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FSC Spin-Off - February 2025: "Best Of: Folk/Ethnic - Part 2" - The Show | Results TONIGHT 26/02 19:00 CET


Staff member
April 1, 2018
Congratulations :rs: Serbia on your victory! Thank you Malagant and aardvark for your wonderful hosting :)

I am really pleased to have gained 46 points and finished in 12th place with Eye Cue for :mk: North Macedonia. Thank you for the points, especially the big 12!
:12: :ua:
:8: :ph:
:6: :ru: :tr:
:4: :fr: :lt: :co:
:1: :ba: :my:

Thanks everyone for another fun FSC Spin Off hred


Well-known member
March 12, 2023
TBH me don't understand this theme, it's too broad for me. xlmao Me is too ignorant. Though congrats to the winner!!

Glad there's many who liked the :ph: song. Appreciate your points, that 12 point is unexpected :love:.

The song was composed and intended for a choir and if you're interested in listening, the link is below, but it's tremendously rrraaaarrreee to have a ph song in orchestra, so.



Well-known member
March 12, 2023
What the, me didn't even realized that. Me love their eurovision entry but me is blindly unaware it's their song that was submitted hahaha silly me.

Codeword Iroquois

Well-known member
March 21, 2022
Copper Country
Hey, massive thanks to those of y'all who voted :us: this month, really pleased with the result. The song I sent holds a massively special place in my heart, in part due to the fact that the group in question hailed from my home town, (which you may be seeing more of this year, hm?) but also because I have been listening to this song for basically my entire life. (it may actually be older than I am, which I find remarkable)
Anyways, enough waxing poetic, this was an excellent edition (I had not been expecting to see the Hu on the list of competitors, that's for sure), and congratulations to :rs: for the victory - twas a truly excellent entry.


FSC Administrator
Staff member
October 3, 2009
Hi guys,

Glad you all appreciated this FSC Spin-Off edition with Results which aardvark and I created for you.

Sometimes results in song contests don't go the way you think and expect and with regards to my entry from Bosnia this time it was certainly the case. It has in truth taken me a few days days to get over the huge disappointment of seeing one of my fav ex-Yu ballads of all time, my Bosnian entry by the talented Leo, end up 3rd last in this FSC Spin-Off.

It baffles me how different people's music taste is from mine, this was a quality song I really wanted to enter and which I thought would be popular but alas not. That it is only embraced by a handful juries has me very surprised, but these things happen in the main FSC editions too, some songs just don't 'click' with members for one reason or another. Thanks for the points though and esp the 12 points!

And congrats to the winner, well done!
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