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EUROVISION 2021 - General Discussion Thread


September 28, 2009
Please post any and all discussions regarding the contest itself, host country and city, organisation, rumours and other topics not related to any specific country's selection process.


Han Hazretleri
Staff member
March 12, 2012
France viral 50 Spotify:
1. Shum
2. Zitti e buoni
5. Je me casse
6. Mara Hari
9. Discoteque
10. El diablo
13. Tout l'univers
14. Russian woman
17. Voices
18. Dark side
20. Set me free
22. 10 years
23. Voilà
26. Fairytale (!)
27. Embers
41. Last dance
+ Måneskin other songs in 19, 28, 29, 45!

That's incredible!
Where is televoting fave Sugar? :lol:


January 29, 2017
Loin d'ici
I only watched a few of them. I liked Poland the most, Estonia and Czechia are much better and Austria starts better but gets worse with lack of contrasts.

Need to watch the rest.


Han Hazretleri
Staff member
March 12, 2012
Btw did 🇸🇲 San Marino have televoting this year even? Or it was some average or smth


Well-known member
April 26, 2015
Saying something bad about Tornike: hahaha
Saying something unkinds about Destiny: nooooo you are so wrong, you should be cancelled!

I don't mind it all, but it feels a little bit hypocritical in general to me.
What do you mean? Only cesspooles like Reddit and Twitter would "cancel" anyone for "wrongthink" (since Destiny is the present holy three, black, obese, and singing a female empowerment song). On this forum Destiny (as in the artist and her song) is hardly no one favorite little pet just for being Destiny and not a bearded man, as it should be.
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Well-known member
May 18, 2012
Saying something bad about Tornike: hahaha
Saying something unkinds about Destiny: nooooo you are so wrong, you should be cancelled!

I don't mind it all, but it feels a little bit hypocritical in general to me.
His song was decent, but too slow for those with a short attention span who could only focus on some half clothed Italian rockers jumping around.

But it's not that unusual with humans to seek the security of groups. If they think something is a favourite they'll try to like it and be cautious. If something isn't thought cool for whatever reason and will finish low or even bottom then it's open season on saying anything.

Elina UA

Well-known member
February 21, 2021
Ukraine, of course
Saying something bad about Tornike: hahaha
Saying something unkinds about Destiny: nooooo you are so wrong, you should be cancelled!

I don't mind it all, but it feels a little bit hypocritical in general to me.
I think everyone feels free to punch a guy who called ESC "a shitshow". :lol:

Destiny, on the other hand, treats Eurovision too seriously.

Like, they're actual two extremes lol xrofl

Lance Esgard

Well-known member
March 15, 2021
Melbourne, Australia
I should note my impression of Tornike's live-on-tape does not extend to his song as a whole or his Eurovision performance which as I previously stated was more effective in conveying what it was intending to convey. I also wasn't trying to be funny. It was sadly my honest impression of that specific presentation (and to be clear is no way a statement on Tornike as a person or his talents as a performer overall). Just as singers can have bad vocal days, they can have a staging that goes wrong, at least to some people who view it.

Review of the Grand Final Live-On-Tapes (Cyprus to Portugal):

Cyprus: Much worse vocals which are too soft by Elena, worse staging with the flaming letters particularly missed. Did like the whispery echo of the pre-chorus.

Albania: Along the lines of the Eurovision performance but with less demonic lighting and with the LED graphics being much less developed (with noticeable framerate drops).

Israel: Better than the Eurovision performance in my opinion, as that performance was too busy and the effect of the dancers was somewhat lost. The live-on-tape is a more focused performance with better styling in my view. The sense of it being constrained in a small room grows, for a song called Set Me Free that is perfectly fitting to me, but could still be an issue for others.

Belgium: Vocals are mixed a little too soft compared to the music (EDIT: For clarity). Staging almost identical, but one nice transition shot is far clunkier here. Preferred how the dress sparkled here. The visuals in the background look better and the live-on-tape truly embraced being in a different space.

Russia: Substantially different presentation. Preferred the very start of the live-on-tape with the camera shots of the backing singers. Some of the background visuals and the vocal mix felt less polished. I thought the video wall of people reminded me a lot of a newsroom. When one person filled the whole camera it felt not as effective as in the Eurovision performance.

Malta: COMPLETELY different staging and styling. The vocals are a little less powerful but that might be due to the mixing. It feels too static but the LED graphics were generally a lot better. Visuals of the bridge are a lot less powerful. If some elements of this staging were kept Malta may have done better... but the changes may have been made in keeping with what Destiny was comfortable with. While the costume here was a better fit for the song if done by a more mature artist, I don't know if it was a better fit for Destiny herself.

Portugal: Basically the National Final performance. Vocals noticeably less polished at points, especially during bigger notes and the falsetto part which I loved during the Eurovision performance. Staging is much worse.
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Well-known member
May 18, 2012
I actually thought the Hooverphonic vocals were better and more intense.

And the wall of people in Russian Women reminded me of Joe and Jake, though their wall had smaller images.


February 26, 2016
TOP 3 GF Live on tape performances which were better than the actual:

:mt: Destiny‘s LOT performance was SO much better than the actual GF performance.
The dress was so much better, the backgrounds much more eyefriendly and the missing dancers were a big plus imho as they didn’t draw the attention from her. She moved much more energetic and comfortably than in Rotterdam although still not enough for a powerful song like this which needs much more movement on stage. Anyway, this was my biggest gap between both performances.

Second place goes to :gr:. Her LOT performance was so much better. It showed you don’t need all that extra special effects like that staircase that was ridiculous because it led into nothing.

Third one I‘m torn between :md: and :de: which were both a bit over the top in the final. I liked the little bit less energy of Jendrik and the colourful bubbles and the more natural look and voice of Natalia.

Worst 3 Live on tape performances in contrary to the actual GF:

First one is :rs:. Do I really have to say why? Too little space for a song in which these ladies have to move. The missing dance abilities of Ivana.

Second place to :nl:. This was so lacklustre. Missing the happiness and energy of the finale.

Third one goes to :it:. With that performance they had never won. I wasn’t feeling the energy in the small studio plus a weird outfit choice.

Shoutout to all performers who actually DID sing live and didn’t just lipsynch or using NF performances.

Lance Esgard

Well-known member
March 15, 2021
Melbourne, Australia
Review of the Grand Final Live-On-Tapes (Serbia to Bulgaria):

Serbia: Starts with some Shady Lady realness (but more cramped) but a transition shot too close to a screen looks extremely bad (how was that seen as a good idea in the first place I don't know) and there is overall a lot less energy due to reduced choreography. Seeing this live-on-tape helped me to appreciate just how much they were moving about at Eurovision.

Greece: No green screen. I prefer the dance segments that resulted and it was a definite improvement but the camera angles are still relatively static. The LED background too abstract to make a stronger impression.

Switzerland: No props. Camera work and styling is better but the audio mixing has the voice a little too soft relative to the music and there are no background lights to give the big note at the end added impact.

Iceland: Worse staging without the LED graphics, which added a level of charm.

Spain: Without the moon balloon an image was used instead. The floor substitutes the smoke for a candlelit floor, which also suits the song well.

Moldova: No 'sugar cube'. Fantastic dress (that isn't silver!) Backing vocals overwhelm her in the chorus. Pulls out of the long note very quickly. Outside of the chorus her vocals sound more exposed and 'live' to me, so I actually prefer this version. It feels more honest to me than at Eurovision, where her 'lead' vocal was barely leading the backing vocals at least at the point where she she accidentally dropped her mic. There the nature and volume of her backing vocals was such that numerous viewers on streams I've seen didn't realise she hadn't been singing the whole way through. Even though her mouth was visibly shut right immediately after the mic drop. Although to be fair, if she did hit the long note for real at the end, maybe she was preparing for that.

Germany: Extremely similar to the Eurovision performance.

Finland: Basically the National Final performance.

Bulgaria: Very similar, but without the photo and the sand and without the lights of Eurovision is less polished visually at the end but the use of starts during this performance makes it potentially more visually engaging in the middle. The use of those stars may be too overt to fit the more subtle beauty of the song, however.


January 21, 2019
Tumblr, mostly.
I calculated where the 12s would have went under the Combined System (2009-2012)

:it: = :ch:, :ua:, :ru:, :bg:, :sm:, :hr:, :ge: & :sl:
:is: = :fi:, :se:, :uk:, :at:, :au:, :cz:, :dk: & :pl:
:fr: = :pt:, :rs:, :nl:, :es:, :de:, & :ie:
:ch: = :al:, :is: & :il:
:ua: = :lt: & :be:
:fi: = :it: & :ee:
:se: = :no: & :mt:
:ru: = :az: & :md:
:cy: = :gr:
:gr: = :cy:
:lt: = :lv:
:md: = :ro:
:pt: = :fr:
:rs: = :mk:

Italy winning that too xheart

EDIT: I forgot poor Czechia!!! Who would have given 12 points to Iceland as well lol. I well Italy still win, they're just joint first with Iceland :-)
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September 7, 2019
Bavaria, Germany
I calculated where the 12s would have went under the Combined System (2009-2012)

:it:: :ch:, :ua:, :ru:, :bg:, :sm:, :hr:, :ge: & :sl:
:is:: :fi:, :se:, :at:, :au:, :dk: & :pl:
:fr:: :pt:, :rs:, :nl:, :es: & :ie:
:ch:: :al:, :is: & :il:
:ua:: :lt: & :be:
:fi: :it: & :ee:
:se:: :no: & :mt:
:cy:: :gr:
:gr:: :cy:
:lt:: :lv:
:md:: :ro:
:pt:: :fr:
:rs:: :mk:

Italy winning that too xheart

Where´s :de:?? I think our :12: would have gone to :fr: as well. :unsure:

I also count only 34 countries instead of 39. What about the :12: from :az:, :cz:, :uk: and :al:??


January 21, 2019
Tumblr, mostly.
Where´s :de:?? I think our :12: would have gone to :fr: as well. :unsure:

I also count only 34 countries instead of 39. What about the :12: from :az:, :cz:, :uk: and :al:??
Added them too

Germany's went to France
Azer's went to Russia
Albania's went to Switzerland
Czechia and UK both went to Iceland


Well-known member
October 1, 2009
VG Lista top 40 singles Norway
Eurovision entry
2. Måneskin
4. TIX (he also have 3 place with one other songs and norvegian version is 15
11. Tusse
13. Elena Tsagkrinou
19. Barbara Pravi
21. Efendi
23. Duncan
27. Blind Channel
33. Daði Freyr
36. Gjon's Tears

Also 10 songs from this year eurovision in top 40 :) 11 if we say Ut av Mørket also should be one.

So happy to see that many people in Norway like eurovision songs this year


Well-known member
April 13, 2012
I can`t get over how much by bf is into Eurovision now. We were driving to McDonalds (needed some unhealthy food haha) last night and ofc the Eurovision 2021 playlist was on - hands down he was able to "sing" along to all of the songs. I almost peed myself when the intro of Latvia was playing and he went "THE QUEEN OF THE NIGHT IS COOOOOOMING" from the top of his lungs.
He has to be the one. :lol:
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