Re: WSN 156: Tea - Tytöt Tykkää

Welcome to the 2nd ever Horehronian Presidential and Parliamentary elections!
Every nation is welcomed to vote in these elections, first there's an introduction of the politician parties, and after the images there is a description of every of them, on the bottom of this post, there is a how to vote info.
1. BURANOVSKIYE PARTY PARTY - Party for everybody dance.
Vote for us,
this party will take care of fun and there will be enough party for everyone, party for your all life, no more work or anything similar, only party until we bankrupt!
2. DEATH PARTY - Death and taxes for everybody.
Vote for us,
by voting for us, you can be sure that we aren't liars, and that we will do what we promised. Make the taxes higher and higher, and introduce death sentences for all criminals and people unable to pay the taxes.
3. LIME PARTY - Other parties are too mainstream.
Vote for us,
if you are bored of all these mainstream parties. We know nothing what will happen, anyway, who are we to predict that, vote for us and see.
4. MONSTERS PARTY - (Sereclarish Minority party) - Little Monsters Philosophy
Vote for us,
It doesn't matter who you are, all of us should live with happiness in the land of magic. You shouldn't try to be who everyone wants you to be. Nothing is more important than you. You are as free as your hair.
5. RUMSKA PARTIA PRZYJACIÓŁ PIWA (RPPP) - (Rumian Minority party) - Rumian beer lover's party
Vote for us,
it wouldn't be better but for sure it would be funnier, with all that free beer you will get! Only rule: Love the beer!
6. HOREHRONIAN MONARCHY - Rockci Sarpil the true leader of Horehronians
Vote for me,
the one and only true leader of the Horehronian Monarchy. Rockci Sarpil is the current Prime Minister of Horehronieland.
7. LEMON PARTY - (Doirese Minority Party)
Vote for us,
if politics has left you bitter, we will sweeten it up.
8. TURBO PARTY - (Bacchusian Minority Party) - Seka Aleksić, your hope & salvation!
Vote for us,
if you want turbo folk everywhere, a great singer to rule the country and get your hope & salvation!
9. COMMUNIST PARTY - Our Dear Leader Fluttershy
Vote for us,
No more paganism, no religion. No more need to think about anything, we will think about you, don't worry about your work, you will get one as long as you don't ask to get more money than we give you.
10. SALIVA PARTY - (Llama Republic's Minority Party) -
Vote for us,
if you don't want us to spit into your backyard, however you will be able to spit everywhere and on everyone everywhere, and get a llama to spit on you.
11. NORTH HOREHRONIAN ALLY - Kim Jong-Ill & Kim Jong-Well
Vote for us,
No more paganism, no more religion, no need to think, no food. Isn't that nice, there's nothing to worry about, except death.
Vote for us,
if you want pigeon help to find a hidden treasure.
Vote for me,
if you want everything to stay as it is and we get rid of all the old politician terrorists and our entrants that brought us bad results at NSC.
14. HOREHRONIAN DIARCHY - Kristina Pelakova, Rockci Sarpil
Rockci Sarpil: If I can't get my party alone, well I guess sharing it with Kristina Pelakova would be okay.
Kristina Pelakova: I hope people vote this party, if they want changes.
15. PAGANISM PARTY - Chief Zecora
Vote for me,
paganism is the best religion we ever had and nopony will change that to us. Paganism the true religion of Horehronians!
Every country in NSC and the Waiting List is able to vote in the Horehronian presidential and parliamentary elections.
The voting system:
You got 2000 points to give to as much parties as you want, you don't need to be accurate by counting it, it will be fixed by us if your points are over or lower than 2000.
You can give 1 party 2000, or just split it into more parts etc.
01. Buranovskiye Party Party
02. Death Party
03. Lime Party
04. Monsters Party
05. Rumian Beer Lover's Party
06. Horehronian Monarchy
07. Lemon Party
08. Turbo Party
09. Communist Party
10. Saliva Party
11. North Horehronian Ally
12. Pigeon Treasure Hunters Party
13. Horehronian Republic and Democratic Party
14. Horehronian diarchy
15. Paganism Party
You may vote until 20th May 2012, 15:00 CET. (BY SENDING A PRIVATE OR A MSN MESSAGE)
Reci šta ti treba Ljubav preko Fejsa Slikanje i bogzna šta Lajkove mi šalješ hajde teraj dalje Iz te priče nisam ja Fotošopiraš te slike Frajer nema spike Pusti priče bla bla bla Da zgodan si jesi Na pogrešnoj adresi Takve uvek blokiram Meni treba neko stvaran Da me voli da ne vara To je tebi zamenjena teza Oko tebe život gori Hajde dođi pa me voli Ne treba mi virtuelna veza Oko tebe život gori Hajde dođi pa me voli Ne treba mi virtuelna veza Skini se sa Insta Jer ja nisam ista Naložena kao svi Da me ljubi smajli Hajde dalje pali Dođi pa me voli ti Fotošopiraš te slike Frajer nema spike Pusti priče bla bla bla Da zgodan si jesi Na pogrešnoj adresi Takve uvek blokiram Meni treba neko stvaran Da me voli da ne vara To je tebi zamenjena teza Oko tebe život gori Hajde dođi pa me voli Ne treba mi virtuelna veza Oko tebe život gori Hajde dođi pa me voli Ne treba mi virtuelna veza Virtuelna veza , ljubav preko Fejsa Virtuelna veza , ljubav preko Fejsa Virtuelna veza Meni treba neko stvaran Da me voli da ne vara To je tebi zamenjena teza Oko tebe život gori Hajde dođi pa me voli Ne treba mi virtuelna veza | Tell me what you need Love across Facebook Taking photos and God knows what You send me likes Come on move past this I am not from that story You photoshop those photos Dude got no speak Leave the stories blah blah blah You are handsome, yes On the wrong address The ones like you I always block I need someone real To love me and not cheat on me For you that is a replaced thesis Around you life is burning Come on come here and then love me I don't need a virtual relationship Around you life is burning Come on come here and then love me I don't need a virtual relationship Get off from Insta Because I'm not like that I am not into it like everyone To have a smiley kiss me Come on move away Come and love me. You photoshop those photos Dude got no speak Leave the stories blah blah blah You are handsome, yes On the wrong address The ones like you I always block I need someone real To love me and not cheat on me For you that is a replaced thesis Around you life is burning Come on come here and then love me I don't need a virtual relationship Around you life is burning Come on come here and then love me I don't need a virtual relationship Virtual relationship, love across Face(book) Virtual relationship, love across Face(book) Virtual relationship I need someone real To love me and not cheat on me For you that is a replaced thesis Around you life is burning Come on come here and then love me I don't need a virtual relationship |