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Malta MALTA 2018 - Christabelle - Taboo

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Well-known member
November 27, 2013
Re: MALTA 2018

I want to hear the songs!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


Well-known member
November 27, 2013
Re: MALTA 2018

I'm bored now.. We've known the final 16 for ages but still no songs :/

It never usually takes this long does it?


February 1, 2014
Re: MALTA 2018

As I really liked "Coming home" it was no surprise to me that I instantly liked "Song for Dad". xheart

Considering the rest of the line-up, I'd be o.k. with Deborah C - Turn it up or Aidan - Dai Laga.

I think most of the people will go for Brooke - Heart of gold, though for me it doesn't really work.

Many many similar songs again...


Well-known member
May 23, 2017
Re: MALTA 2018



Well-known member
November 27, 2013
Re: MALTA 2018

Aidan — Dai Liga
I love this! I think he will be a proper showman on stage.. the charisma of Teo and people like that

Avenue Sky – We Can Run
Bland.. will do well in MESC but not ESC. Very Lighthouse X

Brooke – Heart of Gold
Nice.. Modern.. Sounds like it could be an Australian entry in JESC

Christabelle – Taboo
I love this! It could do very well. Christabelle was telling me a few days ago that this song means a lot to her and I can see why, It's quite deep

Danica Muscat – One step at a time
I'm happy she is singing a song that is different to what we are used to hearing from her. Its not a great song my any stretch of the imagination but I'm happy it's not a boring ballad

Deborah C – Turn it up
I really love Deborah every year. I love this, its fresh and energetic but I feel it reminds me of "Whoop it up" by Annalise Ellul too much and that flopped. Latino is in at the minute but I think this may be a bit too dated

Dwett – Breaking Point
I don't know whether I love this or hate this... I'm getting Georgia 2013 vibes mixed with a bit of "Monster like me" I think this could do well depending on the performance

Eleanor Cassar – Back to Life
WOOOOOAH This is a bit of a tune! I really like this! This is totally different to what I expect from Eleanor! I'm happy!

Jasmine – Supernovas
Its decent... I'm just waiting for it to get going but it doesn't.. I had high expectations from her this year but I doubt she will get the Maltese ticket to Lisbon. It picks up slightly near the end but that is like an entry from Nationaal Songfestival in 2005 or something

Lawrence Gray – Love Renegade
It's like Mary Spiteri's voice coming out of Lawrence Gray's mouth. Not a fan of the song... This has last in the semi written all over it if it makes it to Lisbon

Matthew Anthony – Call 2morrow
I'm feeling this... could be in the Latvian NF. This is the most modern song out of them all up to now! This could do well in ESC... Not a fan of using the number 2 as opposed to using the word 'tomorrow'. Gets a bit repetitive though near the end. BTW Waylon wants his hat back

Miriana Conte – Rocket
Isn't this the same song she entered last year? haha. sounds a bit like Moldova 2017 i think in some crazy way.

Petra – Evolution
wow! This is good! I'm getting Loreen vibes from this. Dark.. powerful.. Good voice.. This could be a contender in May

Rhiannon – Beyond blue horizons
This is beautiful i really like this.. It's stripped back and she is belting it out. Bit of a jazz feeling... could do well in esc or flop... it's a risk but could pay off. This is what I imagined Petra's song was going to be like

Richard & Joe Micallef – Song for Dad
i got shivers.. I really like this. My bro smashed it again. This could do very well in ESC I think it could have the Olsen Brothers factor, the chemistry you you can only find with family

Tiziana – First Time
It's like a country song but with a non-country singer.... I love it but it needs a different singer


March 3, 2014
Re: MALTA 2018

They should rename this NF in 'pop album filler songs straight outta Malta'.

Call 2morrow clearly the superior song here.


Well-known member
January 7, 2014
Re: MALTA 2018

Wait, we have already hot hits from Malta?? xheat I will listen tomorrow!


December 12, 2011
Milky Way
Re: MALTA 2018

oh no, Christabelle moved away from teen pop to whatever this is xcry1

meh selection, but i have found my winner
it's... *drumroll*

---> Deborah C - "Turn It Up" <---- xdance

honorable mentions to songs from Petra Sublatti, Miriana Conte and Eleanor:mrgreen:


March 23, 2017
Doon sooth
Re: MALTA 2018

Some comments about the MESC entries.

Dai Laga - Aidan:
Another Despacito train rider.
I'm honestly not a fan at all.
The chorus in which he repeats Dai Laga again and again bothers me.
Aidan's voice is great admittedly, but it's just not suited to this song.
The instrumental isn't that bad.

We Can Run - Avenue Sky:
Seems a bit generic.
Not really drawing me in that much.
It drags a bit.
It's like that one Youngblood Hawke song x Bastille.

Heart Of Gold - Brooke:
Sounds promising at the start.
The vocal synths are rather average. (Then again, everything in this national selection is.)
The 'shirt won't get you laid' won't be able to stay I don't think.
The lyrics are basically Cheap Thrills x some motivational song.

Taboo - Christabelle:
I think I like this.
The lyrics are unique I guess.
The instrumental is decent.
I can't wait to see the stage show for the bass drop, that could be crazy good if done properly.

One Step At A Time - Danica:
I like this one a lot.
The lyrics are rather stale.
The instrumental is actually better than the other songs though.

Turn It Up - Deborah C:
Ooh, a clone of Hips Don't Lie!
The instrumental is funky but oh so done.
The lyrics are meh.

Breaking Point - Dwett:
This song isn't Eurovision material.
It's different, I'll give it that much.
The guy's voice really impresses me.

Back To Life - Eleanor:
Ooh hell yes.
This would get Malta back to the final for sure!
The instrumental is top quality.
It's modern, catchy and enjoyable.
I fucking love it.

Supernovas - Jasmine:
This is okay.
I actually like this quite a lot.
Shame there's not a nice bass drop and synth bit between the bridge and the chorus, that'd complete it.
I can't fault this, I think this should be top 3 or summat.

Love Renegade - Lawrence Gray:
This guy's voice reminds me a lot of Benjamin Ingrosso for some reason.
I like this.
It's really well produced, I'll say that much.
A bit meh. Not a winner.

Call 2Morrow - Matthew Anthony:
The beat is actually decent.
I can't fault this particularly.
A decent indie pop shot.
Not a winner but decent.

Rocket - Miriana Conte:
She's really good for only 16.
This is decent.
The instrumental could have a bit more of a kick to it.
Finally a bass drop!

Evolution - Petra:
She has a great voice.
This is a gutsy little one.
I'd like to see this do well. Top 5 maybe.
The beat is dark and edgy. And I like that.

Beyond Blue Horizons - Rhiannon:
This is a simple little song.
It doesn't burst into a pop song like I was kinda hoping.
Sounds a bit more gospel choir than ESC.

Song For Dad - Richard and Joe:
I expected this to be quite sad to be honest, but it's not the emotional ballad I wanted.
I've never liked any foreign country's attempts at country music.
Not great.

First Time - Tiziana:
Expected a dirty innuendo.
Got a musical theatre song.
This is meh.

Last time I posted reviews they flopped, be grand.


March 23, 2017
Doon sooth
Re: MALTA 2018

But my personal favourite entry is Life Insurance by Mapfre.


Well-known member
March 14, 2011
Re: MALTA 2018

TVM has changed the format of the show! They will now have 50% televoting/ 50% jury voting.


March 11, 2013
Re: MALTA 2018

I have listened to all hopefuls..

Many trash really and bring entries, pointless screaming..

those who stand out for me and based on studio version are my faves:

1. Dwett - "Breaking point"
2. Tiziana - "First time"
3. Mathew Anthony - "Call 2morrow"
4. Richard & Joe Micallef - "Song for dad"


Super Moderator 🌴
Staff member
March 1, 2013
Re: MALTA 2018

no Amber and no Warrior. 0/10


January 29, 2017
Porto, Portugal
Re: MALTA 2018

The fact that they did lyric videos just makes Brooke's song sound even more ridiculous xpuke
Anyways, I feel that Malta needs to change the direction, the majority of the songs sound really basic and under produced... basically MF rejects xshrug
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