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The appearance of CHINESE LANGUAGE in the stage of ESC!
The appearance of CHINESE LANGUAGE in the stage of ESC!
not as a song but did you think on pilou's attempt to speak kind-of chinese last year? (many times)
We haven't seen a non-English entry translated with subtitles, shown either on the screen or superimposed on the broadcast....
We haven't seen an entry involving (on stage) or concerning the sauna, something that would surely be popular with us Nordics if it was attempted....
Pretty sure we never had a female rapper, or have we?
More than 6 people!
Anggun (France 2012) is Indonesian.
Triplets, we never had triplets on stage, right? There must be a trio out there that can also sing.
We haven't seen an entry involving roller skates or skateboards on stage. (There might be some very tiny use that i haven't noticed, but nothing major.)
There's never been an entry where the singer gets held up by others to "swim" or just face up while singing, like this:
We haven't seen an entry involving roller skates or skateboards on stage. (There might be some very tiny use that i haven't noticed, but nothing major.)
There's never been choreography involving a "fake slow motion" effects, like at 2:22 in this MF entry:
There's never been a Turkish artist from Cyprus.
An entry with some kind of robot, or video displayed character as a performer, not necessarily without live human performers on stage. Ukraine 2012 had some dancing figures, but they weren't really a major part of it.
An entry using the cameras as a part of the staging, like JEM in Melodifestivalen this year - Ukraine 2011 had a live camera being projected onto the screen, but they didn't move the camera itself in any way.
A male-on-male kiss - surprised there hasn't been one yet, though there might have been one outside of the actual entries.
A female-to-male drag act - really surprised there hasn't been one yet.
A song about an artist's personal experience with mental illness.
I do remember one like this, I can't remember who did it, but I do remember it. Also Greece 2005?
Ukraine 2009, Svetlana had that in her choreo.
bingo!!! also i suppose Latvia 2013 might kinda fit that description, with the crowd surf?