Woooooo, congrats
- you've been a powerhouse since your return, so I'm not at all surprised at that victory - great winner
Thank you so so much for this 5th place - omg I'm so delighted with that, DNA hit hard from the first time it popped up in my YouTube recommendations, so delighted to see so many of you enjoy too
Thanks to (hope I didn't miss anyone!):
Ugaly, Arirang, Biflovatia
Halito, Öösingimäed, Balearica Island, Fervorosia
Adamsburg, Roseland, Cherniya, Perryfornia
Bigicia, Tanoiro
Tcher-Racoi, Tybalteva, Pyreica
Effiland, Redwood Republic
And my first 5th place - yesssssss, getting closer to that Top 10 bingo!
Great hosting