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FSC #185 - July 2024: THE SHOW [Halifax, Canada] | RESULTS from Page 3


FSC Administrator
Staff member
October 3, 2009
@Malagant I know the procedure because I've been a mod myself, I was just surprised that nobody noticed that, because it's a very well known song, it was viral back when it was released and it has 175 million views in YouTube, it's a European hit. If it was just a local song like a Greek song that only me and the Greek juror could've known about, I probably wouldn't have said anything if it came to my knowledge after the evaluation period was over. But "Toca Toca"? It even has a page in Wikipedia :lol:

@CypriotGirl I know you know ;) which is why I was surprised you mentioned it to begin with since you were a FSC Mod once upon a time and knew that a few times every year a song might slip through the aforementioned 'safety net' since no system is perfect.

My detailed explanation was just as much for new members who might not be aware of, or have thought about, this 'triple-lock system' in FSC and its purpose.


Well-known member
January 2, 2015
So if :lv: wins, would the show be going to Riga next month? Or Bucuresti? o_O I certainly like the Latvian entry a lot! And it's in contention for my points!

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