Thank you for attending the live show. It was our first try to make live stream and YouTube blocks a bit spoiled the beginning, but then we moved to Twitch and after some settings were set up it worked perfectly (and thankfully didnt stop during results ahhah)
Thank you Mark
@Marite for your help with Live streaming and that you didnt give up after all those troubles, If I was alone that would break me
Thank you Ashley
@AshleyWright for counting all the hundreds votes together, that's a lot of work!
Thank you Gabe
@Gabe for appearing as a host during results!
I was working over the show and especially results video (when we started contest, i didnt have a doubt I should make it like this to make it closer to real Eurovision with all the suspense atmpshpere) for days so all these flops in the starts made me super nervous
Anyway, I am ready for SF2 in two days, videos will be in montage soon
And here are the results: