FSC Norway - October 2021 - Secret Garden ft. Cathrine Iversen - I dette stille øyeblikk

Representing Norway in October 2021, and returning to the FSC for Norway after 9 months, is the Norwegian-Irish Neo-Classical ESC-winners from 1995 Secret Garden, this time featuring Norwegian singer Cathrine Iversen on vocals. Here is some more information about them.
Secret Garden consists of Rolf Løvland (the Norwegian composer/pianist and Nexus of the duo) and Fionnuala Sherry (Irish violinist) on violin. The duo is based in Norway and has been so from the beginning. With 3-4 million albums sold worldwide they are considered one of the most successful and influential Norwegian groups/musical projects of all time.
Rolf Løvland - born in Kristiansand, Norway in 1955 - was Norway’s perhaps most successful commercial pop-music composer in the 1980s. He wrote many MGP-songs for other artists, including the Norwegian 1985 ESC winner “La Det Swinge” performed by Bobbysocks. In the early 1990s he decided to try something different, and so he started the musical project called Secret Garden, together with the Irish violinist Fionnuala Sherry.
Fionnuala’s violin-playing started at an early age. She graduated with honours from the Music of Trinity College in Dublin. Her professional career started with a 10-year stint as a member of the RTÉ Concert Orchestra. She has worked with many musicians. She has also recorded Hollywood movie scores with the Irish Film Orchestra.
With Secret Garden Rolf Løvland wished to make music that was close to his heart: Neo-Classical, Celtic-inspired instrumental music. And so the story of Secret Garden had begun. Secret Garden made history by winning the ESC in 1995 with "Nocturne", an instrumental melody stylistically unique for ESC which had 24 words added to the beginning of the song. In the 40-year history of the ESC an instrumental piece had never previously won.
This surprise victory at the ESC was the ultimate showcase that successfully launched their first album “Songs from a Secret Garden” worldwide. In the years that followed Secret Garden released several popular albums, among them “White Stones” (1997), “Dawn of a New Century” (1999) and “Once in a Red Moon” (2002) which contained their huge hit “You Raise Me Up” (ft. Irish Brian Kennedy on vocals) which went on to be recorded in over 40 versions worldwide.
The following albums were “Inside I'm Singing” (2007), which differed in that all songs were with vocals, and “Winter Poem” (2011), which included the song “The Dream” (ft. Irish Clannad-singer Moya Brennan on vocals), which was the Norwegian FSC-entry in December 2011, and “Lament For A Frozen Flower”, which was the Norwegian FSC-entry in May 2012. In 2013 they released the album “Just The Two Of Us” which included the beautiful song “En Passant” which was the Norwegian FSC-entry in May 2014.
In the next years Secret Garden focused on side-projects and tours/concerts around the world, including several visits to Asia/China, but in 2018 they began to work on new songs for an album planned for release in 2019. This album was released in April 2019, called “Storyteller”. It included many beautiful songs, among them “The Voyage”, which was the Norwegian entry in FSC May 2019, and “The Pilot” which was the Norwegian entry in FSC April 2020.
Rolf Løvland kept working on a parallel music project creating a new musical. He also wrote some new Norwegian songs collaborating with the Norwegian singer Cathrine Iversen on a planned Christmas album. This new album “Sacred Night” was finally released on 11th November 2020. The album included several new beautiful songs in Norwegian Christmas hymn tradition with Cathrine Iversen on vocals in Norwegian language. One of the songs was “Sagnet om julerosen” which was the Norwegian entry in FSC January 2021. Another was the beautiful Nordic Folk-ballad “I dette stille øyeblikk”. This is the song chosen by the Norwegian jury as the Norwegian entry here in FSC October 2021.
Secret Garden will for sure continue to mesmerize their fans all over the world in the years to come with their beautiful Neo-Classical instrumental music and other cherished melodies.
Cathrine Iversen is a talented Norwegian singer and vocalist, known for her crystal-clear angelic beautiful voice, from Fredrikstad in south-eastern Norway. She has had extensive experience from various concert and theater stages at home and abroad through the years including many Christmas concerts. She has been a guest-vocalist with Secret Garden since 2010 with several concert tours in Europe, Asia and the USA. She has also participated in several TV productions such as Norwegian Melodi Grand Prix and various popular Norwegian tv-shows. Cathrine Iversen has also participated in several of Secret Garden's international record releases. She also writes music and contributed on Secret Garden’s 2020 “Sacred Night” album. She is a music talent from whom we will without doubt hear more in the years to come.
The Norwegian entry for FSC #152 October 2021, called “I dette stille øyeblikk” (“In this silent moment”) is another beautiful Nordic Folk-ballad in Norwegian Christmas hymn tradition by Secret Garden ft. Cathrine Iversen on vocals. The song was written in 2020 by Cathrine Iversen with melody by Rolv Løvland. The Norwegian jury is happy to enter Secret Garden again in the FSC for Norway.
Below are the lyrics in Norwegian with a translation into English. Hope you’ll enjoy the Norwegian entry for October 2021!

Secret Garden ft. Cathrine Iversen - I dette stille øyeblikk
I dette stille øyeblikk / In this silent moment
Møtes jord og himmel / The earth is one with heaven
Stjernen i det fjerne / The star in the distance
Er så nær oss nå i natt / Is so near us tonight
Den lyser opp så klar og sterk / It shines so clear and brightly
I nattens stjernevrimmel / Illuminates the sky
Og viser oss hvor vi / And leads us to
Kan finne julens store skatt / The greatest gift of Christmas ever found
I dette stille øyeblikk / In this silent moment
Finner vi det tapte / We find what we have lost
Vår hvileløse ventetid / Our restless waiting period
Er endt i denne stund / Is ending here tonight
Nå sendes våre bønner / We’re sending all our prayers
Til han som allting skapte / To He who all created
Ordet bærer håp og frelse / The Word bears hope and salvation
Gjennom barnets munn / Spoken by the Child
I dette stille øyeblikk / In this silent moment
Stanser selve tiden / Time does stop
Vi stopper opp og lytter / We halt and we listen
Til at julen ringes inn / To church bells ringing for Christmas
Vi tar hverandres hender / We join our hands together
Og legger strid til siden / And put all strife aside
Og stilner all vår hjertetrang / As we yearn for peace of heart
Til julefred i sinn / And Christmas joy inside
I dette stille øyeblikk / In this silent moment
Åpner vi vårt hjerte / We open our hearts
For alle vi har mistet / To everyone we’ve lost
Og for alle vi er nær / And everyone close to us
Denne stunden rommer / This very moment holds
All vår glede og vår smerte / All our joy and sorrow
Det lille barnet viser oss / The little Child will show us
Hva kjærligheten er / What true love really is
Denne stunden rommer / This very moment holds
All vår glede og vår smerte / All our joy and sorrow
Det lille barnet viser oss / The little Child will show us
Hva kjærligheten er / What true love really is
