I'm actually kind of glad this song won. Between all the blandness and the huge pile of "Meh" songs I finally found that song that I absolutely loathe.
And thats fine, every Eurovision year needs 1 or 2 songs I can't stand or else it would be too boring.
I mean this is "Social Network Song" bad, this is "Woki Mit dem Popo" bad, this is even "I'm a Joker" bad
You can even put a checklist next to this song with bad eurovision clichés and this song has them all.
Possibly copywright infringement...........................check
Horrible lyrics about "wanting" some chick..............check
Douchey looking singer........................................check
Repeating the same word over and over again.........check
Trashy horrible choreogaphy.................................check
Terrible live performance.....................................check
So thank you
for sending this trainwreck. This "song" at least makes me feel something. Not good things, but at least I feel something