Re: ESTONIA 2013
I hope i'll watch it tonight without a problem.
My top 10 for semi final 1 is:
12 points: Teele & Tuuli & Ula - Ring the alarm: I adore it and i play it in highest volume, just epic. I find myself dancing like crazy to it. Should directly be in Malmö imo.
10 points: Grete Paia - Päästke noored hinged: First i did not like it but then it grew on me rapidly. Just adore her and i like the fact that we have a new star that not involved in Eesti Otsib Superstaari. She was discovered first in Noorteband thing, iirc.
8 points: Elina Born - Enough: Another grower for me. It was the song in my head even after first listening. It may reach superfinal in Nokia Kontserdimaja.
7 points: Marilyn Jurman - Moving to mmm: The composer of this, Karl Kanter, has been doing very good for 3 years in a row. Marilyn sings it well too. Liked from very beginning, but i don't see a chance for it to qualify, sadly. Just like Veel on aega and My love.
6 points: Rosanna Lints - Follow me: I expected so much from Rosanna, but it is quite good pop song either. It also sticks to my head, and i find myself singing it.
5 points: Winny Puhh - Meiecundimees üks Korsakov läks eile Lätti: Unlike my first listening, i love it now. It made Eesti Laul 2013 better, for sure.
4 points: Kõrsikud - Suuda öelda ei: Just another nice attempt from Orelipoiss, this time with his fellows. Nowhere like Valss and Zombi, but still very decent.
3 points: Anisa - The missing thing: I talked about Anisa in this thread so much, and i'd expect some very nice entry, this one is OK, but i'm not sure if it will qualify coz of her fans or not. We'll see.
2 points: Sarah - Taevas valgeks läeb: The beginning of this song is very nice actually, but i think i'd compose the rest better. Still not bad.
1 point: Armastus - Young girl: I give it 1 point, but still not that bad. I'd want Tauri compete instead of this, but it is still an uncummon tune, which makes me like Eesti Laul.
My prediction for qualifers without order:
- Rosanna Lints - Follow me
- Grete Paia - Päästke noored hinged
- Kõrsikud - Suuda öelda ei
- Teele & Tuuli & Ula - Ring the alarm
- Elina Born - Enough