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Italy ITALY 2024 - Angelina Mango - La noia

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    64 36.0%
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    12 6.7%

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Well-known member
March 6, 2012
I still love La noia and it's one of my favourites this year, even now that I saw that the staging isn't that great tbh. I expected more colour and focus on Angelina connecting with the audience like in Sanremo.


Well-known member
May 15, 2017
I love La Noia, and Angelina (I can't believe there actually were people saying she can't sing :ROFLMAO:) but for me this is just a little too over-choreographed. I liked the (seemingly) spontaneous, bubbly, free-spirited energy from San Remo a lot more, would have personally wished a Lena route for her. I think it just stands out less out of all the other female solo-dancer combos. I watched it with a friend and after a few notes he went 'aaaand another one of these dance acts' and I spent the aftermath of the song trying to convince him that this is way better and distinct haha

Still think she should do well enough for a good result. Juries will honor this, and I hope it picks up some decent points with the public as well.


Well-known member
February 5, 2011
Not a fan of this entry, or the country, but this felt even weaker than i expected. Don't think top 5 is likely now, if it ever was. The outfit and visuals were just messy and looked almost "dirty", it was hard to make out where they were placed on stage with all the twisty dark patterns everywhere.

Also the production/arrangement of the song sound so cheezy and flat, i thought maybe they would have polished it a bit, but it sounds like cheaply produced early 90s cheese you wouldn't even hear in the ESC. I'm only glad for it.


Well-known member
December 26, 2014
La Noia would be my personal favourite when it comes down to :hr: :ch: :it: to win it but this performance didn't feel very winner worthy and fitting to the song imo. My prediction would be that it will do worse with the televoting and even juries than expected, I thought it might could finish as a compromise winner but I guess that's out of the question


Well-known member
May 15, 2017
Are we sure that those are the actual televoting numbers and not let's say social media engagement or such? Why would they even publish it now? It's forbidden.

Someone pushing the wrong button? I don't know what else this could possibly be. It must be the votes no?
Oh my, it's really happening...


Well-known member
February 5, 2011
Almost nobody watches Eurovision in Italy, their votes are almost completely random and irrelevant to the overall result.


Well-known member
December 6, 2014
I liked this entry until tonight. with this staging it loses everything. after greece that is the biggest disappointment of this night for me.


Well-known member
February 28, 2019
The staging really killed an amazing song and artist. The visuals are blocking every senses because the brain has to deal with all that pattern information.


Well-known member
April 19, 2015
Yeah the staging probably didn’t increase her chances by a lot, but I don’t see why it should descrease her chances either

Probably not winning anymore but coming for a top 5 for sure xdance2

Paco Roca

Well-known member
June 9, 2023
Yesterday, before the second semi-final, I let myself be a bit pessimistic but, after having re-watched the performance and slept on it, I think that the staging is less disastrous than many people shout. Let's analyze it point by point:
  1. Mediterranean concept vanished: if Angelina had brought a Mediterranean concept the fans would have started screaming "We imagined it! No originality!" and then "Europe is not just the Mediterranean! An Icelander will never be able to feel those colors and symbols!". Apart from the fact that an Icelander can easily get excited even for something distant from his own culture (like me who for example likes to eat kebab, I like "Ulveham" and I read Japanese manga), Italy has opted for a more universal and less regional precisely to reach the entire European public. This unusual commitment in the construction of the stage and the universal choice make us understand that Italy intends to win again.
  2. The voice + the song: we can not comment on them for long. Just look at the reaction of the public in the arena: people danced, had fun, were involved and especially at the moment of the emotional climax they exploded in a scream full of admiration. A scream of surprise like that, so loud and genuine, I've only seen here and in the moment of Bambie Thug's evocation/flowmotion camera work.
  3. The dark theme and the thorns: in fact a little of the joy has been lost but, I repeat, "La Noia" is a "hidden ballad". It has sadness in its lyrics! Ok, maybe they wanted to focus too much on this aspect but it makes sense. The background is very stylish, a choice almost like that of a world pop star. If we want to find a flaw, the real flaw, is that the background together with the black of the outfit and some long shot direction work make Angelina and the dancers a little "out of focus". They are completely absorbed between the spines.
  4. The direction: it didn't convince me before the second semi-final. I feared the same mistake made for Banca Paloma but I see that they fixed 3-4 shots. They limited the damage.
  5. The dancers: before I saw them as a disturbing element. They gave me the idea that they were hindering Angelina and overshadowing her, but I partially changed my mind. If we observe a fragment, decontextualizing all the previous and subsequent choreography, instead of the entire performance we can fall into a hasty judgment. I therefore thought that they helped Angelina a lot to fill the stage which is much larger than that of Sanremo where 2/4 is filled by the orchestra. Plus, they help Angelina give him a diva look. Then, ok I would have preferred a performance more like Sanremo but many Eurofans would have started shouting "The usual Italy! No staging! That's not right!" and "Stuff already seen. The other divas did better." Italy's choice to work hard on the choreography should be appreciated because she recognized that to surpass the other divas she had to create iconic choreography. The dancers surrounding Angelina give me the idea of "SloMo". Unlike "SloMo", the Italian song is more focused on vocality and theatricality at the expense of furious and passionate unbridled dancing. Which is how the two peoples love: Italians color their passion with a game of seduction, romance and theatricality; the Spanish are passionate and blunt xheat haha
  6. Angelina's dance: with a dance troupe next to me and a larger stage I rely on the words of a Korean producer who saw Angelina dance. On her biggest stage you can see her limitations as a dancer. When she throws her leg in the air and then lands she does it awkwardly. She works hard, manages to hide the flaw but for those who understand dance... It doesn't go unnoticed.
  7. Lost intimity: Uto and I agreed here. Here too, like Blanca Paloma, I glimpsed the risk of a performance ruined by too much choreography and nervous, snappy direction. I keep saying that Angelina captured you more in Sanremo but... Seeing the entire performance I would say that the damage is limited. I don't see it as a disaster like I saw it before the second semi-final. It was clear that some elements had to be lost to make room for others.
Italy is therefore still a contender for victory. Perhaps it is not Italy that has lost its charm but its opponents who have gained it. I fear that, like Loreen last year who after the juries' show she was criticized for her voice not being clean, it is a technique to stir the waters. It could be a way to hide Angelina's possible announced victory.

On the Italian vote which showed the percentages and was pro-Israeli, I think we should analyze better. Rai will have within it several exponents of the Jewish religion (Israelis have always been exceptional at reaching the heights of power and this is why, in addition to their exclusive community spirit, they are historically hated). Through Italy the Israelis sent a message to their brothers but they didn't realize that the same message reached the pro-Palestinians and those who don't like politics who will vote another competitor to death. I predict a fiery final... I can also hypothesize that Italy is weaving a Machiavellian plot: they will try to win with Angelina and they will try to get Israel to win to co-host (like Ukraine and the UK) xhelp

However, the voting percentages suggest that in Italy the public is still absorbing the ESC. The vote is not yet totally Italian. In past years we have always seen Romania, Moldova and Albania rewarded by the diaspora present in their country. This year, as Nudiecrudi says, their Israeli community (among the largest in the world) is voting en masse. If I'm not mistaken, a friend told me that Jewish culture has become so rooted that a very famous gastronomic variant was created in Rome: Judeo-Roman cuisine.

In this climate I hope Bambie Thug and his Licifuge Rofocale win.


Well-known member
April 21, 2013
RAI issued a statement about the "leak" (translated into English)

With regard to the publication of the results of the second semi-final of the Eurovision Song Contest 2024, in the credits of this semi-final, Rai specifies that it was a technical inconvenience as a result of which some data - completely partial - of the Italian national vote were wrongly highlighted in graphics. These results, pursuant to the 68th Eurovision Song Contest Regulations, can be made public only after the final evening. Rai has promptly apologized to the EBU summits and believes that this inconvenience does not affect the regularity of the final result. The published votes are incomplete. Rai has in any case already spoken with EBU, confirming its commitment to full respect for all the rules for the rest of the event.

Ajeje Brazorf

Well-known member
October 6, 2021
RAI issued a statement about the "leak" (translated into English)

With regard to the publication of the results of the second semi-final of the Eurovision Song Contest 2024, in the credits of this semi-final, Rai specifies that it was a technical inconvenience as a result of which some data - completely partial - of the Italian national vote were wrongly highlighted in graphics. These results, pursuant to the 68th Eurovision Song Contest Regulations, can be made public only after the final evening. Rai has promptly apologized to the EBU summits and believes that this inconvenience does not affect the regularity of the final result. The published votes are incomplete. Rai has in any case already spoken with EBU, confirming its commitment to full respect for all the rules for the rest of the event.

Sorry, but, what? Extremely fishy statement by RAI in this case. That was not a technical inconvenience, and you can clearly see it. In what technical inconvenience the results are placed in a space on the screen where they are totally visible for all in an apposite space below the credits? They can fool anyone, but not me. The "Broken sun" was a "technical inconvenience", this frankly Is not. It's not believable this statement.
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