Time for me to review the Romanian song this year
Voltaj - All over again
Status: Nice
Song: First of all, I have to say MAJOR KUDOS to Romania for singing most of the song in Romanian - thank you because it sounds so much better and it should have been sung entirely in your language imo - and MAJOR KUDOS for bringing such a poignant subject matter on the table: the very sad situation lots of people from Romanian diaspora face because men and women are forced to go, live and work abroad to earn money for their family while their grandparents and children are unfortunately left alone in Romania. Even though I'm not Romanian by any means, this is a theme that moves me a lot, I've watched lots of documentaries about it and that situation truly saddens me

So again thank you for talking about it in music. Now musically, I think the melody is rather nice, the arrangements are very simple and the chorus is of course the most striking part of the song. I don't know why but, even if I liked it a lot when I first listened to it, I feel like the more I listen to it, the less it appeals to me.

which is a shame considering the theme of the song.
Voice: I like the singer's voice and one can tell he's experienced. I guess it serves the purpose of the entry. But he should have definitely scrapped the last part in English, which is underwhelming to me. Apart from that, his performances were really good, nothing more to add.
Staging: I loved the pictures in the background, I felt touched when watching it
Outcome: Not a bad result actually, yes it's mid-scoreboard but I expected it to bomb like Cyprus and Hungary tbh. So I'm rather glad for them because I totally dig the theme even though I like the music less and less. So no wonder Romania is kinda low in my personal ranking

Nonetheless, it was a great effort from Romania. I guess no one expected ballads from Romania and Greece this year

Well, see you next year Romania