Time for me to review the Serbian song this year
Bojana Stamenov - Beauty Never Lies
Status: ok
Song: Well, the first thing that shocked me there is that Serbia went for English for the first time ever in the contest, which I'm not happy with tbh. I understand that the message of the song is important but I listened to the Serbian version and it flows so much better, that's a shame. Even Bojana said she liked the Serbian one better because the lyrics were much more personal to her. Actually, the English lyrics are kinda cringeworthy to me, I know Eurovision isn't known for amazing lyrics but these are too superficial for such an important subject matter. Bojana explains the theme well during interviews however. Music-Wise, it's kind of a let down too because it sounds too Eurovision-y for my taste, I mean I enjoy the song but I don't really like it either. I think the issue I have with this entry lies in the arrangements that seem too simplistic and -dare I say - cheap. The transition from the slow part to the upbeat one is odd imo, it reminds me of the last minute of "Crisalide" as if they couldn't help including a falsely epic end to the song. I'm still very skeptical about the song, it reminds me too much a those disposable songs we had lots of some years ago.
Voice: Bojana's ruling. Her voice is amazing and one can tell her music style is soul/gospel, it shows through during the upbeat part. I think that she sells the song well and at least she's able to showcase her voice, her performance were simply fantastic, she set the stage on fire! So much energy! To me bad for me that the song seems far from being good enough considering her talent.
Staging: After the lyrics and the arrangements, I also found the staging cheesy with the change of clothes and the "let's go crazy, let's be ourselves" mood: kind of over the top if you ask me. Imo it was useless to do that, they could have done something better visually.
Outcome: Well, I didn't expect Serbia to do so well eventually, I thought they would have reached a mid placing again but no. I'm happy for Bojana because she rocked! But it's certainly not a song I'll remember in a positive way (cf. what I wrote above). In my personal ranking, Serbia is placed very low unfortunately, I guess Serbian language would have helped it get higher for me. Anyway, I'm glad that you're back and hope that'll keep on sending interesting artists. Please get back to Serbian though