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SERBIA 2013 - Moje 3 - Ljubav je svuda

How do you rate the entry?

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    49 19.8%
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    12 4.9%
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    25 10.1%
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    54 21.9%

  • Total voters


Well-known member
April 14, 2012
There's something very swedish about this song. Reminds me of Feminnem 2005 which I loved. This is also pretty good. I think you need to understand this kind of style to appreciate it. Yes, it's complete camp, but it's so cute as well.
The song has a nice melody and I don't get all the hate for it :confused:
People hate it because they used to get amazing songs from Serbia every year and this year we sent an average dance song :D


December 28, 2009
People hate it because they used to get amazing songs from Serbia every year and this year we sent an average dance song :D

The only way I could tolerate this is if they totally revamp it to a turbo-folk track... otherwise no ;)


Well-known member
September 28, 2009
I still hardly believe that this one didn't win:

The song is far superior to this lemonade. It just has everything, including the head and the tail. This one has nothing.

Also, Dusan is such a great guy. I took a pic of me with him (my FB friends can see it at any time :D) and he was so totally relaxed. He wasn't sorry that he didn't win.

Sadly, if we had "Lane Moje"in the selection it would still lose to this song, that is clear. Actually, not the song but the name(s)......


Well-known member
March 21, 2010
Gvozd, Croatia
You guys really made a huge mistake with your choice.
In just 5 days, Spas became my third all time most played song ever in my account. Such a beautiful and powerful song. xheart
I feel sorry for girls, they're amazing, but winning with this kind of sh*t... xpuke


Active member
February 8, 2011
I still hardly believe that this one didn't win:

The song is far superior to this lemonade. It just has everything, including the head and the tail. This one has nothing.

Also, Dusan is such a great guy. I took a pic of me with him (my FB friends can see it at any time :D) and he was so totally relaxed. He wasn't sorry that he didn't win.

Sadly, if we had "Lane Moje"in the selection it would still lose to this song, that is clear. Actually, not the song but the name(s)......

still cant believe it either!!!!!!!!what to say.......I understand that if someone is super famous like the girls, this is a huge boost when voting comes, but really is it possible to choose a weak song over a very good song...?


Well-known member
September 28, 2009
still cant believe it either!!!!!!!!what to say.......I understand that if someone is super famous like the girls, this is a huge boost when voting comes, but really is it possible to choose a weak song over a very good song...?

As I said, "Molitva" and "Lane moje" wouldn't win the competition if they were in the selection together with Moje 3. Actually, this showed that after one of the popular acts from nearly finished X Factor and Idol kind of shows enters the NF it will win it regardless of the song. And if they unite, well that is even a bigger number of voters and votes in general. On last two NFs we had acts from those shows as the winners of the televoting with a record number of votes. One would think that the songs are awesome and I personally don't know which one is more crappier - the song of OT Band from Beovizija 2009 or this one from Moje 3. That is a shame...........

And not only was Dusan's song better. I think that all the finalists would've been a better choice. My personal favorite was this one:

This song is pure art. Especially the arrangement. It would've been a risky choice maybe, but something different from :rs: and way more stylish than this crappy song.

You guys really made a huge mistake with your choice.
In just 5 days, Spas became my third all time most played song ever in my account. Such a beautiful and powerful song. xheart
I feel sorry for girls, they're amazing, but winning with this kind of sh*t... xpuke

That is exactly how I feel as well. As much as I like all 3 of them, I have gasses when I hear the song. IMO, it is the worst one that we ever sent. Even "Cipela"was better for me.


March 3, 2011
Cyprus / Oussou Empire
As I said, "Molitva" and "Lane moje" wouldn't win the competition if they were in the selection together with Moje 3. Actually, this showed that after one of the popular acts from nearly finished X Factor and Idol kind of shows enters the NF it will win it regardless of the song. And if they unite, well that is even a bigger number of voters and votes in general. On last two NFs we had acts from those shows as the winners of the televoting with a record number of votes. One would think that the songs are awesome and I personally don't know which one is more crappier - the song of OT Band from Beovizija 2009 or this one from Moje 3. That is a shame...........

This is something similar to what happened to our NFs in 2009 and 2010 :lol:

2009 - They chose Christina Metaxa whose brother was the runner up of Greek X Factor 1 (I think the show just finished by then, or it was in the final stages) and composed her the song (well, he is extremely talented guy, but she was just his cute young sister who had never sung in the past). Although there wasn't something better in that NF as I remember.

2010 - Hovig Demirjian who had just got eliminated from the Greek X Factor 2 and was popular among girls came 2nd in televoting with an awful song. He would win televoting if it wasn't "Life Looks Better in Spring" out of nowhere that won both juries and televoting.

So this happens everywhere :lol:


April 23, 2012
This song has grown so much in me these last days.. And it's almost on replay - "Malo volim malo ne volim" :D


Active member
October 2, 2009
Wondering if I will ever get over of that you didn't send Spas :(


February 17, 2012
You know what, guys?

I was the first one to criticize Serbian NF and there really is so many things that are simply... wrong with the winning song... Choreography and arrangements to begin with. However, I am glad that Moje 3 won over Dušan Svilar. Don't get me wrong, he is a good singer, but I am really sick and tired of all these male Željko wannabes with these average songs... This perpetual recycling of "Lane moje". Enough already.


ESC Moderator
March 27, 2010
You know what, guys?

I was the first one to criticize Serbian NF and there really is so many things that are simply... wrong with the winning song... Choreography and arrangements to begin with. However, I am glad that Moje 3 won over Dušan Svilar. Don't get me wrong, he is a good singer, but I am really sick and tired of all these male Željko wannabes with these average songs... This perpetual recycling of "Lane moje". Enough already.

It seems to be that Serbians are sick of Zeljko type songs, but the rest of Europe can't get enough. Personally I would have Serbia send those type of songs almost every year. They never fail to deliver. Dusan's song is anything but average.
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