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Papendink [233] The end of the american dream...


Well-known member
October 1, 2009
Re: Paperland 86: salyu × salyu - ただのともだち + results of the guessing game

Congrats David :K


Well-known member
October 1, 2009
Re: Paperland 86: salyu × salyu - ただのともだち + results of the guessing game

Are you sure you didn't confuse David with me? :lol:


Well-known member
March 6, 2011
Re: Paperland 86: salyu × salyu - ただのともだち + results of the guessing game

I don't get how I'm 2nd and Ans is 3rd. :lol: Grats David! :eek:


Well-known member
October 1, 2009
Re: Paperland 86: salyu × salyu - ただのともだち + results of the guessing game

Not sure, but you confuse me ^^ i dont understand what you want say with this. :lol:

Well, David (doctormalisimo) didn't even take part and you sent him the instructions in German :lol:


Well-known member
May 7, 2011
near zurich airport
Re: Paperland 86: salyu × salyu - ただのともだち + results of the guessing game

Well, David (doctormalisimo) didn't even take part and you sent him the instructions in German :lol:

Oh yeah, he didnt and cant take part personally because he was the host of last NSC, but i had made a guess (which was the best one) for him and i said that i will do this at the beginning of the game. :confused:

And he understands german, or i am completely wrong?

And i will reveal now (have planned to do this later, but its better yet) that i have planned that the second place also has won a ticket, but to the second SPNF in 88 or 89 if my own (respectively doctormalisimos) guess will be the best. ;) Its only fair, because it wasnt really doctormalisimos guessing.


Well-known member
May 7, 2011
near zurich airport
Re: Paperland 86: I wanna be your Gameboy!!!

Winner of the Secret Paperian NF is decided!!!


It's a german band


They are sadly a one-hit-wonder and for me definitely underrated


But the one hit song they have, was international:


And its a phenomenon, that most germans think that they are from UK.


They was two times in NSC already


One time with Ordinary Life, one time with their big hit Narcotic!


But enough now, this is the choice of doctormalisimo:














Liquido - Gameboy



Well-known member
May 7, 2011
near zurich airport
Re: Paperland 86: I wanna be your Gameboy!!!

Paperians want to send some trash next time as a reaction to the failing of Liqiudo in semifinal :p Or one song i like in the middle of the 90s (which was often also trash). :)

ehm... or maybe some other stuff ;)


Well-known member
May 7, 2011
near zurich airport
Re: Paperland 86: I wanna be your Gameboy!!!

oh, you dont have to apologize :)

And it isnt such a big deal for me, at least the pressure to suceed isnt that heavy anymore ^^

And if i really send trash next time, its not directly because the failing of Liquido, its more because of i'm not afraid anymore to break my run :)


Well-known member
May 7, 2011
near zurich airport
Re: Paperland 86: I wanna be your Gameboy!!!

Okay, i decided to not decide my next song.

The second paperian NF will come, but the winner is already decided from last time: anselm!


Well-known member
May 7, 2011
near zurich airport
Re: Paper-L-And: Annabelle has won the Secret NF!!!

The Winner of Secret Paperian NF is decided!!!

Steff La Cheffe - Annabelle

It goes about "Anabelle", a swiss fashion & lifestyle magazine and how stupid it is, to prove the own life after the articles in such a magazine.

Thanks to anselm for his decision :D

Homepage (german):
Steff la Cheffe


I tried to translate the swiss-german text into english, but dont expect a a good translation ;)

For the german-speaking people, i have it translated to hochdeutsch too.

English translation:

Anna Anna, Anna Anna, Anna Annabelle

I need a pair of new shoes, i need a Gucci-handbag
I need a new perfume, i buy thousand bottles
I need a beauty mask, i need make-up
I need a new noose, because the old seems to drop off

I go to an expensive hair salon, the make me a beautifull new hairstyle
Washing, cutting, blow-drying, highlights, in all possible colours
I need white theets, i buy a bleaching
I need to have a white waistcoat, i buy a clean lab coat (german saying for: to have a clean record)

I need a lotion against my cellulite
I need a wonderbra, the guys like great ... (moo)
I need diamonds, i need bling bling
I need grills, need a necklace, need a piercing

I need a little black dress, i want to go out
Need a "Hengst" (stallion?), need a "Stecher" (rake?), need a "Mustang" (different words for a man only good for bed or for paying bills)
I need prestige. I simply need it! Why dont you understand me?
I need it all like the girls in the magazine

I have a best friend, have only drama, because of joya, of Shape and of Gala (Joya, Shape, Gala: other lifestyle magazines)
Ask Brigitte or Petra, they can say something at all matters (Brigitte, Petra: such other magazines too)

Anna Anna, Anna Annabelle, Anna Anna (2x)

I have declined (oh no!), now i have to do a diet
have to jog, go walking with barbells
Go on the treadmill, i think its great
to running on a spot with a view on a wall out of wood

I take vitamin pills, i drink energy
Will come clean in a therapy
Give me that painkiller, give me that bittersweet pill
Give it to me! It is my freewill

I need a surgical mask, i get vaccinated
Against pigs, against birds, against mushrooms (mushrooms? - YES!)

I need security, implant me a mikrochip
I give you my name, my body mass, and my fingerprint
I need cameras, i need barbed wires
I need a bodyguard, who drives my in the night
I have to make career, i have to go to executive suite
and i only lay down when i sleep with my bosses

I have a best friend, have only drama, because of joy, of Shape and of Gala (Joya, Shape, Gala: other Lifestyle magazines)
Ask Brigitte or Petra, they can say something at all matters (Brigitte, Petra: other magazines too)

Anna Anna, Anna Annabelle, Anna Anna (2x)

I've cancel my subscription to Annabelle, she is not longer my best friend
Her tips was to square(?) for me, her pages was much to thin


Hochdeutsche Übersetzung:

Anna Anna, Anna Anna, Anna Annabelle

Ich bauche neue Schuhe, brauch ein Gucci-täschchen
Ich brauche einen neuen Duft, kaufe tausend Fläschchen
Ich brauch eine Schönheitsmaske, brauche Make-Up
Ich brauche eine neue Nase, weil die Alte schon fast abfällt
Ich geh zum Starfriseur, der macht meine Haare schön
Waschen, schneiden, föhnen, macht mir Strähnchen, gibts in allen Farben
Ich brauche weisse Zähne, kaufe ein bleichmittel
Ich will ne Weisse Weste, kaufe mir einen reinen Kittel (Ärztekittel)
Ich brauche Lotion gegen meine Zellulite
Ich brauch nen Wonderbra, Kerle stehn auf grosse T (muuh!!)
Ich brauche Diamenten, ich brauche bling bling
Ich brauche grills, brauch ne Kette, brauche Piercing
Ich brauch ein kleines Schwarzes, gehe aus
Brauch nen Hengst, brauch nen Stecher, brauch nen Mustang
Brauche Prestige, brauch es, checkst du es nicht?
Brauche alles wie die Girls aus dem Heftchen

I hab ne Freundin, hab nur Drama, wegen Joy* wegen Shape" und der Gala*
Frag *Brigitte oder *Petra, die wissen weiter, bei jedem thema (*div. ähnliche Magazine)

Anna Anna, Anna Annabelle, Anna Anna (2x)

Ich hab nachgelassen (oh nein!), jetzt muss ich abnehmen
Gehe joggen, gehe walken mit Hanteln
Geh aufs Laufband und finde es voll fun
Renne auf der Stelle mit Blick auf ne Holzwand
Ich schlucke Vitamine, ich trinke energy
Werde clean, werde fit in ner Therapie
Gib mir das Schmerzmittel, die bittersüsse Pille
Nur her damit, es geschieht aus freiem Willen
Ich brauche Mundschutz, lasse mich impfen
Gegen Schweine, gegen Vögel, gegen Pilze (Pilze? - Ja!)
Ich brauche Sicherheit, Gib mir nen Mikrochip
Ich geb dir meinen Namen, meine Maße und einen Fingerprint
Ich brauche Kameras, ich brauche Stacheldraht
Ich brauch nen Bodyguard, der mich nachts herum fährt
Ich muss Karriere machen, ich muss in die chef etage
Und ich leg mich nur noch hin, wenn ich mit meinen Chefs schlafe

I hab ne Freundin, hab nur Drama, wegen Joy* wegen Shape" und der Gala*
Frag *Brigitte oder *Petra, die wissen weiter, bei jedem thema (*div. ähnliche Magazine)

Anna Anna, Anna Annabelle, Anna Anna (2x)

Die Annabelle hab ich gekündigt, sie ist nicht mehr meine Freundin
Ihre Tipps sind mir zu spiessig, ihre Seiten waren zu dünn gewesen


Steff la Cheffe -> click on "Annabelle"


Well-known member
October 1, 2009
Re: Paper-L-And: Annabelle has won the Secret NF!!! (lyrics tranlation to english and german inside)

Yay, I'm satisfied with my choice and I hope others will enjoy it as much as I do ^.^

Thank God there are lyric translations :lol:


Well-known member
March 6, 2011
Re: Paper-L-And: Annabelle has won the Secret NF!!! (lyrics tranlation to english and german inside)

Yaaaaay I love that song! xheart
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