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JESC 2024

Marcos C

Well-known member
June 20, 2023
US / Marcobia
Junior Eurovision Song Contest 2024 will be taking place at Caja Mágica in Madrid, Spain on Saturday, November 16, 2024 at 18:00 CET.

The theme of this year's contest is "Let's Bloom."

The following 17 countries have confirmed that they are participating in JESC 2024.

:al: Albania
:am: Armenia
:cy: Cyprus
:ee: Estonia
:fr: France
:ge: Georgia
:de: Germany
:ie: Ireland
:it: Italy
:mt: Malta
:nl: Netherlands
:mk: North Macedonia
:pl: Poland
:pt: Portugal
:sm: San Marino
:es: Spain
:ua: Ukraine

You can find information about the 17 entries by clicking this line.

The following participant of JESC 2023 is not returning this year.

:uk: United Kingdom
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Well-known member
April 24, 2015
I did not follow the JESC season, just watched the show a little bit today, so I had no clue about the songs or the favourites to win. In my opinion :ge: and :pt: had the best vocals and their songs were good too, so it's a nice and well deserved outcome!


Well-known member
February 2, 2019
Oh dear the discrepancy between Jury and Audience even being worse than with the last two adult ESC winners...this should've been Portugals or Ukraines clearly.

Well, at least now we can say that once you let a young boy sing about their mum your chances of winning JESC are very high. :D


Well-known member
April 24, 2015
Oh dear the discrepancy between Jury and Audience even being worse than with the last two adult ESC winners...this should've been Portugals or Ukraines clearly.

Well, at least now we can say that once you let a young boy sing about their mum your chances of winning JESC are very high. :D

:ge: vocals were outstandig for such a young child, no? And the whole performance was charming. It's not just about a catchy song, it's about the whole package.

I didn't like :ua: song and performance at all. :pt: was very good and would have deserved the victory too. It would have deserved more jury points.


Well-known member
February 2, 2019
:ge: vocals were outstandig for such a young child, no? And the whole performance was charming. It's not just about a catchy song, it's about the whole package.
I didn't like :ua: song and performance at all. :pt: was very good and would have deserved the victory too. It would have deserved more jury points.
Despite the great vocals, I found it as outdated as most of the Georgian entries. All of their Ranina selections screams strict soviet musical conservatory from the 1960s and thats why its usually only the jury that embraces it. I felt the same about their last winning song. It's especially fascinating considering how much off-beat they usually go in the adult contest.
Somehow Georgia is the A+-student in the Junior version but the rebellious high-school-drop-out in the Adult version. :D
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Well-known member
June 2, 2012
Dorchester, Dorset, United Kingdom
The Junior Eurovision Song Contest 2024 is now over. The winner is Georgia - Andria Putkaradze - "To My Mom", with a combined score (jury + online) of 239 points. Congratulations to Georgia for winning this evening. This is Georgia's fourth JESC victory to-date. Georgia: winners 2008, 2011, 2016, 2024. 8 years' gap between its two most recent wins (2016 - 2024).

Well done to the other 16 countries' artists, no matter where on the scoreboard they placed.

On this occasion, I decided not to comment on the songs on Facebook or ESC United Forum, because I'd only previewed the songs beforehand twice each (yesterday afternoon and this afternoon), and therefore I didn't think I could make a fair judgement of them. For similar reasons, I decided not to make a reaction video for the online voting scores.

I must admit, I didn't like the way the 1 to 10 jury points were announced. There were no pauses to allow viewers to read off which countries had given a particular points level, e.g. 1, 2, to each applicable receiving country. The 12s were still announced by individual countries' spokespersons (which were children) in performance order (Italy to Malta), so I think they'd might as well have stuck with putting, for example, Italy's 1 to 10 on as a block, and the spokesperson announcing the 12. Thankfully the scoreboard was rearranged in jury total order top to bottom before the online points totals were announced. #JESC2024
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October 1, 2009
I wouldn't even mind Portuguese victory. But I knew the juries will fall for conservative song of Georgia. Imo, when adults try to force grampa style on children it is abnormal. + I will never forget how a couple of years ago a member of Georgian delegation hit their representative in the face behind the stage because he didn't win o_O Our ESC blogger accidentally shot it live on Insta.
The voting system gives preference to the juries, I mean compare the difference between last places in televoting and the jury.
But I'm happy that certain juries kinda stopped being biased against Ukraine, that was unexpected indeed. JESC has abysmal TV ratings here (close to 1%), so not Ukrainians nor diaspora really affected the voting.

Also I'm surprised that the juries underrated Portugal and televoters prefered her, despite she performed better in the jury show.


November 15, 2020
Oh dear the discrepancy between Jury and Audience even being worse than with the last two adult ESC winners...this should've been Portugals or Ukraines clearly.

Well, at least now we can say that once you let a young boy sing about their mum your chances of winning JESC are very high. :D

Despite the great vocals, I found it as outdated as most of the Georgian entries. All of their Ranina selections screams strict soviet musical conservatory from the 1960s and thats why its usually only the jury that embraces it. I felt the same about their last winning song. It's especially fascinating considering how much off-beat they usually go in the adult contest.
Somehow Georgia is the A+-student in the Junior version but the rebellious high-school-drop-out in the Adult version. :D

I love Georgia's jesc entries, they scream more timeless than dated and this is why the work.

+ the fashion and stagings are always immaculate.


October 1, 2009
I love Georgia's jesc entries, they scream more timeless than dated and this is why the work.

+ the fashion and stagings are always immaculate.
This one stinks with naphtalene from grandpa's costume. It's kinda better than their 2022 fashion disaster tho xthink
Music-wise I like and vote for their entries mostly. But not this one.


December 12, 2011
Milky Way
This new presentation of points sucks and i don't like it.
I don't mind the use of AI tho... that seems to be unpopular opinion i guess?
I'm not a fan of the winner...Georgia deserves this kind of love at the adult contest, but congrats
Juries again having the upper hand in deciding the's getting tiring now...
Spain should've done better, but i'm happy with Portugal being up there in the scoreboard
My other favorites flopping was not a surprise but whatever... they did great because i said so

And for the two people that might care, this is my official top 17xdance2



Well-known member
September 26, 2018
Congratulations to Georgia on winning JESC 2024

Hopefully the show goes back to being a Sunday afternoon show next year, I didn't like it being on Saturday evening.


Well-known member
April 24, 2015
Oh dear the discrepancy between Jury and Audience even being worse than with the last two adult ESC winners...this should've been Portugals or Ukraines clearly.

Well, at least now we can say that once you let a young boy sing about their mum your chances of winning JESC are very high. :D

Despite the great vocals, I found it as outdated as most of the Georgian entries. All of their Ranina selections screams strict soviet musical conservatory from the 1960s and thats why its usually only the jury that embraces it. I felt the same about their last winning song. It's especially fascinating considering how much off-beat they usually go in the adult contest.
Somehow Georgia is the A+-student in the Junior version but the rebellious high-school-drop-out in the Adult version. :D
Oh well, I certainly don’t agree to the „it’s outdated“ argument. But everyone has a different taste of course. In my opinion both performances are classy and charming, Mzeo is among my all-time JESC favourites and she deserves to maybe go to adult Eurovision one day.


December 12, 2011
Milky Way
Georgia could literally be last in the online vote with 34 points (tied with North Macedonia) and still be a winner

Meanwhile Portugal needed to be in the jury's top 3 to even have a shot at winning


Well-known member
November 27, 2016
I did not watch the show itself, but I started seeing people posting photos of the AI used in postcard and ...what on earth were the EBU thinking???

Actually nvm, the problem is that they probably weren't.

Congrats to Georgia though! :ge:xrose
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