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Millstreet 1993 - Post your top 29 (Including "Kvalifikacija za Millstreet" participants)


Active member
February 7, 2014
So this was that other year with a pre-qualifying leg that I mentioned in the 1995 edition thread. This leg was composed by slavic/Eastern block countries. Pretty curious that in 3 available slots, countries like Slovenia (host) and Bosnia-Herzegovina (war-torn) went through...seems kinda biased and unfair to the other countries that participated. Other times, I guess. The actual ESC edition itself was in fact quite decent. I'm finding that the further away from the late 90s/early 2000s I reach, the better it gets.

1- :gr: Greece
2- :pt: Portugal
3- :ch: Switzerland
4- :dk: Denmark
5- :se: Sweden
6- :ie: Ireland
7- :lu: Luxembourg
8- :fr: France
9- :uk: UK
10- :no: Norway
11- :hu: Hungary
12- :ee: Estonia
13- :fi: Finland
14- :sk: Slovakia
15- :de: Germany
16- :nl: Netherlands
17- :hr: Croatia
18- :sl: Slovenia
19- :es: Spain
20- :il: Israel
21- :ba: Bosnia & Herzegovina
22- :is: Iceland
23- :mt: Malta
24- :be: Belgium
25- :it: Italy
26- :tr: Turkey
27- :ro: Romania
28- :cy: Cyprus
29- :at: Austria


December 12, 2011
Milky Way
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Active member
February 28, 2017
Millstreet 1993 - my top 25 (+4)

:12: :dk: Tommy Seebach Band - Under stjernerne på himlen
:10: :nl: Ruth Jacott - Vrede
:8: :de: Münchener Freiheit - Viel zu weit
:7: :hr: Put - Don't Ever Cry
:6: :ie: Niamh Kavanagh - In Your Eyes
:5: :no: Silje Vige - Alle mine tankar
:4: :is: Inga - Þá veistu svarið
:3: :fr: Patrick Fiori - Mama Corsica
:2: :mt: William Mangion - This Time
:1: :se: Arvingarna - Eloise
11 :uk: Sonia - Better the Devil You Know
12 :fi: Katri Helena - Tule luo
13 :it: Enrico Ruggeri - Sole d'Europa
14 :sl: 1X Band - Tih deževen dan
15 :ch: Annie Cotton - Moi, tout simplement
16 :ba: Fazla - Sva bol svijeta
17 :gr: Katerina Garbi - Ellada, hora tou fotos
18 :pt: Anabela - A cidade (até ser dia)
19 :cy: Zimboulakis & Van Beke - Mi stamatas
20 :at: Tony Wegas - Maria Magdalena
21 :es: Eva Santamaría - Hombres
22 :lu: Modern Times - Donne-moi une chance
23 :il: Lahakat Shiru - Shiru
24 :tr: Burak Aydos - Esmer Yarim
25 :be: Barbara Dex - Iemand als jij

Kvalifikacija za Millstreet

1 :sk: Elán - Amnestia na neveru
2 :ee: Janika Sillamaa - Muretut meelt ja südametuld
3 :hu: Andrea Szulák - Árva reggel
4 :ro: Dida Drăgan - Nu pleca
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February 26, 2016
My review for 1993 - Milstreet, Ireland

This has been one of the worst Eurovision Song Contests for a long time. I'm sorry. Not only a very boring thus undeserved winner, also most of the songs were lame, so was the venue. The only exciting thing was the voting.

The hosts were okay, but the stage... one of the worst stages ever. I don't know if they tried hard to be modern and all, but they failed. The artists were lost on a stage that was quite too big and asymmetric. Why did it have a huge gap between the artists and the audience? It was so strange!

Songs: Many ballads this year after Lindas success. Most of them boring and uninspired. The few good songs weren't honoured enough. Most of my favourites ended up at the right side of the scoreboard.

I'm starting to realize that many Eastern European countries were underrated a lot in the 90s and it took them a while to conquer the Eurovision fans. Retribution they did so well in the 2000s, often overrated back then.

Malta has to be one of my favourite countries in the 90s. They were sending a lot of (good!) mainstream songs back then so I don't understand why they have been taking part with a lot of outdated songs the past decades.

When it comes to my home country, I remember being really surprised that Münchner Freiheit, a really famous band in Germany at that time, did not do pretty well. I think it's a decent song but the audio quality was so bad that evening. Really low voice and microphone.

Norway was faaaaar overrated. I think she benefitted from going on stage last. I want to take a rope and kill myself. Unfortunately - and I think this says all about the quality of songs that year - she isn't even last in my ranking with that depressing piece of music.

The interval act was rather boring. Linda singing her winning song again? Why her? ;-)

Worthy winner? No. Absolutely not. While I agree with almost all winners of this decade, imo In Your Eyes is one of the worst winners of all time, imho. It's boring, Niam looked like a reserved 60s dame, bland, without power.

Most underrated songs: Slovenia, Germany, Denmark

My top 25 ranking

1 Malta
2 Slovenia
3 Germany
4 Italy
5 United Kingdom
6 Sweden
7 Denmark
8 Austria
9 Luxembourg
10 Greece
11 Cyprus
12 Netherland
13 Bosnia-Herzegovina
14 France
15 Turkey
16 Switzerland
17 Ireland
18 Israel
19 Spain
20 Croatia
21 Norway
22 Belgium
23 Portugal
24 Iceland
25 Finland
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