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Svealand // WV 188 // Tommy Johansson // Fattig Bonddräng // lyrics translation


Mod of All Things
Staff member
January 13, 2010
Trollheimr / Westrobothnia
:svea: :svea: SVEALAND :svea: :svea:


Tommy Johansson - Fattig Bonddräng

Jag är fattig bonddräng men jag lever ändå
Dagar går och kommer medan jag knogar på
Harvar, sår och plöjer, mockar, gräver och bär
Går bak mina oxar, hojtar, visslar och svär

Jag är fattig bonddräng och jag tuggar mitt snus
Och när lörda'n kommer vill jag ta mig ett rus
Sen när jag blitt livad vill jag tampas och slåss
Vila hos en flicka vill jag också förstås

Sen så kommer sönda'n och då vill våran präst
Att jag ska i kyrkan men då sover jag mest
Prästen kan väl sova hela måndagen, men
För en fattig bonddräng börjar knoget igen

Så går hela veckan, alla dagar och år
Jag går med min lie och jag plöjer och sår
Jag kör mina oxar och jag hässjar mitt hö
Harvar, gnor och trälar och till sist ska jag dö

Står där fattig bonddräng invid Himmelens port
Lite rädd och ledsen för de synder jag gjort
Man ska inte supa, hålls med flickor och slåss
Herren Gud i Himlen är väl missnöjd förstås

Men då säger Herren: fattig bonddräng, kom hit!
Jag har sett din strävan och ditt eviga slit
Därför fattig bonddräng är du välkommen här
Därför fattig bonddräng, skall du vara mig när

Och jag fattig bonddräng står så still inför Gud
Och sen klär han på mej den mest snövita skrud
Nu du, fattig bonddräng, är ditt arbete slut
Nu du, fattig bonddräng, nu får du vila ut
I am a poor farmhand, but I'm alive anyway
Days come and go, while I grind away
Harrow, sow and plow, muck, dig and carry
Walk behind my oxen, holler, whistle and swear

I am a poor farmhand and I chew my tobacco
And when Saturday comes I want to get a drink
Then when I get spirited, I want to tussle and fight
Lie with a girl is what I want to do as well, of course

Then Sunday comes and our priest wants me in church
But that is when I sleep the most
The priest can sleep all of Monday, but
For a poor farmhand the grinding starts again

So goes the whole week, every day and year
I walk with my scythe and I plow and sow
I guide my oxen and I pile my hay
Harrow, toil and slave and one day I shall die

Standing there, poor farmhand, before Heaven's gate
A little scared and sorry for the sins I committed
One shall not drink, lie with girls and fight
The Lord, God in Heaven is disappointed, of course

But then the Lord says: poor farmhand, come here!
I've seen your struggle and your neverending toil
Therefore, poor farmhand, you are welcome here
Therefore, poor farmhand, you will be near me

Oh, I, poor farmhand, stand so still before God
And then he dresses me in the whitest of garments
Now, poor farmhand, your work is done
Now, poor farmhand, now is your time to rest


Mod of All Things
Staff member
January 13, 2010
Trollheimr / Westrobothnia
Re: Svealand | // Svea Gästabud // WorldVision 02 NF // DDL 28th September 23:59 //

Re-posting for the new page (though, it's also posted in the top post of the first page)

:svea: Svea Gästabud :svea:
WorldVision 02


Dalhalla, Dalarna

Lena Willemark.......................Joacim Cans

01 "Mio Min Mio" - Gemini
Music: Benny Andersson
Lyrics: Björn Ulvaeus

Written for the 1987 fantasy film "Mio In The Land Of Faraway" based on the children's novel "Mio Min Mio" by Astrid Lindgren, starring Christian Bale and Christopher Lee among others. Gemini is a duo consisting of the Scanian siblings Anders Glenmark and Karin Glenmark, though Anders Glenmark has lived in Stockholm through most of his career and lives there still. They competed in Melodifestivalen in 1984 with "Kall Som Is".

02 "Beatrice" - Kalle Moraeus
Music: Benny Andersson
Lyrics: Björn Ulvaeus

Written in 1991 for Kalle Moraeus for his first solo album. Also recorded and released by Sofia Källgren in 1992. Kalle Moraeus, the height-challenged and cheerful Dalecarlian fiddler has competed in Melodifestivalen in 2010 with "Underbart".

03 "Klinga Mina Klockor" - Önskekören
Music: Benny Andersson
Lyrics: Björn Ulvaeus

Written in 1987 for one of Benny Andersson's folk music solo albums. Önskekören (sort of meaning "The Dream Choir") consisted of the Swedish female artist elite at the time: Una Andersson, Eva Dahlgren, Yvonne Erlandsson, Monica Forsberg, Ingela "Pling" Forsman, Karin Glenmark, Maritza Horn, Anna-Lotta Larsson, Mia Lindgren, Johanna Lundberg, Anni-Frid Lyngstad, Siw Malmkvist, Nanne Grönvall, Diana Nunez, Lena Philipsson, AnneLie Rydé, Barbro "Lill-Babs" Svensson, Monica Svensson, Pernilla Wahlgren, Angelique Widengren and Liza Öhman. Several of them have competed in Melodifestivalen on numerous occasions.

04 "Anthem" - Tommy Körberg
Music: Benny Andersson
Lyrics: Björn Ulvaeus and Tim Rice

Written in 1986 for Björn & Benny's musical Chess, which had stars like Elaine Paige, Murray Head and Barbara Dickson in its original line-up along with Tommy Körberg. Many other male vocalists have performed Anthem since, Josh Groban being one of them, but it was written with Tommy Körberg in mind and he will always be its original performer. Tommy Körberg has competed in Melodifestivalen in 1969 with "Judy Min Vän" and in 1988 with "Stad I Ljus", both of which represented Sweden in the Eurovision Song Contest.

05 "Story Of A Heart" - Benny Andersson Band
Music: Benny Andersson
Lyrics: Björn Ulvaeus

Written in 2009 for Benny's current project which is known as Benny Anderssons Orkester (or BAO) in Sweden, but as they are trying to get recognition internationally they've opted for Benny Andersson Band for the non-Swedish speaking audience. The band consists of (apart from Benny Andersson) Helen Sjöholm, Tommy Körberg, Kalle Moraeus, members from Orsa Spelmän and others.

01 Gemini - Mio Min Mio
02 Kalle Moraeus - Beatrice
03 Önskekören - Klinga Mina Klockor
04 Tommy Körberg - Anthem
05 Benny Andersson Band - Story Of A Heart

Send your votes by PM.
Deadline 28th September at 23:59 CET.

Vote in the following fashion:
:7: :5: :3: :2: :1:

Thank you! :D

Votes received:
:kr: :sc: :bg: :no:rl :za:gr :ie: :pt: :rs: :lv: :ma: ::herz ::uusi :cy: :ar:


Mod of All Things
Staff member
January 13, 2010
Trollheimr / Westrobothnia
Re: Svealand | // Svea Gästabud // WorldVision 02 NF // DDL 28th September 23:59 //

Confirmed votes so far:
:kr: :sc: :bg: :no:rl :za:gr :ie: :pt: :rs: :lv: :ma:

Current score:
#1 - 48 points
#2 - 39 points
#3 - 37 points
#4 - 31 points
#5 - 25 points

A HUGE thank you to everyone who has voted so far! :D


Mod of All Things
Staff member
January 13, 2010
Trollheimr / Westrobothnia
Re: Svealand | // Svea Gästabud // WorldVision 02 NF // DDL 28th September 23:59 //

Thank you to ::herz for voting! :D

A favorite has definitely emerged, but a few more votes could easily tip the scale the other way.


Well-known member
March 27, 2010
Re: Svealand | // Svea Gästabud // WorldVision 02 NF // DDL 28th September 23:59 //

:ar: Voted!


Mod of All Things
Staff member
January 13, 2010
Trollheimr / Westrobothnia
Re: Svealand | // Svea Gästabud // WorldVision 02 NF // VOTING CLOSED //

The voting is closed! We have a winner! :D

A HUGE thank you to everyone who took the time to vote. :D You guys are the best! xcheer


Mod of All Things
Staff member
January 13, 2010
Trollheimr / Westrobothnia
Re: Svealand | // Svea Gästabud // WorldVision 02 NF // VOTING CLOSED //

Results in order:

01 "Story Of A Heart" - Benny Andersson Band - 71 points
02 "Anthem" - Tommy Körberg - 60 points
03 "Beatrice" - Kalle Moraeus - 53 points
04 "Klinga Mina Klockor" - Önskekören - 46 points
05 "Mio Min Mio" - Gemini - 40 points

Congrats to the winner. :D It was a clear favorite by the time the third voter came around and remained at the top throughout the entire voting process.

The biggest shocker for me was my number one favorite - Mio Min Mio - being basically rejected across the board, save a couple of voters :lol:. It's been one of my all-time favorite songs for 24-25 years now.


Well-known member
March 23, 2012
Re: Svealand | // Svea Gästabud // WorldVision 02 NF // VOTING CLOSED //

It was not my main favorite, but still it's a great song.
Good luck! xcheer


Active member
March 8, 2011
Re: Svealand | // Svea Gästabud // WorldVision 02 NF // VOTING CLOSED //

I'm extremely happy that my fave won xyaaay Gotta love the abba-esque vibe in it xbow
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