Hello André Wickström and glorious MatiMati! We are extremely sad your postcard stayed in the semis, it was our favourite as it shows us imperial palace Saint Belviederhee, main official residence of the Griffin royal family.
And hello "cold in the north"! Hello Bigicia! Did y'all know that their upper class like to spend summers in Griffin city of Tevs. It's true, there's even a promenade named after their king. Oh yes, points... let's hear them.
We are very glad that Mýktswershjnryk is so very fond of their Griffin name. It's a mouthful innit? Good evening, Vladimír Franz! We have a postcard for you too, a bit more of Griffin mighty rivers and medieval towns.
И посебан поздрав за Ферета са којим није било проблема у споразумијевању иако је свако причао на свом језику. Хвала на учешћу! Welcome New Bander State, we are extremely happy to welcome you in Griffin Empire! Hello Oleh and mama Stefania!
Good evening to beautiful Klô Pelgag from Kordavian Islands, may we have your votes, please? But first, your final postcard. Yes, more mountains, lake Kelte and Karhu rock, not frozen this time.
And now, please welcome legendary Michelle Yeoh who will deliver us Insomnéan votes. But first, your postcard - another proof that our beaches aren't always frozen, at least in Meremaa which is a weird climate anomaly according to University of Fuel.
Speaking of Fuel, let's go to Fuel. Good evening to our most beautiful neighbours in Ugaly. That eternal peace treats you well. Let's hear those points! Oh I almost forgot, first, the postcard. And there it is - city of Tevs, place where that eternal peace agreement was signed, also city almost on the very border with Ugaly.