Not that unexpected at all, but so happy. As so many others have already said, finally something fun and different, and in Swedish! And the international support was already MASSIVE.
In fact, this has been pretty much the only song anyone outside of ESC fans have been talking about, along with Tommy Cash, Erika and "Kant", and it hadn't even won MF yet! Sure it's gonna be even crazier now. A win in this weird and in some ways weak year is not totally out of the question, but a top 5 finish seems likely.
As for the results, a jury win would have been more impressive, but it was still remarkably close, and i knew there was no chance Måns was gonna win the televote with everyone talking about KAJ everywhere. I'm almost surprised Måns did as well with televotes as he did, but the competition wasn't that strong and everything was polarized to be between these two entries.
Personally, this ticks a lot of boxes for what i've wanted to see from Sweden - funny, unusual, ethnic, in Swedish, featuring accordion and even rap - all somehow at once. I just hope they don't use this as an excuse to never send any songs with these elements for the next few years!
That being said, musically it's no masterpiece, even the main melody isn't that strong, but they are extremely professional in performing it and i can't wait to see how it will be performed in the ESC.
I can see some changes to be made, maybe simplifying the performance a bit while making it feel even bigger and more impactful - skip minor things like the sausage and the campfire, maybe the entire "night" bit, make the "building" more elaborate and shortening the "rainbow" bit to just the final chorus.
And i still think the song could use a four-bar dance break - there's enough time to fit it without removing anything.
So a bit about the others, first off... i personally really didn't want MånsZHomophobicus to win, of course, but he did an okay performance, his facial expressions looked a bit forced and at one point he sounded out of breath. But why the hell did the juries put Dolly Style so high? Did they find some kind of musical masterpiece in that My Little Pony nightmare that i couldn't notice? Televoters put them way lower, strange.
Scarlet did well, but i was really unengaged by the song and this wasn't their year. I don't really think they should come back next year, artists very seldom do 3 years a row in MF, but i would still like to see some attempts at something similar in the next few years.
Annika Wickihalder is actually one of the best singers to be in MF in recent years, but she's so awkward looking on stage, and the cold, glossy high energy radio pop thing doesn't do her justice. I don't think MF is the right venue for her, it's just not working.
Finally, when Greczula jumped down from the piano, i thought it looked dangerous as hell - imagine if he landed wrongly, broke his feet and just lied there screaming in agony for the rest of the song! I noticed his performance was even more mobile than in the semi. I think he's got potential but the song needed more of a real rock feel, the arrangement sounded outright wimpy when it was supposed to be high energy.
So of course i'm very satisfied with the choice and that's what matters. This really was one of the weakest editions of MF as far as songs go, but that often seems to be a recipe for the right song winning.
It's gonna be really interesting to see if the odds go up or down for Sweden now - were the betters just hoping for Måns to win, or is it just Sweden always leading the odds before they've even chosen their entry?
Now Europe's gonna learn how to count to four in Swedish - Yksi, Kaksi, Kolme, SAUNA!!!!