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Well-known member
May 7, 2011
near zurich airport
Re: Paperboat: Along the coast to the south!

Sorry sean :oops:


warm welcome :p


Thanks for the warm welcome :p your specialities looked great and also tasted so! ^^

But we already have to go on to find our next act for the Paperboat NF! xwave


On our way down the coasts of Noizeland and Horehronieland, we saw some sea monsters... but we honestly had no time for them and camouflaged our boat as a giant wave and hoped, that the monsters won't wonder about a wave who flows to the south, when other waves flows to the north, (later we will learn, that this sea monsters are a peace-loving and vegetarian species and that the tell jokes about us in this dumb faked wave... :lol:)

But atm, it pmöy seems that we are finally on a part of our journey, were the luck is with us and all that crazy things which happened all the time are not. (by Keko)

We were under a bombardement from the ::rum coast out... but luckily none of the bombs hit us. It was over after one of our boatsmen pulled off his boxer shorts and waved them like a white flag. A ::rum delegation is on the way to us... are they pirates and wants our gold, which we not have? Or want they takes us and all the artist on our boat as hostages? Or want they... eat us? :eek:


Well-known member
May 7, 2011
near zurich airport
Re: Paperboat: Along the coast to the south!

They thought, that we are pirates! :eek: The storys about our journey trough Norigin also reached Rumia, but in ::rum, where stories are told from mouth to mouth, the stories twisted more and more into stories about pirates, which sail trough Norigin and takes hostages in every country, they are go to... xshock1

After we and our guests could convince the ::rum people, that we are peacefull and only search artists for a Paperian NF, they invites us to a great party in Kamien and we offer to bring all the food we buyed in Noizeland with us.

It's a great and atmospheric event here, we've learned so much about rumian culture, much more than before. We all in all know much to less about our neighbours, because main ::pap was a long time marooned from the outside, that only changed a bit since we begann to domesticate the paperplanes, but we still dont know enough. Also great music here...

Rumia NSC 87
Haggard - Per Aspera Ad Astra

Later, we sit with them arround the fire place and told stories untill long in the night... Yes, when we go on with the journey tomorrow, another act will traveling with us!

  • Gin Wigmore ::ill
  • Killabite ::cal
  • Agent M ::zom
  • Esteman ::noi
  • Haggard ::rum


September 1, 2012
Re: Paperboat: Sitting at the fireplace in Rumia

The one that you sent to FSC was better :( I still listen to it


Well-known member
May 7, 2011
near zurich airport
Re: Paperboat: saved by QuiénDQ people!

. . . . . (by Keko)

Uh... that part of our journey was hard... first the piranha bay, then a white bunny enter our boat and tells us for half an hour "Hurry up! I'm late, i'm late, for a very important date!" and it was much to big, to throw it back to the water from which it came and at last the attac of the meanmine gulls, which tried to latter our paperboat... but to avoid, that they do that was not the hardest thing, it was that they always screamed their "Mine", we were not far from lost our sanity as the heav(enl)y sound of a cannon shot from the ::qdq coast could frighten them away and saved us.

You think, that was not scary??? Then listen!!!

The ::qdq people was really our saviours!!!

Now, we anchor at the north coast of QuienDQ, our act is already clear and knows, that we come. :)

A ::qdq guide leads us to a bar, in which Milenita already plays her NF-song! xheart

Here is a vid of her NSC-Performance:

QuiénDQ NSC 72
Milenita - Sitting On The Fence

  • Gin Wigmore ::ill
  • Killabite ::cal
  • Agent M ::zom
  • Esteman ::noi
  • Haggard ::rum
  • Milenita ::qdq

Our last two destinations are located in the north and we will later this day set sail to them. Oh, and we know this regions already and are in a good hope, that this part of our journey will be a safe and uneventfully one.


Well-known member
May 7, 2011
near zurich airport
Re: Paperboat: arrived Reym-L-Dneurb! (by Keko)

After a pleasant trip trough to the calm water of Bouqan Sea we reached Siolnegnal, the capital city of our good friends from Reym-L-Dneurb. xwave

::rld participations on NSC causes in so many hits at the Paperian Radio Station, that it should be easy, to find an act for us. :) Should we ask Alice Francis, who had sung the biggest foreign hit in ::pap ever? Or should wo go back to NSC 1 and take Christina Stürmer with us? Parov Stelar from NSC 17 could also be a good one, or the Gotan Project? So many posibilities... that would be hard to decide it in only one day...

But we know this since a long time, and we already came to a decision. :)

That song from her was representing ::rld a long time ago:

Reym-L-Dneurb NSC 48
Clara Luzia - Queen Of The Wolves

We found her and she will come with us!!! xcheers

  • Gin Wigmore ::ill
  • Killabite ::cal
  • Agent M ::zom
  • Esteman ::noi
  • Haggard ::rum
  • Milenita ::qdq
  • Clara Luzia ::rld

We will stay a while here, but somewhen between midnight and before the first light of the morning, we will set sail to our home ground and our last destination, which is located on our way to ::pap! :)


Well-known member
October 1, 2009
Re: Paperboat: saved by QuiénDQ people!

Omg, awesome choice!! xheart And I actually sent her new single to ISC (which is the *gasp* .net version of NSC). :mrgreen:


Well-known member
May 7, 2011
near zurich airport
Re: Paperboat | Last destination: Tír an Abhainn / Going home

Earlier: (by Keko)

Early in the morning, we wanted to set sail to the south to the landmass which parts the Treefall lakes from the Ocean, but our original plans were scrapped as we see a great triangle in the north-east sky, which fastly growed. Our friends from ::rld wondered about it... but for us it was a long missed thing, like mountain people miss the mountains and ::rum would miss the woods if they are far away from home!

As it was near before landing, also the ::rld people remembered it, it was The Great Paperplane! You surely remember it as the second stage in ::pap in the finals of the 95th edition of NSC. :) And with him comes many of the other paperplanes and some of the little babyplanes... This was such an awesome and beautiful scenery for us!!! I'm so sorry, that i didnt picture it! :oops: Really, imagine this! It was beautifull!!!! xheart

After we loaded our paperboat on the plane and boarded all our guests from the other countries, we waved goodbye while we started from the ::pap embassy (every Paperian embassy has an airshaft) to our next and last destination before finally going home:
Tír an Abhainn

We landed in ::taa and already asked our last act, and they liked our idea like the others :)

Here is a vid of the song, they played at NSC 41:

Tír an Abhainn NSC 48
The Broken Beats - The Rules

  • Gin Wigmore ::ill
  • Killabite ::cal
  • Agent M ::zom
  • Esteman ::noi
  • Haggard ::rum
  • Milenita ::qdq
  • Clara Luzia ::rld
  • The Broken Beats ::taa

We also waved goodbye to our southern neighbours of ::taa... we would also like to stay a bit here... but the wishes of going home are overwhelming! (by Keko)

Thanks to all, who were with us on this journey, equal if they were it in person or in mind! Thanks to the readers, the likers and the comments you send to us!!! xrose

Our trip ends now, we already left the ::pap mountains behind us. It was a really great one! :)

A great last thank to Keko, without his maps from the Norigin continent this journey were completly impossible!!! xrose


Well-known member
May 7, 2011
near zurich airport
Re: Paperboat NF is up!

::pap is happy to finally presents:

The Paperboat NF!

Hello! xwave

I have not much words to lose, because i lost already so much of them the last days ;)

So enough of Words: Enjoy the NF-Show!!! ^^

Hope you liked it and thanks for watching the show! :)

So now you can start to vote in 7-5-4-3-2-1-0-0 Style, please send it per PM to me, Paper7! :)

(The countryparts of the Banners: by Keko! :) Thanks a lot!)


Well-known member
May 7, 2011
near zurich airport
Re: Paperboat NF is up! (qdq, rld, taa, ill, rum, cal, noi, zom)

Great! Will try to vote in the next few days ^.^

Btw, Shokolaad is technically eligible (it failed in an MPQ) but I'm not sure how Heiki feels about you reusing it, especially because it's become such an NSC classic :mrgreen:
Microstate Qualification for NSC 13 - Nation Song Contest

Oh? An NSC-Classic? :eek:

I honestly didnt know, that this song is that well known here. I know it also long before (and i won a different online contest with it already) i've joinded NSC and i thinked long about it, to give it another chance in NSC because i honestly don't understand, that it failed :)

But i will send Heiki a PM and if Heiki wish, i will change it to the other song (and band) i had in mind for ::zom Thats no problem.

Edit: I have an OK :)


Well-known member
October 2, 2009
Re: Paperboat NF is up! (qdq, rld, taa, ill, rum, cal, noi, zom)

inbox is full :-)
I was in mind


Well-known member
May 7, 2011
near zurich airport
Re: Paperboat NF is up! (qdq, rld, taa, ill, rum, cal, noi, zom)

Thanks to the two first voters from ::moi and ::noi! :) I will start to count votes tomorrow.


Well-known member
January 28, 2010
Re: Paperboat NF is up! (qdq, rld, taa, ill, rum, cal, noi, zom)

Day 1
It happened all of a sudden. We were just preparing for our next tour. Fiffi was having his 9th drink this afternoon, when we heard of a pirate attack in Kamień. A usual thing, we all thought. They'd come, steal some liquor, rape a few goats and sail off. But only an hour later, to our hut came a few weird people in paper hats, babbling something about NSC and a national final.

We already arrived to Kamień harbor two hours ago, to play at a giant fireplace. I'm a bit worried about the paperboat anchored nearby, but they say it was inflammable. We're having a great time here

Day 2
Our cabin is too small for the 17 of us. The guys broke through the paper wall and now we share room with the Noizelandic representant, Esteman. In return, we also share our rum with him.

As we approached QuienDQ, our ship was invaded by a huge flock of seagulls. But when Andreas started to shoot them out, they held him and confiscated his gun. Most of us think they overreacted. He only made a few holes in the sailcloth after all.

Milenita is already with us and later today we're coming to Reym-L-Dneurb. I always wanted to see their cacti fields!

Day 3
We left the paperboat this morning and entered on board of a massive paperplane. I was getting a little seasick, but i'll miss the sea anyway. The atmosphere on the boat was fantastic and we all wish the journey could last longer.

Tir an Abhainn is gonna be our last stop before we reach the final destination. I'm scared, to be honest. I hope we won't have to go through the infamous Paperland impregnation service.

Day 4
Today is the NF day. We we we so excited. I can't say much more. Fiffi is drinking up our last rum stocks.
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