Great camera work and decent entry (studio verison) but Olly butchered it live - especially the ending was utterly horrendous. The song didn't need that climax - especially since he wasn't able to pull it off vocally.
The staging was absolutely distasteful and tacky - apart from this forum and a few gay pop forums like ukmix or Popjustice, I haven't met a single person who thought that it was a good idea to try to sell the song that way.
I applaud Olly for attempting to create something brave with such performance in front of million of viewers (especially when conserative parts of Europe tuned in) but dunno, I think it would have been more suitable for some MTV awards.
Everything considered (+ other competitive entires and vocally more convincing performances), the 0 pts in televoting weren't even that surprising.
The whole staging was utterly off-putting, unless you're gay and have some sort of urinals in a filthy shower kind of kink.