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Pacific States šŸŒŠ NF Winner: TBA

Marcos C

Well-known member
June 20, 2023
US / Marcobia


Alaska ā¦ California ā¦ Hawai'i ā¦ Oregon ā¦ Washington
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February 9, 2012

This edition of WorldVision sees the Pacific States digging into it's bag of fond childhood memories to bring to you what was the song from it's jurors growing up years. Yes, for the 92nd edition of the contest Anastacia makes her WorldVision debut with a fiery pop-rock track that ignited European airwaves back in the mid 00s.

Left Outside Alone was released back in 2004, and was the song that marked Anastacia's return to the scene after overcoming some serious health trials. The song led her music in a new rockier and harder direction. Sprock was the word she used to describe it. A combination of soul, pop and rock. It was a sound that would continue on her third album released alongside her comeback single, the self titled Anastacia. Left Outside Alone was primarily written by Anastacia, and details her relationship with her estranged father. Despite never achieving big chart success in her home country the United States, Anastacia's third album was huge across Europe, it's comeback single, along with other songs such as Sick and Tired and Heavy On My Heart helping it along to becoming the biggest selling record of her career, and one of the biggest in the continent that year.


Anastacia started her career with the funky I'm Outta Love, but it wasn't until her second album that I payed proper attention. I vividly remember watching her on Top Of The Pops performing live the song Paid My Dues. Little young me was shook experiencing Anastacia in her stripy trousers and signature shades devouring the song whole. My first slayed hard by vocals moment. I spent my pocket money on her second album Freak Of Nature, and then so commenced my super fandom. She was my idol growing up. Think staring at fancy sunglasses displays and dreaming kind of fantasies (I had those often) and perfecting my HAOOOOWOOOW-YEEEAAAEHHHEEHHHHAAAAAAA at any given opportunity. I loved her so much.

This entry is a long time coming. 41 editions to be precise, as I had this on my shortlist from the beginning but never found a moment that felt right. Now feels that moment! Anastacia's music is still very dear to me, and always will be. She's so awesome! I hope you enjoy the song.

All my life Iā€™ve been waiting
For you to bring a fairy tale my way
Been living in a fantasy without meaning
Itā€™s not okay I donā€™t feel safe

I don't feel safe..

Left broken empty in despair
Wanna breathe canā€™t find air
Thought you were sent from up above
But you and me never had love
So much more I have to say
Help me find a way

And I wonder if you know
How it really feels
To be left outside alone
When itā€™s cold out here
Well maybe you should know
Just how it feels
To be left outside alone
To be left outside alone

I tell ya..
All my life Iā€™ve been waiting
For you to bring a fairy tale my way
Been living in a fantasy without meaning
Itā€™s not okay I donā€™t feel safe
I need to pray

Why do you play me like a game?
Always someone else to blame
Careless, helpless little man
Someday you might understand
Thereā€™s not much more to say
But I hope you find a way

Still I wonder if you know
How it really feels
To be left outside alone
When itā€™s cold out here
Well maybe you should know
Just how it feels
To be left outside alone
To be left outside alone

I tell ya..
All my life Iā€™ve been waiting
For you to bring a fairy tale my way
Been living in a fantasy without meaning
Itā€™s not okay I donā€™t feel safe
I need to pray

Ohhh Pray...
Ohh.. Heavenly father..
Save me.. Ohhhh..

And I wonder if you know
How it really feels
To be left outside alone
When itā€™s cold out here
Well maybe you should know
Just how it feels
To be left outside alone
To be left outside alone

All my life Iā€™ve been waiting
For you to bring a fairy tale my way
Been living in a fantasy without meaning
Itā€™s not okay I donā€™t feel safe
I need to pray...






Albania Superstar
August 21, 2014
Phoenix, AZ / Oovoo Javer


Piece of Wonk
March 12, 2015
I'm going to send Anastacia! Just watch me. I'm sending her......... I am.

*38 editions later*

Ladies and gentlemen, please welcome to the stage Miss Anastacia *slow clap*

Sounds like me and Enya :p I said I was going to send her when I started and err... ;)


February 9, 2012

Thank you so muchxheat This is the best feeling. It's weird how I had this song in my hands for so long, and the amount of times I put off sending it for various reasons, mainly actually as i'm a bit wary of sending songs most people will already know. I shouldn't feel that way at all but naturally I do, especially when WorldVision is like a discovery thing for a lot of people. I get off on introducing you to new alternative or obscure things from my collection, but I take this WorldVision experience as like painting a collage of who I am. We're all painting these collages and I want to show you everything, even my hot hits. I'm so happy Anastacia managed to win! I pretty much couldn't have given you a charting pop song that I love more than "Left Outside Alone". It really means a lot to me. I would have been 13 at the time of it's release back in 2004, and those were some tough ass years. Diva pop was my thing back then and Anastacia was my rock pushing me forward. Thanks for all of those big old pointsxheart You've made me so happy.

:12: ::ctln::newy::eek:onl:li:sb::uusi
:10: :en:::yohu::vi:ua:::queb::lomb
:8: :no:rr:ba::se:::sydn
:7: :pl::ro:
:6: :west:
:5: ::losn:ch::ie::sobr::al::rs:::ista
:4: :ru::de:
:3: xwhistle
:2: ::onta::vict:pt:::iled
:1: :sc::us::lv:

I've decided i'm going to accept hosting. Doing this again during Eurovision isn't ideal as I don't get to properly enjoy ESC week whilst i'm focusing on this, but I want to try. My laptop is now dustbin ready, but I bought a tablet as a replacement recently, and as you maybe can tell from above, also a fancy electronic pencil, so I can doodle things without paper and make notes (no more crayons). I'm still getting used to it and i'm terrible with any new technology, but I think this is a nice opportunity to try and be creative, and bring you something a little bit different from my previous shows. There might still be a little glitter (and shade especially for glitter & shade fan Annaxheart) but i'll try and give you something a bit quirky and out the box, seeing as i've now got some unique tools at my disposal. I'm going to try and make this fun.

Oh oh oh and PQ chat! Oh my..... gosh. I've got a PQ. What do I do? Straight away i'm thinking about the guy in my avatar, King Tuff. I'm kind of obsessed with him at the moment, and I know he'd struggle like crazy making a final from a semi. This is also an opportunity to send my favourite songwriter Elliott Smith, with one of my all time favourite songs. His previous flop hurt........ but then I was talking to Calvin a little while ago on facebook and I told him my thoughts. He basically then called me a filthy liar and said it was obvious that i'd send Mikal Cronin. The words Mikal and Cronin are now in my head and i'm refusing to speak to Calvin for the next 5 minutes... There's also Sadistik who I could send to please the three people playing WorldVision who like hip hop music. Much decisions.

Time help guide:

5 minutes on banners
6 days 22 hours and 55 minutes deliberating on my PQ entry
1 hour for Drag Race Season 10 episode 5


Mod of All Things
Staff member
January 13, 2010
Trollheimr / Westrobothnia
Congrats Kai! :D xheat So happy for you and can't wait for your magical hosting. xlove

By the way, I found a video that fully explains that god-awful affected singing technique that you and I both detest with a passion. :lol: Finally have a label to put on it.


February 9, 2012
Thank you [MENTION=4597]Stargazer[/MENTION]xlove I hope I meet expectations. It's going to be very different from the other shows i've been lucky enough to do for you, and i've set myself such a huge task with the idea i'm doing. Hope I have enough time to do everything I want to do.

And ermmm... thank you for that...... giftxshifty That actually wasn't as bad as I was expecting. Twas was very lightweight "hip singing" (how dare she steal the iconic word hip and use it for something like this, am hurt). Watch me one day be a massive hypocrite and send someone with a very inflected singing style to WorldVision. I actually came very close back when I was with Mid-Atlantic, as there was this song I loved so much that the vocals didn't really bother me. I'm always a person who says "oh I hate this" and then I end up softening because of something specific. I'm currently obsessed with a symphonic-ish-metal-ish track that is super bless, full on ham and cheese, and Pacific States illegible. I might darexqueenbitch


February 9, 2012

It's strange to think that a couple of years ago I was playing with the humongous region of Midwest USA. When I was there I held an NF and sent this guy, Elliott Smith. I don't think since that moment have I put more effort, thought into, and have had such an emotional investment with an edition and entry (and you know, i'm a hot wreck 45% of the time). For all the good fortune i've had playing this game (and I know i've been blessed with a lot), that occasion had a really painful ending and left a taste I couldn't get rid of until recently. Forget everything about that entry and all the stuff I might have said about this guy before, and let's start again.

*clears throat* ... ahem.

For WorldVision 93 i'm making good use of this PQ and i'm sharing with you what is one of my favourite songs of all time by an artist that has a very deep place in my heart. Elliott Smith is not really an easy guy to introduce anyone to, as I feel like i'm telling people a secret. One that has to be explained as best as I can, but i'm unsure if people want to hear it or not. It's difficult to speak about him but at the same time I can easily say a lot about Elliott and his music, and the impact the songs and his life story has had on my own life. There are a small handful of songwriters for me who's sadly short lives and the works they put out during their time here, that manage haunt and touch me in such a profound way. There's Nico of the Velvet Underground, there's Judee Sill and then there's Elliott Smith, who's body of work as a whole probably means the most to me (tough call anyway, would have to flip a coin between him and Nico).

Elliott was born Steven Paul Smith in Omaha, Nebraska, 1969. From the get go, things seemed tough for him. Getting straight to the hard point here, It was believed very sadly that Elliott experienced an abusive childhood, suffering at the hands of his stepfather. His trademark whispery vocal style I recall reading was a result of him being around a lot of shouting, and I guess Elliott just felt that loudness wasn't the way to let out his emotions. That unpleasant and really turbulent upbringing would haunt a lot of the music Elliott made throughout his life.

Elliott was playing from a very young age. In 1991 he formed the band Heatmiser. A cool alternative, a lil but grungy kind of sound they had going on, though Elliott later held resentment for the music he made with that band as being too loud and not really him, feeling like he was being someone he wasn't when he was performing their music. It's still good stuff though I think, in the same way Nico's Chelsea Girls album is still a fricking great record despite Nico herself hating it. Artists are their own harshest critics sometimes.

At the same time he was with Heatmiser, Elliott got his solo career rolling. His first two albums Roman Candle and the self titled Elliott Smith set down the foundations, beautiful, very raw and lo-fi acoustic albums, but it would be his third album released in 1997 that would leave the biggest footprint, and cement him in place as one of the greatest, quietly celebrated songwriters of a whole generation.


Either/Or is Elliott's masterpiece. This is the Elliott Smith album I hold dearest, and that's saying a lot as I love them all, but this record besides being wonderful, also houses the song that was my introduction to his music, and still to this day remains one of my all time favourite songs. Between The Bars is that song. A short little thing clocking in at just over two minutes, but those are two minutes that still hurt in strange ways like no other song has for me before or since. All these years later, I still feel the exact same feelings for it. It still brings a tear when it catches me off guard and it gives me longing pangs in chest. The second verse in particular is something.. well I don't even know how to describe it properly. "Drink up baby, look at the stars. I'll kiss you again, between the bars" is probably my single favourite lyric from any song ever. And how that moment arrives as the song in a very subtle way adds another haunting guitar melody behind the main strums that are leading it. It breaks my heart and forever lingers with me. It's a song that carries a weight for me, that perhaps looking in from the outside is a bit more difficult to understand as it's such a short and seemingly simple song. With time that weight has gotten heavier and heavier, and today Between The Bars is up right at the top, sittings besides two or three other songs that have a special importance to me. A certain something that feels near untouchable by anything else and will never fade.



Like the majority of Elliott's songs, the meaning of Between The Bars remains a mystery. The lyrics, along with knowing Elliott's life story leaves the song open to multiple interpretations. Some people believe the song is sung from the eyes of alcohol comforting Elliott. Some believe the song cleverly alludes to a person with a drug addiction. Some simply think it's a beautiful love song. For years I always imagined the "between the bars" line in a very literal sense of two people separated kissing between bars, but my mind was blown the other day when I read someone suggesting that it could be between the bars that people drink at, which also makes sense. The wonderful thing with Elliott songs is the sense of mystery and how your own imagination can be let wild whilst listening to his beautiful poetic lyrics. I tend to zone out when I listen to his music and attach moments to these gentle guitar strums. It brings back very specific memories for me, and often faded ones that I can't quite piece together. I'm uncertain if I first heard Elliott in a dark and a little bit dingy cafe when I was a really young child (I swear I did), but somehow it's something that's there in my head. Whether I did or didn't hear him back then is an uncertainly, but what I do know is that his music properly came into my life thanks to a jazz cover of Between The Bars by Madeleine Peyroux, released in 2004. I was a full on jazz geek before Elliott's music made it's proper introduction into my life. It opened up a whole new world for me.

After his Either/Or album, Elliott released a few more records. His later releases were rather lush, with swirling strings and ridiculously catchy hooks. Stuff that could be quite easily put side by side with the best of the Beatles, specifically very John Lennon-esque but totally unique in the way the music was presented. He just had a full on knack for making these eargasmic melodies and making you feel things whatever it was he was singing. The songs were often very complicated compositions melodically but despite the sludgy and at times murky outer shell, Elliott himself had pop sensibilities and made his music often feverishly melodic (try and listen to Ballad of Big Nothing without singing along). The album XO was one of Elliott's finest moments from the latter period of his work, and then the gigantic in scope Figure 8 would be the final record he would be around to see released.


Elliott Smith passed away October the 21st, 2003. Two stab wounds to his chest. Fifteen years later and the case is still open as to whether it was suicide or murder. Both seem plausible and it's painful to have these confused thoughts. It feels like something that will never have proper closure. Elliott struggled with depression, and had drug and drink addictions. Reading into the deeper details of his life is harrowing and a difficult experience. For all the light that was there in his life, there was also darkness. His lyrics didn't shy away from the melancholy, and his tone naturally comes across as somber, though Elliott was adamant that his music wasn't all sad.

"Depressing" isn't a word I would use to describe my music. But there is some sadness in it - there has to be so that the happiness will matter.

I was reading this quote a while ago and it allowed me to see his music in a totally different light. I would always go to his stuff when I was down, but i'm starting to feel this positive sort of warmth. I mean, that warmth was always there and how real and sincere he was is a huge part of my attraction to this mans work, but i'm starting to not just listen to Elliott when i'm panicking or in a wallow. He's not just this sad sack who composed some of the most devastatingly melancholic and beautiful little songs. He also was a light to people that knew him. A very kind and gentle soul who hated being put into boxes. So I won't do that anymore.

Between The Bars has poignancy like no other song for me, but at the moment i'm listening to it and feeling positivity from it. Thanks for listening, reading if you did and allowing me to be so extra and nut job-ish here in this lil greenroom. There's no other way i'd probably send this song, so having it as my pre qualified choice feels so right and is an amazing gift (sorry King Tuff, you'll get your chance at WorldVision soon and probably come second from last in a semi now). I'm so pleased to finally share this very dear song with you all. Whatever happens, I can have a happier WorldVision memory attached to Elliott now and it brings me a special something inside knowing that everyone was able to listen to someone who's special to me.

You know... it's strange sometimes to think about the power of music.. how people you've never met or will ever physically have contact with can hold such a power over you, and feel like a friend. To me it's a beautiful and wonderful thing. When people are so deeply the music they create, and you choose to listen again and again to what they've made, they become like this part of your existence. You don't know them but do know them kind of thing. I know if I didn't have Elliott's music i'd be in a worse off place. It's good to have something always to lean back on whenever you need it, and music can be that. I feel like i'm introducing you to a dear friend.


p.s post 15,000 baby!!!! And yes, this timing was intentional and not a coincidence x
I can go and thank people for the nice comments left on the shows now that i've finally finished this post


February 9, 2012
Re: Pacific States ā˜‚ WV93 - Elliott Smith - Between The Bars

Recently the cartoon Rick and Morty was responsible for getting a whole new generation of people into the music of Elliott Smith, but for me it worked the other way round, with Elliott giving me the reason I needed to finally try the hit Adult Swim cartoon, and i'm now quite obsessed with it. It stars the crude, ridiculously clever scientist, Rick, and his nervous grandson Morty. They go on adventures together and stuff. Think Back to the Future mixed with Futurama, but darker.

In one episode, Rick turns himself into a teenager, hilariously dubbing himself as Tiny Rick, "I'm Tiny Riiiick". He does this so that he can help his grandchildren slay some vampires at their school. He gets so into his new supposedly temporary life as Tiny Rick that he eventually makes an attempt to destroy his old man body that's being kept in some kind of incubator thingy majig. His grandchildren catch him just in time and a fight breaks out, that eventually sees Tiny Rick on the floor, pinned down in a headlock by Morty. His granddaughter Summer rushes over with earbud headphones, and forces them into Tiny Rick's ears. Elliott Smith's Between The Bars starts to play in a scene that is both so over the top, but also very sad and probably extremely relatable for I imagine near enough every hardcore Elliott Smith fan out there. The music reduces Rick to a flood of tears and he agrees to go back to his regular old body, but not before lamenting Elliott's death, and questioning the facts of life. It plays on such big stereotypes of Elliott Smith and his fans, yet it doesn't come across as offensive, but more of a moving tribute. I think it's really sweet to have a pop culture reference like this.



February 9, 2012
Re: Pacific States ā˜‚ WV93 - Elliott Smith - Between The Bars


Thank you to everyone that had some points for Elliott. It might be a very low down position in this final, but i'm happy I sent him again, and am grateful that I got to do it with this PQ. The position was about where I expected Between The Bars to come. I think that hoping is one thing. I did hope to do a smidgen better, and a The Velvet Underground result of around 18th to 20th whilst being able to creep past the hundred point mark would have made me super happy. Thankfully I realized that such a result was next to impossible in this kind of final. I knew that people i'd have possibilities to get something off of were going to be spoiled for choice, and that my song wasn't something that could compete. That's why i'm so appreciative of every point I received here. This would have failed to reach the final without the PQ. It came dead last in my now ancient Elliott Smith NF. An NF that had six songs and where the winner failed to reach the final. So yeah, I couldn't have sent this without the PQ, and I would have been devastated had I missed with something this deep in my heart. I consider myself extremely lucky how I was able to share it with you in this way.

This is my favourite Elliott Smith song. You've now heard it and it's a part of my WorldVision collage. Elliott has seven albums worth of beautiful music, and I believe there will be a next time with him at this game, and I can try again (harder even) to make some of you fall in love with him. The later albums in particular I think house some achingly beautiful pieces. He goes full on baroque pop ballad mode on some songs with piano and strings. The 15th anniversary of his passing is approaching, and the late October date might just coincide with a very special anniversary edition of our dear contest. I'll be looking to send something special to that edition.

Anyway, you peeps belowxheart Love you.

:12: :hu:
:10: xwhistle
:8: :kant::sobr:
:7: :ca::jp:
:6: xwhistle
:5: :ie::ru::al:
:4: :fi:::newy:lv:
:3: :nl:
:2: :sc::svea::gr:
:1: xwhistle


I hope you enjoyed my hosting edition. I'm honestly glad it's all over now (I almost died). I'm so excited that we're going to the wonderful county of Los Angeles and my hip bro Flo is going to be hosting. All I know about next edition is that I want to have fun and be a lil bit wild and xxxxxxtreeemeeee with my artist and song choice. I hear that songs that are not hip enough are going to be turned away during submissions, and so it's lucky for me that my favourite hippidi hop artist comes from Pacific States. I would have had so much more choice though if I was with Midwest right now, and I might have felt inspired even to hold my first multi artist hip NF. But anyway..
Choice one my favourite hippidi hopper (probably with something really shocking).
Choice two of my other potential entries is an indie electro-rock band with some hip undertones there for sure. The band were my main reason for returning to Pacific and I need to send them before I move.
Choice three is the out the box pick. You wouldn't in a million years guess that i'm the guy behind this entry if you closed your eyes at the LL. It's a wild, euphoric and hard form of rock that isn't my forte usually... at all even. But I found this guy a while back and have fallen in love with this humongous song he has that just makes me feel all kinds of good. The song sounds like if Anna (in partaay mode) and Ole joined forces to create the ultimate feel good jam, and then I was tasked with fashioning the artist and injecting steroids into his arms for some reason (likely feeling frisky). The song is so ridiculously over the top. I wouldn't be bringing the hip with this, but i'd be bringing the rock party and feel good vibes + motivational message.
Choice four is a slice of R&TheB that could possibly have me assassinated after submitting it. I know my hip friend loves this artist too (I think he'll know who I mean here) and i'm unsure if he has plans himself to send her at one point. I wouldn't intrude if so. I love R&B music though, and I haven't sent a single song from the genre yet.

Bonus Choice Kurt Vile

NF tempting.... must........ resist..


March 3, 2014
Re: Pacific States ā˜‚ WV93 - Elliott Smith - Between The Bars

I'll put person on your banner I want you to send .. let's see if it's gonna match xpokerface


February 9, 2012
Re: Pacific States ā˜‚ WV93 - Elliott Smith - Between The Bars

I'll put person on your banner I want you to send .. let's see if it's gonna match xpokerface

Trying to work out if you mean choice one or choice four. I'm wondering also if you think that with choice one i'm referring to my favourite female hip hopper? I can't send queen D unless I move to Midwest or Mid-Atlantic.

Wait, I think i've worked out who you've put on my banner. Psychedelic folk goddess, the one and only grand master, Linda Perhacs.




February 9, 2012
Re: Pacific States ā˜‚ WV93 - Elliott Smith - Between The Bars

So I went with choice number four. I'm sending a really breezy and sensual summer jam, by two artists I started listening to last year. The main singer lives in LA, but has Colombian blood. Her style if very interesting with a lot of different influences at play. The featured artist on the track is a fantastic upcoming singer from my own home country, the UK. It was thanks to her part on this track that I discovered the music of the lead girl.

The track is chill, has a ridiculously catchy hook and is a lot of fun. My initial leaning was to send Sadistik again with a hip hop track, but i've never done a song like what i'm doing now before, and i've always wanted to do it. I think this edition is the right moment, what with Flo hosting.



February 9, 2012
Re: Pacific States ā˜‚ WV94 - Kali Uchis ft. Jorja Smith - Tyrant








Artist biographies and wall of text coming soon. Stay tuned.


March 3, 2014
Re: Pacific States ā˜‚ WV94 - Kali Uchis ft. Jorja Smith - Tyrant

I love everything about this post.

xheart xheart xheart

Amazing entry ofc, go Kali xyes xheart


Well-known member
February 14, 2017
Re: Pacific States ā˜‚ WV94 - Kali Uchis ft. Jorja Smith - Tyrant

Woah, you really make great presentations of your entries!


February 9, 2012
Re: Pacific States ā˜‚ WV94 - Kali Uchis ft. Jorja Smith - Tyrant

Woah, you really make great presentations of your entries!

Thank you so muchxheart I got a tablet recently as a replacement for my laptop which is on it's last legs, and I bought a stylus pen thingy with it as well, so for the first time in years i'm feeling quite creative, visually speaking. It's really fun experimenting with it. I'm using a programme called SketchBook, which I think is actually supposed to be more in line for illustrators (which i'm certainly not), but it's working out ok for messing around with pictures too. I kinda want to redo my whole greenroom design now too, but that will take time, and I should probably come up with a clear vision first to follow. Your snake thing in the Spanish greenroom was inspiring:p I need to try and think of something clever too.

Noticed some spelling mistakes in my lyrics though.... xshifty *quickly fixes*

I love everything about this post.

xheart xheart xheart

Amazing entry ofc, go Kali xyes xheart

Thank you, thank youxbowxheart

Sorry it wasn't Dessa. I somehow knew you thought I meant her when I gave clue 1, but that was actually Sadistik. Dessa's day will come...... soon.......... someday............. quite soon..... far soon...... maybe a few years kind of soon..... soon.


July 12, 2014
A Mhar
Re: Pacific States ā˜‚ WV94 - Kali Uchis ft. Jorja Smith - Tyrant

Omg xheat amazing promotional post for the clear winners of WV 94: Kali and Jorja xheart (Can't wait for your hosting next edition, you must be excited about it)

Aside from that I think I can say: this is my fave entry from you, ever xbow !! Those sexy, summery R&B vibes it gives me omigod am in love xheart You are Banu approved this edition!!
Actually I'm not going to lie, sorry all my previous 12s but this might just be my fave WV discovery yet! #nospoiler ofc


February 9, 2012
Re: Pacific States ā˜‚ WV94 - Kali Uchis ft. Jorja Smith - Tyrant

Kali Uchis was born in Alexandria, Virginia, just outside of Washington D.C. She spent her childhood moving constantly back and forth between the US and Colombia. As a teenager, Kali ran away from home, living inside her Subaru Forester with just her notebook, blankets, a laptop, USB mic and a lil MIDI keyboard. This would be her life for months, sleeping outside under the moonlight. Kali used this time to write poetry and music. She was alone at the time and felt vulnerable and paranoid, but she was also fiercely determined.

In 2012, Kali released her first mixtape, Drunken Babble. Described as "genre defying", the mixtape gathered a whole lot of attention and artists like Snoop Dog, Tyler the Creator and Gorillaz were lining up to get Kali featured on their tracks. Six years later and Kali has released her debut album, Isolation. The record received high praise and has been described as simultaneously "vintage and futuristic", and that the album "perhaps signals a legend in the making". High praise indeed.

Jorja Smith is an English R&B/Neo Soul singer from Walsall, West Midlands. She's being highly tipped as one our countries most up and coming artists. British R&B is still thriving following it's renaissance a few years back. Jorja has worked with Preditah, Drake, Stormzy and of course the wonderful Kali Uchis, but next week we finally get to listen to her debut album, Lost & Found. If the singles are anything to go by then it could end up being one of my favourite records of the year. Check out her songs Teenage Fantasy and Blue Lights to live out your very own nocturnal, moody R&B, cloud 9 fantasy. There's no need to rush. Take your time. Life's a big old ride. Sit back and enjoy the vibe.

I discovered Kali's music last year thanks to Jorja Smith actually. Her part on Tyrant got me interested in Kali, and the song itself has just grown and grown on me this past year. The kind of thing that gets better with each listen. I've kind of totally fallen for Kali after reading deeper into her story and learning of her journey to where she is now. She's actually incredible. With this entry i'm truly getting two for the price of one as I love both Kali Uchis and Jorja Smith, and I also get to show you a side of my taste that unless you stalk me on lastfm, you probably didn't know was really there. Men with shoulder length hair and sad ballads on hold for an edition as Pacific States gives you something to groove to. I hope you enjoy the song.




p.s. promotional post with just video, lyrics and banner, followed by wall of text a few days later in a separate post = the future
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