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Live GRIFFINISKAJA LAUL 28 / vote vote vote


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March 1, 2013
That flag choice is something. xheat

Welcome back! :D


January 17, 2012
Greetings from Tybalteva xheart
I don't know what manner of political plot prevented Griffin Empire to debut until now ("Burning an empire, Happens so easy" xviolin), but our King sent the Griffin royalty His regards and expressed His wish to open an embassy in Kralingslæting.


Super Moderator
Staff member
March 4, 2011
Welcome back Griffin Empire! I always loved that name xheart
Thank you very much xheart
I love how this thread is actually just me coming back xheat

That flag choice is something. xheat

Welcome back! :D
Thank you. xheart Ain't she a beauty xheat It's an updated version of the old one if anyone remembers :lol:
Greetings from Tybalteva xheart
I don't know what manner of political plot prevented Griffin Empire to debut until now ("Burning an empire, Happens so easy" xviolin), but our King sent the Griffin royalty His regards and expressed His wish to open an embassy in Kralingslæting.
Welcome to my great nation, of course you're getting the best location for your embassy on the main avenue in Kralingslæting. It will be huge, tremendous, the best embassy you'll ever see. xheart I guess we went full pre-2015 Czechia, but now we're back stronger than ever and ready to play. Thank you once more for your time in my NF. xheart


Super Moderator
Staff member
March 4, 2011
Sletterimaa wins Griffiniskaja Laul 01 with “Dancing Next To Me”
Last night the first edition of Griffin national festival took place at the Kralarrena in Kralingslæting. Seven acts representing seven Griffin principalities competed for the crown, fighting for the opportunity to represent Griffin Empire at WLSC196 in Xhumshët, Arkodrë. In the end, Greyson Chance, representing the principality of Sletterimaa emerged victorious with the song “Dancing Next to Me”.

Recap of competing entries
International jury results
The votes of the international jury were revealed first. The international jury consisted of 7 nations - ÜÜCS, Neajlovia, Solentoja, Arkordrë, Tanoiro, Bigicia and Tybalteva. After all the votes came in, Sletterimaa was in the lead with 50 points.
Public vote results
The votes of the public were added next to determine the winner. This presentation presented the votes Eurovision-style, while traveling from the principality to principality. Sletterimaa recieved another 50 points from the Griffin vote, taking the victory in the end. Foreõsvdetrre finished second, and Meremaa third.


Griffiniskaja Laul 02 in the works
Griffiniskaja Televisioon confirmed that the festival will be renewed for another season, it was also confirmed that the second edition will take place in the capital of the Principality of Sletterima - Nýtdainsk. They called for all of Griffin singers to apply to represent this great nation at the 197 WLSC, but also other countries of Natia to join Griffiniskaja Laul international jury.



Super Moderator
Staff member
March 4, 2011

Hey guys!
Welcome to the second edition of Griffin national final for the WLSC, this time public. xheat Welcome to Nýtdainsk, the capital of the Sletterimaa principality that won the first edition. Here are both - recap and the playlist on youtube if you have time to watch and listen to the whole songs. If you want to vote send me your rankings - from your favourite to your least favourite. Full list of songs is in spoiler. Thank you very much. xheart



April 20, 2015
A Bridge Too Far
Utopolitan juror told me to thank the Griffin Empire for the invitation. Songs were listened to and it was deemed an interesting listen to see what other countries are up to. Of course, an envoy giving the verdict has been dispatched to the organization. Nytdainsk is a beautiful city. Juror recommends that little Solentoyan fusion restaurant on the corner of Pikktanav and Sonnikuhunik.


Super Moderator 🌴
Staff member
March 1, 2013
Woah, I missed the whole voting break down stuff, super neat. Sletterimaa with the same taste as the Solentoyan jury. xheat We're currently working through the songs and will send our votes through to you later, along with a reply to that pm.

edit: xheat I'm happy you got to enjoy so hot fusion Solentoyan cuisine while visiting to vote in their NF. xlove


Worldvision Mod ❄️
Staff member
February 10, 2019
chocolatine in savouè
The Pyreican delegation is honored to have received such an invite and will vote in the next few days. They already listened to all the songs and easily found two favorites xheat


Super Moderator
Staff member
March 4, 2011
Utopolitan juror told me to thank the Griffin Empire for the invitation. Songs were listened to and it was deemed an interesting listen to see what other countries are up to. Of course, an envoy giving the verdict has been dispatched to the organization. Nytdainsk is a beautiful city. Juror recommends that little Solentoyan fusion restaurant on the corner of Pikktanav and Sonnikuhunik.

Thank you so much 😍
10/10 for votes and another 10/10 for the recommendation, Solentoyan cuisine xheat

Woah, I missed the whole voting break down stuff, super neat. Sletterimaa with the same taste as the Solentoyan jury. xheat We're currently working through the songs and will send our votes through to you later, along with a reply to that pm.

edit: xheat I'm happy you got to enjoy so hot fusion Solentoyan cuisine while visiting to vote in their NF. xlove
I have been waiting <old> You know it is a real democratic country when the national festival is the only allowed news.

The Pyreican delegation is honored to have received such an invite and will vote in the next few days. They already listened to all the songs and easily found two favorites xheat
Oh my we ARE excited, thank you so much xheart


Super Moderator
Staff member
March 4, 2011
It's “Dear Jealousy” for Griffin Empire!
Last evening the second edition of the Griffiniskaja Laul took place at the NÝTarrenaa in Nýtdainsk, Sletterimaa. In an exciting show, Mika representing the Principality of Eestimadnait was crowned the winner and will represent Griffin Empire at WLSC 197 in Svobodnia. The night was opened by Greyson Chance singing his winning song which received fantastic support from the public, especially after the stunning result at the WLSC 196 in Arkodrë. The show was brilliantly hosted by the Sletterima capital and all the acts delivered their A-game performances. Ava Max, the winner of the WLSC 195 performed as an interval act. After the exciting voting part, Eestimadnait won with Meremaa coming in second and Foreõsvdetrre third.
International jury results
Voting format stayed the same, results of the international jury were revealed first and they voted Dear Jealousy as their favourite. The international jury consisted of 7 nations, some of them were Griffiniskaja Laul voters in the first edition as well - Utopolis, Solentoya, Svobodnia, Pyreica, Arkodrë, Moisantia and Tanoiro.
Televoting results
After international jury, public results were counted. Eestimadnait won with 105 points, breaking Greyson's record from the first edition. Meremaa finished second with "Not Enough" and capital city principality, Foreõsvdetrre finished third with "Det Kommer Bli Bra". Host principality - Sletterimaa finished last.



GTV confirmed GL03
Griffiniskaja Televisioon and regional television of Eestimadnait (ERT) confirmed that the festival will be organised somewhere in the winning principality. Cities like Pyetsit, Filipolis, and Sania already showed interest in hosting the contest. Applications for artists, but also juries have been opened this morning.

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