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Portugal PORTUGAL 2017 - Salvador Sobral - Amar pelos dois

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January 29, 2017
Porto, Portugal
omg I had no reaction when it happened ... SO MUCH JOY NOW !! Such an overwhelming victory, both juries and televotes, even bigger than Rybak oh my... I guess no one can complain this was undeserved :lol:

This one is for you António Calvário, Simone de Oliveira, Tonicha, Paulo de Carvalho, Manuela Bravo, José Cid, Carlos Paião, Armando Gama, Maria Guinot, Dulce Pontes, Anabela, Sara Tavares, Lúcia Moniz, Rita Guerra, Vânia Fernandes xheatxheartxheartxheartxheartxheart


ESC Moderator
March 27, 2010
I could have never in a million years have predicted this happening. I remember @lavieenrose being like to me "You've got to hear this song", and there was this peculiar guy on stage, singing this beautiful jazz ballad, as one with the song. It was like Chet Baker had been reborn and was singing to a lost track from Billie Holiday's "Lady In Satin". I cried the very first time I heard it, and gasped in wonderment at what I was experiencing. I'm a weird and overly sentimental person. I thought i'd be the only person on the forum who would fall in love with this song, and relate to it in this way, but then crazy things started to happen. People were appreciating this guy singing jazz, the most unpopular and unhip genre of music imaginable. "Amar Pelos Dois" was reaching people. It won it's national final. Ok, not too big a shock (as you are awesome people), but at that moment then, the Portuguese people had already gifted me my new all time favourite Eurovision song.... but it was just bizarre to see the song climb and climb with the bookies, Eurofans going wild for something without glitter and fireworks. Just a piano and strings jazz ballad performed in an almost unconventional manner.

The victory tonight was nothing short of astounding. First with the jury vote AND first with the public! Europe championed jazz, it championed sincerity, it championed music in it's purest form. Europe for one night threw away preconceptions about how a song should be performed. Salvador just stood there and sung his song. He lived those three minutes, and in true Jazz musician style, it was different to the other times he performed "Amar Pelos Dois". He and his sister Luisa brought something very honest and raw back to the contest, and you people ate it up. I can't quite believe it. My faith in humanity has been restored.

I invited my mother down for the results. I was kind of naughty in that this time I didn't tell her the show was on, as I felt so embarrassed when I cried in front of her before. I watched Salvador by myself, then was like "Oh, Eurovision is on mother":rolleyes: Bad boy, but we watched the results together and both screamed when Portugal won. I couldn't even cry. I was just in shock and filled with so many emotions. I hope you understand how much you deserve this moment Portugal. You have been with us all these years, and have never sold out. You've just won Eurovision by a landslide, doing it with your hearts, and in the most surprising and unconventional way ever.

Salvador's winning speech was cheeky, but he earned it. I burst out laughing as he basically (perhaps accidentally) shaded every other competitor tonight. It's 2017 but we can still do things with our hearts, and we've just been handed an evergreen that will never go out of fashion, because music isn't fashion. It's our hearts and our souls. There will always be a time when someone needs this song in their life. Music helps me a lot, and this song and introduction to Salvador has been life enriching for me. I've been feeding off it for the past few months, and it means a ridiculous amount to me. Thank you Portugal, and a huge congratulations to our Portuguese friends here on the forum.

I've never left my country before, and I have a whole lot of problems that would make it difficult, but gosh, i've never been more tempted to travel in my life. Slay us next yearxheart Big love to you all.


I would just like to say, that I have also never left the UK before due to mental and physical issues, but my brother promised we would go to Portugal next year. Maybe we'll finally meet and celebrate the reason that Portugal are hosting?

I was in tears, I was screaming....I almost had a breakdown. It was all worth it. One of the greatest winners I've ever heard. So many haters attacking anyone who likes this song, but in the end talent triumphed. Congrats to Salvador and Luisa.

Don't know what else to add. Just...incredible.


January 29, 2017
Porto, Portugal
Come throuuuugh MEO Arena xheat



Well-known member
May 11, 2016
I could have never in a million years have predicted this happening. I remember [MENTION=14007]lavieenrose[/MENTION] being like to me "You've got to hear this song", and there was this peculiar guy on stage, singing this beautiful jazz ballad, as one with the song. It was like Chet Baker had been reborn and was singing to a lost track from Billie Holiday's "Lady In Satin". I cried the very first time I heard it, and gasped in wonderment at what I was experiencing. I'm a weird and overly sentimental person. I thought i'd be the only person on the forum who would fall in love with this song, and relate to it in this way, but then crazy things started to happen. People were appreciating this guy singing jazz, the most unpopular and unhip genre of music imaginable. "Amar Pelos Dois" was reaching people. It won it's national final. Ok, not too big a shock (as you are awesome people), but at that moment then, the Portuguese people had already gifted me my new all time favourite Eurovision song.... but it was just bizarre to see the song climb and climb with the bookies, Eurofans going wild for something without glitter and fireworks. Just a piano and strings jazz ballad performed in an almost unconventional manner.

The victory tonight was nothing short of astounding. First with the jury vote AND first with the public! Europe championed jazz, it championed sincerity, it championed music in it's purest form. Europe for one night threw away preconceptions about how a song should be performed. Salvador just stood there and sung his song. He lived those three minutes, and in true Jazz musician style, it was different to the other times he performed "Amar Pelos Dois". He and his sister Luisa brought something very honest and raw back to the contest, and you people ate it up. I can't quite believe it. My faith in humanity has been restored.

I invited my mother down for the results. I was kind of naughty in that this time I didn't tell her the show was on, as I felt so embarrassed when I cried in front of her before. I watched Salvador by myself, then was like "Oh, Eurovision is on mother":rolleyes: Bad boy, but we watched the results together and both screamed when Portugal won. I couldn't even cry. I was just in shock and filled with so many emotions. I hope you understand how much you deserve this moment Portugal. You have been with us all these years, and have never sold out. You've just won Eurovision by a landslide, doing it with your hearts, and in the most surprising and unconventional way ever.

Salvador's winning speech was cheeky, but he earned it. I burst out laughing as he basically (perhaps accidentally) shaded every other competitor tonight. It's 2017 but we can still do things with our hearts, and we've just been handed an evergreen that will never go out of fashion, because music isn't fashion. It's our hearts and our souls. There will always be a time when someone needs this song in their life. Music helps me a lot, and this song and introduction to Salvador has been life enriching for me. I've been feeding off it for the past few months, and it means a ridiculous amount to me. Thank you Portugal, and a huge congratulations to our Portuguese friends here on the forum.

I've never left my country before, and I have a whole lot of problems that would make it difficult, but gosh, i've never been more tempted to travel in my life. Slay us next yearxheart Big love to you all.


Lot's of love to you my friend!

Thank you! Thank you!!


Super Moderator
Staff member
March 20, 2014
In the arena tonight, when Salvador sang the song with Luisa at the end, everyone was in tears, including myself. It was a perfect ending to an incredible show and truly a deserving winner. I wasn't a huge fan before this week but seeing it live completely blew me away. I'm overjoyed that my first ever live Eurovision final ended with such joy, I wouldn't change a thing. See you all in Portugal next year xlove


WorldVision Mod 🌻
Staff member
October 16, 2011
Congratulations Portugal! :) It is nice when a country that waited so long to win finally does it ^^


Active member
March 17, 2013
The best song won. That's about all I have to say about it, but the performance speaks for itself. My non-ESC fan friends were also impressed. It took 49 tries to get a top 5, but how they did it.


Well-known member
February 5, 2011
Anyone else who knew it would win when the very first country (Sweden) gave it 12?


Active member
March 15, 2011
Bydgoszcz, Poland
When he won Festival da Cancao I loved his song and thought: "Wow it's so touching, pure and beautiful, I love it! God I hope he won't finish bottom 5" :D "He won. Sorry I underestimated you Europe. I cried during the reprise. I really didn't think he can actually win until the middle of televote results announcing! After the jury vote I was like "Ok televoting, it will probably be much lower..."but it wasn't. Millions of people were touched as well so it makes me really happy song like that won. Of course huge congratulations guys, first to fans. I can only imagine how much it means to you and how happy you must be after decades of being underrated! Sending many great songs but never reaching top5 before. It was crazy. Never lose hope though. Also of course to all Portuguese people. To his whole team and the awesome siblings themselves. Luisa, what a lovely, funny, kind, and very talented woman, who composed this song and for Salvador who interpret it so beautifully xheart


March 17, 2015
Now it's my turn to write a long, cliche-ish congratulations, haha xheart

First. Portugal and portugese eurovision fans; I am so happy for you! It is great that Portugal finally, after 49 times and many great songs, got your moment to shine! It was an very obvious victory with over 700 points and no one can come and say that this wasn't deserved!
Second. Congratulations to the wonderful Salvador and his sister Luisa, and thank you for giving me the chance to experience this amazing winner song. It is so beautiful and so emotional. xheart I am looking forward to see how next years contest will be and I am sure already it's going to be amazing!


May 19, 2013
I cant believe we won with this song. I'm glad people enjoyed it, but not me. I really wanted to love our first winner, I guess it wasn't meant to be.

Still, congratulations to him. And people need to hate less on him winning, especially on youtube. A lot of awful comments. Also Portugal buying votes? We're talking about a channel that's close to bankrupt, we dont have time for that kind of crap.


February 7, 2010
Scotland & Moisantia
Congratulations Portugal, but I really hope that ESC 2018 isn't the first time we have 42 snoozefests... I worry that this could spell an influx of "arty, classical" songs that all sound like they're stuck in a cheesy old movie from the 50s/60s.

Eurovision needs variety and needs songs like Moldova & Sweden - let's keep the variety pretty please xpray


May 19, 2013
I guess Salvador is embarassed that the portuguese public awarded 12 points to Moldova... lol


Well-known member
February 25, 2011
Just came here to say congratulations to Portugal :-) A well-deserved victory.


Well-known member
December 27, 2014
I would respect more if Salvador did not throw shit on all the other participants just because they use fireworks.

Anyway, congratulations Portugal. As a country who has been trying for so long, I am sure you will be delighted to host the contest next year.


Well-known member
February 7, 2014
I still can't shake off this wonderful emotion inside me. I suppose only people from winning countries can feel what I do now, if they were lucky to be alive at the time their country won. I think all Portuguese ESC fans/people with a minimum feeling of patriotism must be feeling in a similar way. It has been a long wait though, many years looking up from the bottom high up. I think perhaps only the Finns in 2006 have experienced the feeling we Portuguese are feeling tonight.

And it really is such a beautiful emotion. Feels so good within. I dislike mixing up worlds - like music is music and sports is sports, but I must say that in a way this is almost satisfying as winning Euro 2016 last Summer. And it's not because we are "the ugly ducklings", "so disliked, so in your face", etc. - none of that negative way of winning.
It's just the emotion of winning. It's so incredible. Fills up the soul. Hard to put it down into words. Personally it has been a rather long wait, I did here over the years that my country winning Eurovision was perhaps something I would not experience in my lifetime but I am glad reality now tells me otherwise.
I just hope that countries that haven't won Eurovision yet, that ESC fans from those countries can feel this sensation in years to come. It's magical and should be experienced once in a lifetime by every ESC fans.

Now, I'm not posting to collect any laurels or merits. After all, I'm just an Eurovision fan. My country just happened to win at last. I was more emotionally involved with Leonor 2 years ago than what I've been with Salvador this year even. But it's something that I, and I think every Portuguese ESC fan must thank the Sobral brothers...this once in a lifetime experience they gave us of finally being proud Eurovision winners.

It's been quite a journey since FdC. I can't remember my favorites back then right now but I can certainly remember this whole Salvador "avalanche" starting to form up. I remember many people frowning up on Salvador. "Why is he weird?" "Is he handicapped?" "Is he gay?" "Is he dying?" - all these negative interrogations about the performer, overlooking the music.
Then again I also remember a wave of support, both from within as well as from outside the country like I have never seen before for any other ESC entry.
So in a year that I chose to not follow so closely ESC, apart from FdC and this whole week, I just felt assured we'd finally do a good result, perhaps win.

The thing that really gets me in "Amar pelos dois" is how the song is composed. I think if I had to give a merit quota, perhaps I'd give a bigger share to Luísa for combining strings with a piano melody in such a special way, as well as for writing the beautiful words that became the lyrics to the song. I think the real winning factor lies there.
Of course, at first, like most people, I was a bit taken away by the heartfelt performance of Salvador. And in fact, he is the most visible face of this historic event for our country. They've always been a siblings team in the end that worked just well enough. But again, personally I must say I give more credit to Luísa on this victory than on Salvador itself.

I really don't have an issue with Salvador, just after SF1 I was here trying to read into his performance and well. But the moment I saw his demeanor since the press conference following that semi, I start changing my opinion on him as a person. I don't mix up person with performer however. I think more highly of him as a performer than a person.
What set me off, personally speaking now, was the whole refugees message he tried to pass. Let's just say I don't look eye to eye on him on the matter. And I've always liked my ESCs as apolitical as possible. The whole Russia incident this year still makes me sad - for the music, for the contest.
I think Salvador was a little taken away by the unique wave of stardom that comes along with being an ESC favorite contestant.
This might be debatable to some people. Some will say that he was being "humanitarian", not "political" as he just repeated himself on the winning press conference. That is all just semantics to me. I must underline that nothing of this takes from his merit as a performer of winning the contest and making me and all other Portuguese ESC fans in particular feel so happy in this new way for the first time in our lives. It's just that personally I had to distance my liking of him as a performer for my liking of him as a person ever since.
I'm glad he was reprimanded by the EBU, like he just said as well. Yes, Eurovision is not the place for politics at all. This goes for Jamala last year as well though as far as I know she got past clear without any remarks, other than from us powerless fans of the contest.

Speaking of the performance now. I think he was better today than in SF1. Much more contained. He did sing a line in an "alternative" way that did not sound very good though. And they used that one for the recaps and I read it as some message of "come on, you can't vote for something as quirky as this"! Luckily no damage done.

The victory was massive and the whole voting process was one hell of a ride to the top. Amazing sensation, though I suppose perhaps not so exciting for non-Portuguese or non-Salvador's entry fans.
Italy being laid down early on was half a surprise. Half because personally I never saw whatever people saw in it. When the fight came down to televote and as the songs who could put ours in danger cleared was a bit obvious to me, that between a country seeking win since the beginnings of Eurovision vs. a 17 year old (talented, but still a) kid would have the previous outcome it did. And nothing against Bulgaria or Bulgarians as I've always liked the country and thought their entry is a well deserved 2nd but I also got thinking then if Bulgaria itself, or the Bulgarian broadcaster would have conditions to host the contest next year. Hopefully I am wrong on this but at the time this came as an indicator of eminent win incoming as well.

And how can I forget, the moment I saw Spain bottom and Portugal up top, that was also read as a clue for me :p (and well, I love you nuestros hermanos but what were you thinking by sending that this year..)

Post victory and celebrations it was time to come down to planet Earth (for a little while) and I have to say this is when I again noticed that Salvador as a person is nowhere near the likeableness he has as a performer. I didn't like that he sang in the end with Luísa (you could hear that the song wasn't suited for her voice or body language, so kudos to her for always saying this song would never made sense with her as a performer), I'm certain she did it upon his request or among the craze of the delegation - or maybe just because of the fact she is a well established singer (indoors) and look up to as more of a singer than Salvador himself.
I don't remember the winning song not being performed in the end just by the winning artist but that might just be me and my bad memory. I just don't find it very professional. At least the part he goes "this whole thing was bought" was not. Some will say that's just his humor and to that I can't help to say that I dislike. Sometimes he seems not to know when to stop. In an iconic moment like really not the time to go making up stand up comedy (though I'm sure little people understood/cared).

My personal problem with Salvador, being a long time ESC fan is the fact his opinion of the contest is quite negative. Again, I did not find it in good tone that on his winning speech he speaks against "plastic music". It was just not the time, not the place. That we even agree on, that "plastic music" is a modern worldwide plague but you don't say such words at Eurovision. Because it sounded like he was talking down on the other contestants. Some of them at least. And I think Eurovision is the only place that makes me "embrace plastic music". Because it's part of the contest. It's always been.
Salvador is clueless when he talks in this he came to save the contest or something. He won't. Eurovision will always be Eurovision and special because of all it's faulty aspects. I do not think he learned to appreciate the contest. Or even understand the meaning of it for fans of the contest.
It's ok to be "a rebel" but it's not wise to think a single entry will change a contest with decades of existence. I'm pretty sure Eurovision won't be Jazzfest 2018 as Salvador seems to indicate he'd be happy with in his words.
I just thought it was a bittersweet winning speech in the end.

His press conference was also a little arrogant. I understand him being over the moon, he earned that emotion but he certainly should have been better informed at what to say when using his voice.

I'm sorry if this sounds too harsh on someone that gave me one of the best emotions of my life. But having a rather poor impression of Salvador now as a person obviously does not cancel the fact that I think that he was a deserving winner and a good performer.

But I must be honest to myself. And what I'm really happy for is my country and Luísa's masterpiece.

I'm sure we'll be at last more than decent hosts next year but as a good Portuguese that I am I now predict a long walk in the desert when it comes to winning just like our Finnish buddies are having themselves ;)

P.S. My point is not to talk down on Salvador, I'm just stating what I dislike from him in Kiev as a Eurovision fan. So don't read too deep into it, on expressing my emotions I just wanted to make it clear on what I really give credit to and what I did not like. I remember of other thing now, like on his post-winning RTP interview him saying "I care more for that (some video Brazilian singer Caetano Veloso did on supporting him) video than for this thing (the shiny and most-wanted Eurovision trophy) which he quickly passes around to the interviewer. I think he made some eBay joke too. I know, his humor :rolleyes: Guess the lifelong Eurovision fan in me is just sensitive enough to dislike such remarks however.


February 9, 2012
I would respect more if Salvador did not throw shit on all the other participants just because they use fireworks.

Anyway, congratulations Portugal. As a country who has been trying for so long, I am sure you will be delighted to host the contest next year.

I think he kind of earned that speech and I agree with him. We do live in a world of "fast food" music, and for a long time our radios, our media and our society as a whole has rejected artists who do this for the music, not for the glitter, fame and money. Music today is in a very sorry and embarrassing state, at least the music that is put before us and we're forced to listen to. I like a good piece of eurotrash, I will be the very first to confess it, but nothing to me beats when I listen to something like this, that you know is coming from a very deep and sincere place. Organic and honest music needs to be celebrated again. It needs to be "forced" onto the masses. Radio stations need to man up (though they never will as they're controlled by major labels). What happened last night though was a very big step. We can still have our fireworks and our chunky burger covered in grease from time to time (daily even if you want), but don't rob yourselves by missing out on things that have a genuine heart and soul. I like all kinds of music and it makes me sad when I see the lack of tolerance people have for music in it's purest and most natural form. Tonight though it feels amazing. Every "Zzzz" comment, every "this is boring" or comments about Salvador's demeanour got overshadowed, and Europe fell in love with a young man and his jazz song.

I don't want the fireworks to go, but I want to listen to people singing from their souls again.
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