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Pacific States 🌊 NF Winner: TBA

Marcos C

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June 20, 2023
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February 9, 2012
Re: Pacific States - WV56 - Ariel Pink - Put Your Number In My Phone

WorldVision 57 - Judee Sill - The Kiss​


This edition i'll be sending a song planned way in advance for exactly around about this time of year. This is one those artist discoveries that truly ended up enriching my life, up there with the very top artists I hold dear to my heart.

Judee Sill's life was one of addiction, suffering and spiritual awakening. Born in Oakland, California, Judee lost her Mother, Father and brother young. She fell in with a gang of bandits, developing a drug habit that saw her turn to criminal activity to support her addiction, stooping as low as armed robbery even. It was at reform school that Judee was taught a lot of her gospel licks that would appear later on in her music. She picked up a crippling Heroin addiction after marrying a pianist in 1966, resorting to prostitution to feed it. She went to jail and upon coming out started songwriting.

"Jesus Was A Cross Maker" was Judee's first single released in 1968 and a self titled album followed shortly after the same year. Despite some exposure and radio play, the baroque country pop with trippy psychedelic elements didn't quite fit the popular mold of the time so never took off. Her second and final album "Heart Food" released in 1971, again not a commercial success. Judee toured the world, opening for rock bands that she despised, pleading with the audience to buy her records so that she didn't have to open up for "snotty rock bands" anymore. Judee dropped out of the music business, suffering from a number of car accidents and failed back surgery that left her in crippling pain. She died on November 23, 1979, from a drug overdose at the age of just 35.

It was an incredibly tragic life she lived, full of failure, misfortune and pain. The music though that she created, gosh does it cut me in two. So much hurt and longing in her voice, and these songs, so beautiful and celestial. At times you feel like you're floating upward through the clouds whilst listening to her. I'm an atheist but i'm still swept away by these often highly spiritual works. Then again, it's a lot easier for me to love this kind of stuff when it comes from a highly flawed, bisexual ex-bandit for some bizarre reason. Judee Sill is fascinating. Despite all of the wrongs of her life, there is such warmth and sincerity to be found within the music she's left us behind.

"The Kiss" is the song i'm sharing with WorldVision this edition, from Judee's second album. "It's about the union of the opposites that are in us all but I think about them a lot" she explains at the start of a BBC performance. "Achingly beautiful" is a description I probably use too much to describe a lot of the music that really gets to me. Discard everything i've described as being that previously, THIS is achingly beautiful. From start to finish it pains me. "The Kiss" is one of my favourite songs of all time, and despite the fact i'd always planned this moment of sharing the song with you all, it's still been hard to let it go because the song means a ridiculous amount to me, and it's going to be testing to see it ranked (god forbid experiencing it's possible failure). I really do hope you all get something from the song. Just by how the LL went this evening, I already feel i've made the right decision sharing Judee Sill with you all.

Live performances​

Touching performance on The Old Grey Whistle Test

7:56 of the video. This is the only other live piece of video footage that exists of Judee performing the song, although other live versions are available on CD.


Love rising from the mists,
Promise me this and only this,
Holy breath touching me, like a wind song
Sweet communion of a kiss

Sun sifting through the grey
Enter in, reach me with a ray
Silently swooping down, just to show me
How to give my heart away

Once a crystal choir
Appeared while I was sleeping
And called my name
And when they came down nearer
Saying, "Dying is done,"
Then a new song was sung
Until somewhere we breathed as one
And still I hear their whisper

Stars bursting in the sky
Hear the sad nova's dying cry
Shimmering memory, come and hold me
While you show me how to fly

Sun sifting through the grey
Enter in, reach me with a ray
Silently swooping down, just to show me
How to give my heart away

Lately sparkling hosts
Come fill my dreams, descending
On fiery beams
I've seen 'em come clear down
Where our poor bodies lay,
Soothe us gently and say,
"Gonna wipe all your tears away."
And still I hear their whisper…

Love, rising from the mists
Promise me this and only this,
Holy breath touching me, like a wind song
Sweet communion of a kiss



Stay tuned as i'm going to share and write about some of my favourite Judee Sill songs here soon for those who may be interested. Doesn't matter if none of you are (i'm good at rambling to myself). I just wanted to get this greenroom post up quickly now, as I was late with starting it today.


Well-known member
August 2, 2015
Re: Pacific States - WV57 - Judee Sill - The Kiss

I want to start of by saying that you are really talented when it comes to writing these posts.

It feels like you are taking us on a journey from the artists story to what it means to you. I am really thankful for you telling us about her life, because it makes the song mean so much more.

I have said it before and i will say it again: This song is a masterpiece and i really hope this wins.
You have sent such an amazing song and i wish you all the best. No matter what happens when it comes to rankings, is it important to think about the response you have gotten. Just think about all the positive feedback and the people saying the love it. I know the ranking is important, but remember that what you have sent is something now others love. Because no matter if everyone gives it 12 or just one person does it, am i hoping you will remember how this song has made people feel.

Good luck xheart xrunhug


February 9, 2012
Re: Pacific States - WV57 - Judee Sill - The Kiss

I want to start of by saying that you are really talented when it comes to writing these posts.

It feels like you are taking us on a journey from the artists story to what it means to you. I am really thankful for you telling us about her life, because it makes the song mean so much more.

I have said it before and i will say it again: This song is a masterpiece and i really hope this wins.
You have sent such an amazing song and i wish you all the best. No matter what happens when it comes to rankings, is it important to think about the response you have gotten. Just think about all the positive feedback and the people saying the love it. I know the ranking is important, but remember that what you have sent is something now others love. Because no matter if everyone gives it 12 or just one person does it, am i hoping you will remember how this song has made people feel.

Good luck xheart xrunhug

Aw Ole, those words mean a lot. Thank you so much my friend. I don't think her life story is required to be able to appreciate and feel what's special about her music, but it certainly adds an even deeper level of sadness when listening to her. Even her gorgeously floaty, celestial pieces that take you to such a high, they still have this constant tug on the listener.

And yes, it is hard to see songs ranked, especially when it's a piece of music you hold more than dear to your heart. Somehow it feels wrong having a number attached to a piece of music that means so much. I don't know, it's probably just me being weird. It's a game! Who cares haha! The LL was touching today though. The reaction meant a lot to me and was totally unexpected. Whatever happens i've got that and knowing a fair few people have seemingly been moved by the song. Judee Sill is one of the most overlooked songwriters there ever was and she doesn't deserve to be forgotten. Her two albums are treasures.

Thank you Olexheart


Well-known member
May 4, 2013
Re: Pacific States - WV57 - Judee Sill - The Kiss

Good luck Kai xheart


Piece of Wonk
March 12, 2015
Re: Pacific States - WV57 - Judee Sill - The Kiss

I've only listened to that song twice, once when you played it in the Freedom Room a few days back, and then today at the LL. I'll be honest; its presence in my loves has stopped me relistening to the songs again tonight because frankly it scares me. It scares me how much sadness she has poured into the music. I really get the feeling you describe when listening to it. I'll try and listen to it again tomorrow to get the rankings right, but I just want to say thank you for sharing it with us. xheart xlove


February 9, 2012
Re: Pacific States - WV57 - Judee Sill - The Kiss

Good luck Kai xheart

Thank you dear Krisxheart

I've only listened to that song twice, once when you played it in the Freedom Room a few days back, and then today at the LL. I'll be honest; its presence in my loves has stopped me relistening to the songs again tonight because frankly it scares me. It scares me how much sadness she has poured into the music. I really get the feeling you describe when listening to it. I'll try and listen to it again tomorrow to get the rankings right, but I just want to say thank you for sharing it with us. xheart xlove

I know what you mean. It's a very heavy listen. The part "Stars bursting in the sky. Hear the sad nova's dying cry. Shimmering memory, come and hold me, while you show me how to fly", it just wrecks me. "The Kiss" is devastatingly beautiful and sad, yet somehow comforting. It's my absolute pleasure to be able to share the song with you Robert. That surreal moment at the LL was very special and touching. Thank you all for your words.


Albania Superstar
August 21, 2014
Phoenix, AZ / Oovoo Javer
Re: Pacific States - WV57 - Judee Sill - The Kiss

When you played this for me months back and said you were thinking about entering it, I was skeptical at first about how this would be received. I really was. But at the LL, when this came on, it was like nothing mattered for any of us except all watching Judee and you share your respective hearts in such a resonant, simple, and beautiful way. This is an absolutely stunning song, possibly your best ever, and I'm unbelievably proud of you that you dared to share it. Thank you, Kai. xheart


February 9, 2012
Re: Pacific States - WV57 - Judee Sill - The Kiss

Gosh, don't make me want to cry Calvin. I'm fragile at this time of year. Damn you... and thank you. Thank you deeply dear Calvin for your kind words and your friendship.

#DareToSharexheat NoBunny nextxheart


Albania Superstar
August 21, 2014
Phoenix, AZ / Oovoo Javer
Re: Pacific States - WV57 - Judee Sill - The Kiss

Gosh, don't make me want to cry Calvin. I'm fragile at this time of year. Damn you... and thank you. Thank you deeply dear Calvin for your kind words and your friendship.

xheart xheart

#DareToSharexheat NoBunny nextxheart

Yessssss. Seriously though do it. You've earned a fun song. NoBunny or Mr. Burns or Kelly Mantle xheat Or twigs so that you can get my zero.


Well-known member
April 21, 2013
Re: Pacific States - WV57 - Judee Sill - The Kiss

Your entry is beautiful, I absolutely loved it. Good luck, you deserve to qualify with this


February 9, 2012
Re: Pacific States - WV57 - Judee Sill - The Kiss

Your entry is beautiful, I absolutely loved it. Good luck, you deserve to qualify with this

Thank you so much dear Steph for your kind words. It makes me so happy to know you loved the songxheart


February 9, 2012
Re: Pacific States - WV57 - Judee Sill - The Kiss

xheart xheart

Yessssss. Seriously though do it. You've earned a fun song. NoBunny or Mr. Burns or Kelly Mantle xheat Or twigs so that you can get my zero.

Oh yes, i'll send NoBunny and enjoy a floptacular result even greater than what I experienced with Kurt:lol: I'm surprised you didn't mention Hunx actually, but I think you know i'm waiting on his new album release this coming February to see if there is anything even hotter on offer. I actually haven't had a fun, ridiculous song since I sent Countess. I don't really count Ariel. I missed out on an outrageous PQ entry with him and just ended up sending my favourite feel good song.

So in the fun pile for the future from Pacific we got... NoBunny, Hunx, Mr Burns, Kelly Mantle. I've got a massive bunch of feel goods as well. I'm probably going to want to go for something happy happy joy joy after this edition.


Piece of Wonk
March 12, 2015
Re: Pacific States - WV57 - Judee Sill - The Kiss

Yeah, can see why you'd like to alternate. Only way you're ever going to be able to follow up such a powerful and emotional song is by making us all laugh!


February 9, 2012
Re: Pacific States - WV57 - Judee Sill - The Kiss

So yes, it's the NF you've all not been waiting for. Welcome to the La Sera Vs. Foxygen NF. After this emotionally draining edition I want something light and fun for the next one, with no strings attached to the artist or song. I present to you two bands i'm really into at the moment:

La Sera - A Californian noise pop band based in Los Angeles, fronted by New Yorker Katy Goodman, previously of The Vivian Girls. La Sera's thing is loud but super poppy and infectious rock.

Foxygen - Originally a duo, now a four piece band lead by the charismatic Sam France. The Californian band also based in LA dabble in raw, dreamy psych-rock.

I present to you four songs, two from each band. Starting us off is the short, noisy little number "Break My Heart". This was the first La Sera song I heard a few years back and fell in love with it back then. Gives me Blondie vibes. Following on we have Foxygen with a very Todd Rundgren-esque ballad "Coulda Been My Love". You wanna get totes emosh with me still? Well you can with this song. Observe Sam France's wonderful twirls. Back again with La Sera and their peculiarly titled "10 Headed Goat Wizard". This jangly little dose of sunshine is what got me back into the band and fun fact: this was almost my internal pick for January but i'm chicken. Finishing us off are Foxygen with the ridiculously catchy "How Can You Really". What a tune and what a sass-pot music video it has.

The voting method is the same as my previous Ariel Pink Vs. Mikal Cronin NF. I'm giving you 15 points and I want you to share those points out between the four songs BUT you can't use the same number twice. I'm giving you some freedom but not much. Here's a voting example:

6. Coulda Been My Love
4. 10 Headed Goat Wizard
3. How Can You Really
2. Break My Heart​

In the spoiler below are all the other voting methods possible if you don't want to work them out for yourself. Hot math here courtesy of Calvin Vorderman.​


Q: Where is Mikal Cronin you b*****d? R&C from somewhere hot x
A: I'm sorry. Mikal Cronin is a coming. I just don't think it's wise for me to go straight in with him after Judee Sill. He's another one of those artists that means a lot to me and I can't handle two nervous wreck editions in a row.

Q: Where is NoBunny? Kris from Puglia.
A: I don't know where he is but thank you for asking.

Q: Where are stars like Christna Aguilera or Britney Spears? What about Pussycat Dools with their iconic hot hit 'Buttons'? What are they missing this NF? The rev formally of the Poland and now of T&T fame.
A: I leave the iconic Britney to the master and super fan Staewi. He's the only person allowed to touch her music. Pussycat Dools from this moment on are banned from mention in this topic. You may however whisper your fondness for "I Don't Need A Man" from time to time. As for Xtine, I don't know where she is. I can't find her. Maybe she's gone off to reinvent herself as a lo-fi garage rock superstar. In which case expect to see her in an NF near you sometime soon.

Q: Why did you steal my font you thieving lowlife scum? Also, when can we expect this rumoured 8 song Kurt Vile NF? Regards and wishes, AshleyWright of Grimsby.
A: Thank you for your kind words and wishes. I stole your font as I was the first man to discover and also invented the wheel. Thank you for showing interest in Kurt Vile. I'm afraid it will at least be a couple more editions at the earliest before he makes his long awaited comeback. Do sit tight until then.

Thank you for voting:​



Piece of Wonk
March 12, 2015
Re: Pacific States - WV57 - Judee Sill - The Kiss / La Sera Vs. Foxygen NF on page 14

:lond: popped over to the Pacific for tea and enjoyed listening to this lovely National Final! Voted and best of luck to the standout here! :D


February 9, 2012
Re: Pacific States - WV57 - Judee Sill - The Kiss / La Sera Vs. Foxygen NF on page 14

Thank you very much to all the people who have voted so far, including a first timer i'm very chuffed about, kopachkaxheartxheat Thank you. I really appreciate it. kopachka's votes are so unique as well. I can reveal that each song has won top points from at least somebody now, and it's close between three of the songs.


Well-known member
January 7, 2014
Re: Pacific States - WV57 - Judee Sill - The Kiss / La Sera Vs. Foxygen NF on page 14

[MENTION=9441]RainyWoods[/MENTION] can I also add my belated question? Where are stars like Christna Aguilera or Britney Spears? What about Pussycat Dools with their iconic hot hit 'Buttons'? What are they missing this NF?


Super Moderator
Staff member
March 1, 2013
Re: Pacific States - WV57 - Judee Sill - The Kiss / La Sera Vs. Foxygen NF on page 14

[MENTION=9441]RainyWoods[/MENTION] can I also add my belated question? Where are stars like Christna Aguilera or Britney Spears? What about Pussycat Dools with their iconic hot hit 'Buttons'? What are they missing this NF?

I'd also like to add

"Why did you steal my font you thieving lowlife scum?"
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