This is a question I have. How come the press following the rehearsals didn't hype up Ireland and especially Lithuania more after watching the full thing on TV countless times. The moment the Lithuanian performance happened it was obvious she was a 100% qualifier and even possibly a winner of the semi-final (or at least top 3), yet the press following the rehearsals never hyped her up at all.
Eurovision press and Eurovision fans are a very strange group of people, if you ask me. They are not able to observe and judge songs from an average viewer at home perspective. Also, every year, before rehearsals, they always come with 5-6 songs they push sooo much forward which actually affects betting odds, newspaper articles an so on. Based on that people then assume "Oh this will fail" or "Oh this will do well", while in reality that's not the thing. But in reality, this group of people is actually a tiny segment (of 200 million that watch) so no surprises when so many Euro fans songs fail.
Also, I really have to add again here (although people will think I am annoying already), the reason why Ireland qualified is not a cute staging (actually, we shouldn't forget many people will find two guys flirting and dancing on stage off putting, that's the fact) although it helped. The reason is THE SONG, it's a beautiful calm sad song. People get it and that's it. ESC bubble doesn't get it, but hey, it's not the first or last time the bubble gets shocked.