Heartache is a huge let down - Farida really struggled live and there's a high chance she's going to be a NQ.
Mileo was very strong live, arguably the best so far. As a side note, I've never seen someone who looked so much like an anime character irl.
My AI - the song is OK, but the live performance was just weird. The robot standing in the background combined with the cartoon-ey costumes made the whole thing kitschy and, in a way, cheap. Might qualify thanks to the hype the song got before the live performance, but if I were to decide I'd say it doesn't deserve to go the final.
Touch of Venus - I haven't seen anyone really talking about this song, but it's been one of my favorites ever since I heard it for the first time. Eli had a few tough moments during the performace (like at the beginning of the bridge), but overall I think she did pretty good. Not as good as Mileo, but I'd say she should go to the final.
Judge Tenderly of Me - I don't care for this song at all. It's boring and an obvious NQ for me.
Ulveham - Gåte performed really well. I don't find the song exceptionally good, but they should easily qualify.