Wow, this is the most honest ESC after-show I've ever seen
What are they saying?
Wow, this is the most honest ESC after-show I've ever seen
What are they saying?
One of the singers says Eduard's song might be plagiarism. And some of the jurors are like "we don't discuss this here". Now they re-launched the idea of only moldovans taking part. They discussed this like 3 times already
Poor Kitty, now I feel kinda sad for her, because those juries really had a crappy vision -.-
Was anyone defending Kitty?
Kitty Brucknell @kittybrucknell · 31m 31 minutes ago
Utterly heartbroken.
Kitty Brucknell @kittybrucknell · 25m 25 minutes ago
Btw 88 votes may not seem a lot but the winner only got like 2000! #smallcountry
Kitty Brucknell @kittybrucknell · 24m 24 minutes ago
I want to thank those 88 people whomever you are I love you xxx
What am I missing here?? Who is this Kitty and why is she crashing different countries' national selections?
Ninja'd! I've never seen a person who wanted to try to do Eurovision and get rejected by three different countries
Asifa Lahore?
She was a contestant on The X Factor over here who was rejected by the BBC and lost in Switzerland and now Moldova