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Svealand // WV 188 // Tommy Johansson // Fattig Bonddräng // lyrics translation


Mod of All Things
Staff member
January 13, 2010
Trollheimr / Westrobothnia
:svea: :svea: SVEALAND :svea: :svea:


Tommy Johansson - Fattig Bonddräng

Jag är fattig bonddräng men jag lever ändå
Dagar går och kommer medan jag knogar på
Harvar, sår och plöjer, mockar, gräver och bär
Går bak mina oxar, hojtar, visslar och svär

Jag är fattig bonddräng och jag tuggar mitt snus
Och när lörda'n kommer vill jag ta mig ett rus
Sen när jag blitt livad vill jag tampas och slåss
Vila hos en flicka vill jag också förstås

Sen så kommer sönda'n och då vill våran präst
Att jag ska i kyrkan men då sover jag mest
Prästen kan väl sova hela måndagen, men
För en fattig bonddräng börjar knoget igen

Så går hela veckan, alla dagar och år
Jag går med min lie och jag plöjer och sår
Jag kör mina oxar och jag hässjar mitt hö
Harvar, gnor och trälar och till sist ska jag dö

Står där fattig bonddräng invid Himmelens port
Lite rädd och ledsen för de synder jag gjort
Man ska inte supa, hålls med flickor och slåss
Herren Gud i Himlen är väl missnöjd förstås

Men då säger Herren: fattig bonddräng, kom hit!
Jag har sett din strävan och ditt eviga slit
Därför fattig bonddräng är du välkommen här
Därför fattig bonddräng, skall du vara mig när

Och jag fattig bonddräng står så still inför Gud
Och sen klär han på mej den mest snövita skrud
Nu du, fattig bonddräng, är ditt arbete slut
Nu du, fattig bonddräng, nu får du vila ut
I am a poor farmhand, but I'm alive anyway
Days come and go, while I grind away
Harrow, sow and plow, muck, dig and carry
Walk behind my oxen, holler, whistle and swear

I am a poor farmhand and I chew my tobacco
And when Saturday comes I want to get a drink
Then when I get spirited, I want to tussle and fight
Lie with a girl is what I want to do as well, of course

Then Sunday comes and our priest wants me in church
But that is when I sleep the most
The priest can sleep all of Monday, but
For a poor farmhand the grinding starts again

So goes the whole week, every day and year
I walk with my scythe and I plow and sow
I guide my oxen and I pile my hay
Harrow, toil and slave and one day I shall die

Standing there, poor farmhand, before Heaven's gate
A little scared and sorry for the sins I committed
One shall not drink, lie with girls and fight
The Lord, God in Heaven is disappointed, of course

But then the Lord says: poor farmhand, come here!
I've seen your struggle and your neverending toil
Therefore, poor farmhand, you are welcome here
Therefore, poor farmhand, you will be near me

Oh, I, poor farmhand, stand so still before God
And then he dresses me in the whitest of garments
Now, poor farmhand, your work is done
Now, poor farmhand, now is your time to rest


Well-known member
May 22, 2016
Mamanuca Islands, Fiji
Re: Svealand // WV 77 // One More Time // Song Of Fête //

Yuss... ICON xbow Very medieval in mood, definitely the best from them xlove Good luck Anna! xcheer


Mod of All Things
Staff member
January 13, 2010
Trollheimr / Westrobothnia
Re: Svealand // WV 78 // Staffan Hellstrand // Lilla Fågel Blå // Lyrics translation inside

Here's the entry for WV 78! It has a sad backstory in that it's about his childhood friend that was diagnosed with schizophrenia. :(

"Lilla Fågel Blå" - Staffan Hellstrand

Lilla Fågel Blå
Det kallas himlen
Och jag har aldrig varit där
Men när jag ser på alla stjärnor över himlen
Så önskar jag att du var här
Du var så poetisk
Och nu går du i en annan värld
Och jag kan bara säga

Kom tillbaks
Den här världen är så underbar
Kom tillbaks
Hela världen var så underbar
Och det kunde lika gärna varit jag
Lilla fågel blå

Vi var så unga
Och vi kunde inte säga stopp
Fast världen föll som ett korthus
När vi försökte klättra opp
Och vi fick aldrig säga
Hur vi älskade varann
Som bara vänner gör, men

Kom tillbaks
Den här världen är så underbar
Kom tillbaks
Hela världen var så underbar
Och det kunde lika gärna varit jag
Det kunde lika gärna varit jag
Det kunde lika gärna varit jag
Lilla fågel blå

Du var så poetisk
Och nu bor du i en annan värld
Jag tror den kallas himlen
Och jag har aldrig varit där
Men när jag ser på alla stjärnor över himlen
Så önskar jag att du var här
Och nu kan jag bara säga

Kom tillbaks
Den här världen är så underbar
Kom tillbaks
Hela världen var så underbar
Kom tillbaks, kom tillbaks

Kom tillbaks
Hela världen var så underbar
Och det kunde lika gärna varit jag
Det kunde lika gärna varit jag
Det kunde lika gärna varit jag
Lilla fågel blå

Lilla fågel, lilla fågel blå
Lilla fågel, lilla fågel blå
Lilla fågel, lilla fågel blå
Little Bird Blue
It's called heaven
And I have never been there
But when I see all the stars in the sky
Then I wish that you were here
You were so poetic
And now you walk in another world
And I can only say

Come back
This world is so wonderful
Come back
The whole world was so wonderful
And it could just as well have been me
Little bird blue

We were so young
And we couldn't say stop
Though the world fell like a house of cards
When we tried to climb up
And we never got to say
How we loved one another
Like only friends do, but

Come back
This world is so wonderful
Come back
The whole world was so wonderful
And it could just as well have been me
It could just as well have been me
It could just as well have been me
Little bird blue

You were so poetic
And now you live in another world
I think it's called heaven
And I have never been there
But when I see all the stars in the sky
Then I wish that you were here
And now I can only say

Come back
This world is so wonderful
Come back
The whole world was so wonderful
Come back, come back

Come back
The whole world was so wonderful
And it could just as well have been me
It could just as well have been me
It could just as well have been me
Little bird blue

Little bird, little bird blue
Little bird, little bird blue
Little bird, little bird blue



February 9, 2012
Re: Svealand // WV 78 // Staffan Hellstrand // Lilla Fågel Blå // Lyrics translation inside

It made my eyes a bit watery reading the lyrics. They're so sad and such a contrast to the absolutely glorious piece of music. The song is so hopeful though, and there's a certain urgency to it all which just really overwhelms you. It's such a full sound, and a beautiful tribute to his friend he felt like he was losing. I absolutely love this and it's super sweet how you picked it out especially for the edition i'm hosting, knowing how much I adored it. What a songxheat Up there with your Sofia Christmas hitxlove Good luck Annaxcrossed Please slay!


Mod of All Things
Staff member
January 13, 2010
Trollheimr / Westrobothnia
Re: Svealand // WV 78 // Staffan Hellstrand // Lilla Fågel Blå // Lyrics translation inside

It made my eyes a bit watery reading the lyrics. They're so sad and such a contrast to the absolutely glorious piece of music. The song is so hopeful though, and there's a certain urgency to it all which just really overwhelms you. It's such a full sound, and a beautiful tribute to his friend he felt like he was losing. I absolutely love this and it's super sweet how you picked it out especially for the edition i'm hosting, knowing how much I adored it. What a songxheat Up there with your Sofia Christmas hitxlove Good luck Annaxcrossed Please slay!
I'm so glad you love this one as much as I do! xlove xrunhug I had initially planned a whole different entry for this edition, but as soon as it became clear during the WV 77 results that you were the winner, I knew there could only be one song I could send. xrose Oh my, a Julkortet-worthy favorite? xheat


Mod of All Things
Staff member
January 13, 2010
Trollheimr / Westrobothnia
Re: Svealand // WV 79 // Johan Söderqvist // Ledmotiv ur Agnes Cecilia //

The entry for WV 79 is a piece of music that's been with me for about 25-26 years now. It's the main theme from Agnes Cecilia - En Sällsam Historia, one of my all-time favorite movies based on one of my all-time favorite books by Maria Gripe. The music is just as hauntingly beautiful as the movie (and the book), and it's a joy to share this with you. I put together this video with clips from the movie, so I hope you enjoy. :)

"Ledmotiv ur Agnes Cecilia" - Johan Söderqvist


Mod of All Things
Staff member
January 13, 2010
Trollheimr / Westrobothnia
Re: Svealand // WV 80 // Nordman // I Midsommartid //

Here's the entry for WV 80. Seeing as it was Midsummer's this past weekend, I thought it would be a fitting song to send this time of year. :) The last 25 seconds or so, a herding call can be heard. It's an ancient Swedish vocalization technique (known as kulning) that young women used back in the day to call their cattle/herd home.

"I Midsommartid" - Nordman

I Midsommartid
Öppna dörren så går vi ut
Det ljusnar och vinden är varm
I ångande jord förvandlas det liv
Som gömdes i mörkrets tid

Hör bjällror klingar vid sjön
När lockropen stiger mot skyn
Och där bland blommande rönn
Går hjorden så makligt och lugnt ner till byn

Öppna dörren, se ängens ljus
Där älvorna dansat i natt
De strödde sin skatt
Små pärlor av glas
På tuvor och blek konvalj

Se solen letar sig fram
Och daggen blir vågor av guld
Det väcker något till liv
Som sov i en längtan att sona sin skuld

Öppna dörren så går vi ut
Det ljusnar och allt är ju här
Som vintern har fött
I dag har vi mött
Det löfte som ljuset bär

Det blev ristat i sten
Det tecken vi skulle förstå
Så bär det inom dig nu
Och låt det berätta om visdom och frid
In the Time of Midsummer
Open the door and let's step out
It brightens and the wind is warm
In steaming earth all life is transformed
That hid in times of darkness

Hear bells clang by the lake
As herding calls rise towards the sky
And there amongst blooming rowan
The herd moves unhurriedly down to the village

Open the door, see the meadow's light
Where elves danced this night
They sprinkled their treasure
Little pearls of glass
On lily of the valley tufts

See the sun breaking through
And dew becoming waves of gold
It brings something to life
That slept in the longing for atonement

Open the door and let's step out
It brightens and everything's here
That winter brought forth
Today we have met
The promise that light brings

It got carved into stone
The sign we should understand
So carry it within you now
And let it tell you of wisdom and peace


Well-known member
January 23, 2013
Oldenburg, Germany
Re: Svealand // WV 80 // Nordman // I Midsommartid //


funny you mention "kulning" right now, because just today I got to know about this vocal style during my researches for a presentation for my Swedish course


Mod of All Things
Staff member
January 13, 2010
Trollheimr / Westrobothnia
Re: Svealand // WV 80 // Nordman // I Midsommartid //


funny you mention "kulning" right now, because just today I got to know about this vocal style during my researches for a presentation for my Swedish course
Oh nice! :D I actually taught myself how to do kulning several years ago (or rather, I figured out the technique), but seeing as it's such a... loud... vocalization, it isn't just something one can practice wherever, whenever. :lol:

Here's another great one:



Mod of All Things
Staff member
January 13, 2010
Trollheimr / Westrobothnia
Re: Svealand // WV 81 // Mando Diao // Strövtåg i Hembygden //

Here's the WV 81 entry, something I've thought about sending for about 4 years now, but wanted to make sure I loved it enough to send it.
The lyrics are a poem by Gustaf Fröding (one of the most iconic and famous poets in Sweden) from the 1890s.

"Strövtåg i Hembygden" - Mando Diao

[MENTION=12837]JamieBrown[/MENTION] you're welcome! :D


Mod of All Things
Staff member
January 13, 2010
Trollheimr / Westrobothnia
Re: Svealand // WV 82 // Björn Isfält // Höga Gärdet //

The lovely entry chosen by our very own [MENTION=10742]daniels1000[/MENTION] xrose is a piece of music incredibly well known to most Swedes, as it's from one of the most beloved Swedish movies of all time, Änglagård (and its sequel Änglagård: Andra Sommaren). The music (and the movie) perfectly encapsulates Sweden in every way.

"Höga Gärdet" - Björn Isfält



Well-known member
March 29, 2012
Re: Svealand // WV 82 // Björn Isfält // Höga Gärdet //

Bless this wonderful score xbow

It's a big pleasure being your secret juror xheat

Good luck xheart


Mod of All Things
Staff member
January 13, 2010
Trollheimr / Westrobothnia
Re: Svealand // WV 83 // Sarek // Solen Glimmar //

The entry for WV 83 is a gem from the 1700s, written by Carl Michael Bellman. Probably the most famous songwriter (of popular songs) of the 18th century in Sweden. His songs are still incredibly popular and frequently sung, 230 years later.

"Solen Glimmar" - Sarek



Mod of All Things
Staff member
January 13, 2010
Trollheimr / Westrobothnia
Re: Svealand // WV 84 // Ted Gärdestad // För Kärlekens Skull //

The WV 84 entry was chosen by dear [MENTION=9441]RainyWoods[/MENTION]. Bless him for his beautiful choice. xlove xrunhug

This year it's 20 years since Ted Gärdestad took his own life. :( He was incredibly loved by all of Sweden and he had blessed us with so many great songs over the decades. This would be his last single, released only a few years before he died.

"För Kärlekens Skull" - Ted Gärdestad

xlove xcry1xlove


February 9, 2012
Re: Svealand // WV 84 // Ted Gärdestad // För Kärlekens Skull //

It was a pleasure and honour to be offered such a big chance to pick your entry. I loved Ted from the first moment you introduced me to him many moons ago, and I was surprised actually that I opted for a song like this one when it was his sort of awesome 70s folk pop numbers and such that I fell in love with initially. I just couldn't deny how "För Kärlekens Skull" was making me feel. My emotion senses were tingling, and when that happens I have to listen.

The song is even sadder when you read about Ted's life story. "För Kärlekens Skull" was a fitting last single to release and be remembered by. All week long i've been listening to a different version of the song, which i'm guessing was put together at a much later date in tribute. It strips away the 90s production and turns it into a full blown Antony and the Johnsons-esque chamber pop ballad. It snaps my heart in two. I really needed a song like this in my life at this current moment in time, so I gotta thank you hard for it. I think I have a new favourite Svealand entry. Sorry Sofia Karlsson.

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