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Nation Song Contest 204 - Final Results


Well-known member
October 2, 2009
Grats to Sundfor for the win and thanks to Roffbeard for the great and entertaining hosting. xheart

What a great result, my 12 won and I actually PQed. :eek: :love: This is actually my first top 6 result outside of #1. :mrgreen:

Thanks everybody for the points:

:12: ::hyp ::tyb xheartxheartxheart
:10: ::bif ::dal ::per ::taa xheartxheart
:8: ::pyr xheart
:7: ::beg ::cyd ::rum ::tuz Slagensala Utopolis
:6: ::blm ::ins ::kor Bagrovor Joseyeon
:5: ::big Nauthinia Vallis
:4: ::com ::lac ::ser
:2: ::aim ::kim ::mat ::sak Celibate Union of Men Endore Rehi Keita
:1: :gr:i ::kad ::yap


Well-known member
September 28, 2009
Arvidsjaur, Sweden
Alright, some sincere words from the man behind the curtain.

This has been a thrill! I've hosted four times before, but the last time was over 8 years ago, and you'll have to go back even further to the wild year of 2011 when I got to host twice. Back then I was a college student with free time to spare, and I was capable of pulling all-nighters without getting migraines as a result. At age 32 with a full-time shift job and my skills being a bit rusty, as well as simultaneously planning my own wedding this summer, host duty was obviously gonna be more of a challenge, but I was ready to take it on, and me being me I wasn't about to do anything lesser than what I had managed in the past!

After Roffbeard's victory, hosting in-character was the obvious way to go. At first I was a bit worried that this would be severely limiting in how I approached the theme or that I would end up doing the character a disservice, either washing him down too much or overusing him to the point of beating a dead horse. But pretty soon the pieces fell into place and I have to say I'm very satisfied with how everything turned out! I might just have to compile a list of all the references, hints, inspirations and my own thought processes if I find the time for it.

I've seen all your kind words of encouragement, and it means so so much! xrose I'm very glad that I was able to make you enjoy your stay in Ugaly on the island of Roffbeard!

The results were also a thrill to follow in real time! I definitely feel bad for Griffin Empire, it looked like they had it in the bag until the very last few votes came in, particularly in the Waiting List Jury which ended up being a highly deciding factor. Goes to show that every point matters!

But a worthy winner indeed in Sundfør! A touching song with a very important message in the dreadful times of today's reality. I proudly hand over the trophy to this entry, more than just a winning song but also a clear statement that we stand with Ukraine!

Thank you everyone for this amazing time! Looking forward to seeing what our northern neighbours have in store for NSC 205, I'm sure it'll be just as amazing!


Worldvision Mod ❄️
Staff member
February 10, 2019
chocolatine in savouè
Congrats ::sun on winning, and @randajad sis on getting that #2 on your first participation :eek: Flopyreica could never
Nice edition Jochbeard, it was the typical hosting I more than approve of. Good job !
And congrats on getting married !!!! :O


Well-known member
October 5, 2009
Congrats to Sunfor, great song.....and congrats to Griffin Empire on the 2nd place. Tough outcome, it really went down to the wire.

I'm glad to have been able to contribute to the dramatic tie by changing my vote for Griffin from 7 to 8 at the last second. :p


Well-known member
September 28, 2009
Congratulations to Sundfør on the victory. It was definitely one of the best songs in this final. Also congratulations to Joch.......or Roffbeard, to be more precise, on a spectacular show. Unfortunately, Belvist had to sit out due to well-known circumstances, but we managed to honor this amazing manifestation by voting in the final nonetheless.

In the meantime, I am happy to announce that Belvist is returning to NSC next edition. I have recovered from COVID myself and I managed to recharge mentally to a certain degree.......although, it will never be complete. But it's enough to keep going.

The most important thing here is that these latest events have only inspired me even further to keep fighting for a better and healthier world for all of us. Our parents....and their parents deserve that, everyone reading these lines deserves that as well. I already went on a crusade against diseases that commonly kill us and/or make us suffer, earlier and now I am even more determined to do my part and give a contribution to eradicating them for good.

This is something my grandfather would want as well. And it is also in line with our this year's Eurovision entry. Health above everything else!

In the meantime, we can have fun and enjoy some great music together. Happy to be back! xcheer


Well-known member
October 1, 2009
Congrats to Sundfor for winning and Roffbeard for hosting!

8th place for Comino in the Final and tied 1st in the Semi is a great achievement, thanks! 😁 🎉


Well-known member
May 7, 2011
near zurich airport
Congratulations to Sundfør! Great song with an important message... alltough it should be clear to everyone already what happens there, at least if you have something like free press in your country, it still is important.

One of the best hostings ever! I've definetely never enjoyed a hosting as much without being part of the roster! :love:
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