February 9, 2012
Try last two parts of Deus Ex, if you didn't it before.

I have actually one of the games ready to download on my Playstation 4. About a year ago it was given away free as one of the monthly PS Plus subscriber games. I just never got round to try it out. Maybe I should play it soon, although I have other games I need to get around to finishing first.

Last thing I played with a futuristic setting and crime solving was a game called Observer, which was really good.


Well-known member
February 14, 2017
There are rumours that The Sims 5 is being developed.
I want to be able to change the colour of stuff again, please xpray
And I want to explore more pyramids, also xpray


March 3, 2014
Just ordered me some Crash Team Racing

If you know you know
[MENTION=9441]RainyWoods[/MENTION] xheat


Well-known member
December 3, 2010
UK - Morocco
which 1 did you preorder? and damn should add me then we can battle :eek: or trade if we have different vers :D


Well-known member
December 27, 2014
which 1 did you preorder? and damn should add me then we can battle :eek: or trade if we have different vers :D

Sword as I said :D We can exchange our Switch codes indeed. xheat


February 9, 2012

[MENTION=13314]DaFlo[/MENTION] What do you think of it so far?


March 3, 2014

[MENTION=13314]DaFlo[/MENTION] What do you think of it so far?

It's lit i'm loving it

Just won my first online race! I don't recommend going online without knowing all tracks and shortcuts tho lmfao many L's were taken

The driving is hard but I'm learning fast, had to switch controls to the alternate ones. Default controls were some hot trash.

Who's your main? I like Coco the most so far (only have like 10 character tho). Her sassy comments xheat They are in German as well, bless. I want those girls from the last grand prix but gotta wait till they come back to the pit stop *sigh*


February 9, 2012
It's lit i'm loving it

Just won my first online race! I don't recommend going online without knowing all tracks and shortcuts tho lmfao many L's were taken

The driving is hard but I'm learning fast, had to switch controls to the alternate ones. Default controls were some hot trash.

Who's your main? I like Coco the most so far (only have like 10 character tho). Her sassy comments xheat They are in German as well, bless. I want those girls from the last grand prix but gotta wait till they come back to the pit stop *sigh*

That's great to hear. Glad it wasn't a bad recommendation.

I love the attention to detail that went into the game. It's crazy. The tracks are gorgeous. Yeah, the learning curve is certainly steep in comparison to say Mario Kart. You need to get comfortable with maintaining boosts, especially the blue or orange flame boosts you get from going over particular jumps and speed boost pads. Once you're familiar with the system and specific tracks, you can essentially hold a strong boost from the moment you get it until the end of the third lap.

Having said that though, I really, REALLY hate the online. It's such a mess and just hasn't been balanced at all for eight players. If you're in a room of good people all around the same skill level, it boils down to who escapes unscathed from the mayhem of the first 30 seconds, and then they get an easy win (often by 20+ seconds) as the person who would be your rival in 2nd place is hit by everything, and is never allowed the chance to catch you up. Add on the fact the game isn't using dedicated servers and holy gosh, I don't think I've raged at a game quite so hard in years. It's absolute balls and they really need to fix their shit, and quick. Invisible bombs, rockets hitting you without the warning sign, the devil's clock hitting everyone on the track, including people BEHIND the person that used it. The gameplay itself is amazing, and Crash Team Racing is so nostalgic for me. Was my favourite game ever when I was a small sprout. The main thing I was looking forward to though was the online play, and I don't want to pop any more blood vessels playing it for now. I'll come out of retirement for you though. I have been turning the game on most days to do the daily challenges anyway.

My boy is Dr. Neo Cortex of course. Like me, he wants the world destroyed. My money is on Tawna being your main once you can get your hands on her.

Also, #Pray4Ana #HotAirSkywayBlues


March 3, 2014
Once you're familiar with the system and specific tracks, you can essentially hold a strong boost from the moment you get it until the end of the third lap.

You one of those pros :-o

If you're in a room of good people all around the same skill level, it boils down to who escapes unscathed from the mayhem of the first 30 seconds, and then they get an easy win (often by 20+ seconds) as the person who would be your rival in 2nd place is hit by everything, and is never allowed the chance to catch you up.

Yes lmao realized that already. It's the same thing in Mario Kart as well. There should be an option to turn items off, I find that more intense tbh to find out who is really the better racer. That's why I love time trials so much, grinding for every mililsecond is the real tea.

Invisible bombs, rockets hitting you without the warning sign, the devil's clock hitting everyone on the track, including people BEHIND the person that used it.

Yoooo I was wondering why I'm randomly getting hit out of nowhere .. IT ALL MAKES SENSE NOW. Honestly the items are the weakest point of the game for me, I find them kinda meh in terms of variety etc. Mario Kart wins in that aspect. I'm glad there's no ranks online, makes me not care much about losing ... yet xd.

My boy is Dr. Neo Cortex of course. Like me, he wants the world destroyed. My money is on Tawna being your main once you can get your hands on her.

Oh Tawna seems cool but I want the Japanese looking one with blue hair idk her name. I think she's the same driver class as Coco as well. Tho I haven't played enough to realize the differences in the classes. The guy with the suit might be another fav of mine.

Is online with friends also as bad as normal online? We gotta have some EscYOUnited classic races xheat Ana you gotta join as well!!


February 9, 2012
You one of those pros :-o

Kind of sort of. I'm working on some Oxide time trials still. A couple left to go. Doing those really help you get better as you learn the best lines to take and the shortcuts obviously.

Yes lmao realized that already. It's the same thing in Mario Kart as well. There should be an option to turn items off, I find that more intense tbh to find out who is really the better racer. That's why I love time trials so much, grinding for every mililsecond is the real tea.

A lot of people are asking for items to be turned off, so maybe it will happen. The kart classes though are terribly balanced. Without weapons you would just face speed with the occasional acceleration character here and there, with half the cast becoming near useless on most tracks. My wish is that they just make adjustments to the weapons. Better tracking on the missiles would be a good start. The reason the person in first is able to get such a huge lead is because the only weapons that can hit them (clocks and blue orbs) hit everyone on the track as well. Meanwhile there's that messy pack of racers behind the leader getting hit by bowling balls and rockets, and not being allowed a second to breathe. The clock pisses me off extra hard as particular jumps become impossible when you're warped by it. My personal favourite is getting hit by a clock when going over a jump, falling, being put back on the track to take the jump again but then miss landing the jump again because you're still messed up by the clock xheart Also fun story to share about the time I was hit by five blue orbs on the final lap of Hot Air Skyway and went from 1st to 3rd right at the last second (game trolling me hard).

Yoooo I was wondering why I'm randomly getting hit out of nowhere .. IT ALL MAKES SENSE NOW. Honestly the items are the weakest point of the game for me, I find them kinda meh in terms of variety etc. Mario Kart wins in that aspect. I'm glad there's no ranks online, makes me not care much about losing ... yet xd.

Yeah, the weapons really are trash. Mario Kart (even with the evil blue shell) >>>>, but everything else about the game I really like. All the free characters, tracks, cars and stuff we're going to continue to get for months as well. The content is so crazyxheat I don't like the grind though. And much LOL at the microtransactions that are being added.

Oh Tawna seems cool but I want the Japanese looking one with blue hair idk her name. I think she's the same driver class as Coco as well. Tho I haven't played enough to realize the differences in the classes. The guy with the suit might be another fav of mine.

Is online with friends also as bad as normal online? We gotta have some EscYOUnited classic races xheat Ana you gotta join as well!!

Oh Megumi you're after. I'm not really into the Trophy Girls, but I'm glad they added them cause the roster literally had one female character, Coco. I like Tawna though.

I don't know about online with friends. You can either have your own room with just the people you invited, or you can join a public lobby together. The connection you experience depends a lot I'm guessing on who is hosting. If your room host has pigeon broadband then good luck.

I'm ranting too hard and spoiling the joy that is the news you now own Crash Team Racing. Let me end this post with a beautiful gif of world leader, Cortex, beautifully spinning his way into your heart.



March 3, 2014
All the free characters, tracks, cars and stuff we're going to continue to get for months as well. The content is so crazyxheat

This !!!11!!1 Mario Kart could never. I want all those character skins xheart

Us when getting hit by invisible items:

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