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ESC Ranking 2021


Well-known member
March 18, 2016
Grand final ranking

1. :cy: El Diablo :12:

2. :it: Zitti e buoni :10:
3. :sm: Adrenalina :10:
4. :ru: Russian Woman :10:
5. :mt: Je Me Casse :10:
6. :az: Mata Hari :8:
7. :fi: Dark Side :8:
8. :il: Set me free :8:
9. :bg: Growing up is getting old :8:
10. :ua: Shum :7:
11. :md: Sugar :7:
12. :gr: Last Dance :7:
13. :be: The Wrong Place :7:
14. :se: Voices :7:
15. :al: Karma :6:
16. :no: Fallen Angel :6:
17. :rs: Loco Loco :6:
18. :ch: Tout l'Univers :6:
19. :es: Voy a quedarme :4:
20. :fr: Voila :4:
21. :pt: Love is on my Side :3:
22. :nl: Birth of a new Age :1:
23. :uk: Embers :0:
24. :lt: Discoteque :0:
25. :de: I don't feel Hate :0:
26. :is: 10 Years :0:
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WorldVision Mod 🌻
Staff member
October 16, 2011

Some growers, some faders, some disappointments in terms of delivering a flawless performance or having an appropriate staging. All in all, a pretty fantastic year for my taste, the only songs I really miss in the grand final are Australia and Croatia, but I suppose I can live without them there. Despite getting winner vibes from Bulgaria, that performance was far from perfect so I have to downgrade it a bit because the bop goddesses really served. There is just one song I don't know what to do with, goddamn "Tout l'Univers" who on paper is a fantastic song but that quirky staging is not for me but I guess it is fine for the majority of the ESC viewers.

Tipsy McStagger

Active member
May 8, 2021
My ranking of finalists after semi-final performances:

1. :cy:
2. :rs:
3. :ua:
4. :bg:
5. :fi:
6. :is:
7. :sm:
8. :az:
9. :it:
10. :fr:
11. :ru:
12. :lt:
13. :il:
14. :se:
15. :ch:
16. :no:
17. :be:
18. :gr:
19. :uk:
20. :mt:
21. :pt:
22. :nl:
23. :al:
24. :es:
25. :md:
26. :de:

Growers - Ukraine, always liked it and had it top 5 but it's one of my clear favourites now. Switzerland, never liked the song but I did rate his performance so it leapfrogged a couple.

Fallers - Iceland, still like it but it doesn't live up to the original video of it. Russia/Lithuania a bit of novelty has worn off. Moldova, genuinely don't know how she made the final.


Active member
February 21, 2011
Despite the contest being in my country, can't say I've been as invested in Eurovision as previous years. I haven't even visited this forum in over a year! But I couldn't help myself to listen to every song shortly before the semi's and I'm immediately invested again. After a couple of listens I've been able to separate my likes from my dislikes. Generally speaking, I'm pretty disappointing about the overall quality this year. Just a lot of mediocrity with a few gems, but also a lot of bad in between. My top for 2021:

1. :it: Maneskin - Zitti E Buoni (92/100)
Ever since their return in 2011, Italy has been destroying this contest. No country has this consistently send in unique and quality entries. They really deserve to win again and this could be their year. Alternative rock is my favorite genre and Italian is my favorite language, so this being high in my list is a no brainer. But their stage presence at that age is just insane! This is already part of my all-time favourite list, just like Italian entries from 2013, 2016 and 2017. They just never disappoint.

2. :ch: Gjon's Tears - Tout l'Univers (85/100)
At first listen, this song didn't impact me much. But after a few more listens this song skyrocketed in my rankings all the way to (almost) the top. After listening to this song yesterday, I was blown away. I was expecting this to fall flat live, because it's such a difficult song to sing, but it's flawless! A well deserved 2nd place for Suisse.

3. :bg: Victoria - Growing Up is Getting Old (83/100)
This song is just so delicate and moving. It hits a special place in my heart. Just a quality act I've come to expect from Bulgaria. They've really stepped up their game these past few years. Between all the shouty 'diva-songs' this year, this is such a breath of fresh air.

4. :es: Blas Canto - Voy a Quedarme (82/100)
It might be a poor man's 'l'Essenziale', but for me that would still be enough for top 5! Spain has a strong song, a charismatic singer and a touching message.

5. :fr: Barbara Pravi - Voila (81/100)
This has got to be the most authentically french song in recent Eurovision history. Love the style and the performance feels genuine. Shows how you don't need dances, gimmicks and pyrotechnics to stand out.....just talent and authenticity. Love it.

6. :nl: Jeangu Macroy - Birth Of A New Age (80/100)
Haven't really checked our odds in the polls untill recently, but I was shocked when I saw how low it was! I mean, this is not a 'winner', but to me its unique and a very well-written and well-performed song! I just hoped this gets rewarded with a decent placement in the final.

7. :ie: Lesley Roy - Maps (79/100)
Out of all the studio versions, this is one of my favourites. Love the folk vibes, it makes the song seem a bit magical. Ireland has often send songs I really like, but has never send a singer along with it that can bring the song to live. The vocal performance in the semi's was lackluster and probably the reason it didn't qualify. Shame of such a good song.

8. :is: Dadi og Gagnamagnid - 10 Years (78/100)
Am I the only one who prefers this song over last years? Just like Italy, Iceland to me is one of the Eurovision powerhouses of the past decade. Almost each year they are always so interesting in so many different ways. Usually this would not be my type of 'genre', if you could classify this band into one. But I just can't help but enjoy this so much. It's so quicky and doesn't takes itself too seriously. I would love to see Iceland winning the contest one day, but I don't think they will this year. I enjoyed it though.

9. :fi: Blind Channels - Dark Side (78/100)
Finland being Finland.....and I love it! The lyrics might be a little bit cringy and the sound isn't exactly breaking new grounds, but it's such a breath of fresh air compared to the rest of the entries. Also the performance really elevates the song!

10. :no: TIX - Falling Angel (77/100)
Initially thought to be a little bit cliché and over the top, this songs really hits home after a few listens. Exceptionally well-performed and the message strongly speaks to me.

11. :uk: James Newman - Embers (76/100)
The UK again doesn't exactly break new grounds with this entry. But it's just a clean enjoyable song, which successfully mixes different influences. I think it will be a nice change of pace in the final and will bring some 'feel good vibes' to the arena.

12. :au: Montaigne - Technicolour (75/100)
The first 30 seconds of this song are so incredibly good! The 15 seconds after that are still pretty decent, but after the first 45 seconds the song complete unrails. This feels like an unfinished song. This sounds very negative if you look at my placement for it. But I can hear the huge potential ofthis song. The few parts I enjoy, are that good that it makes up for it's many flaws.

13. :ua: Go_A - Shum (75/100)
This doing Eurovision different done right. It feels authentic and sounds so cool! I can image getting annoyed by this song after a few listens, but for now I really like this!

14. :cy: Elena Tsagrinou - El Diablo (74/100)
You could say I'm not the target audience for this type of song. At first listen the song came across as highly annoying. However, after a few listens I appreciated it a lot more. The chorus is very memorable and the song as a whole is actually very diverse and complex. The production quality is though the roof and the performance.......oof.

15. :ro: Roxen - Amnesia (72/100)
Just a very well-written song with a strong message. Maybe a bit too much of a 'Billie Eilish' clone for my taste, but the song undoubtedly has quality. Such a shame it didn't make it to the final, but it did fail to really stand out.

16. :se: Tusse - Voices (71/100)
For a county with that much talent and being obsessed with producing music, the Swedes sure are an uninspired bunch. I can never dislike the swedish songs because of how well they are produced, but their songs are so safe 'middle of the road' mush that they never seem to click with me. At this point i'm already reserving spots for Sweden between 15-20 before I've even heard the song.

17. :sm: Senhit - Adrenalina (70/100)
Although I'm probably the only one who preferred her song from 2011, this song is definitely a banger. Might actually lead to San Marino's highest placement ever! The inclusion of Flo Rida is just a bonus, that's just hilarious to me.

18. :pt: The Black Mamba - Love is On My Side (69/100)
Got to applaud Portugal for staying original (despite singing in English this time). At first i didn't think much of the song and thought his voice was annoying. However this song is really a grower and it deserves its place in the final.

19. :be: Hooverphonic - The Wrong Place (68/100)
The song definitely has quality and builds atmosphere. Somehow for me that doesn't come across as strong due to the whiny vocal performance. I just get annoyed too much to fully enjoy this song. Still a quality entry neighbours!

20. :cz: Benny Cristo - Omaga (68/100)
This is such a fun song at the first listen! After that it gets boring really quick and the live performance didn't really elevate the song either. I still enjoy it for what it is, but I see how it didn't qualify.

21. :at: Vincent Bueno - Amen (67/100)
Just a proper song, which was slightly robbed out of a spot in the final. I can appreciate the effort, but it just didn't stand out enough and would probably be quickly forgotten by most.

22. :il: Eden Alene - Set Me Free (67/100)
Just a decent bob. It's catchy, is pretty well sung and relatively original. Deserves a spot in the final, but it's not my preferred type of song.

23. :ee: Uku Suviste - The Lucky one (65/100)
Where my other favorite countries (Italy an Iceland), Estonia has slightly disappointed with this outdated track. I usually expect them to be a bit more original. It's a song that is quickly forgotten. At least the performance slightly makes up for it.

24. :az: Efendi - Mata Hari (64/100)
Catchy and well performed, just like more songs around these placements. But these type of songs just don't do that much for me. Just feels like I've heard these songs a thousand times before. This is one of the stronger ones though.

25. :gr: Stefania - Last Dance (63/100)
I get the feeling these type of songs are being used to death this year. I can get the mainstream appeal, but to me it's so outdated and tacky. Reminds me of Eurovision in the 2000s, which to me is not a good thing. The staging doesn't help at all for me in this regard. The song being catchy and well performed is the only thing saving it for me.

26. :dk: Fyr & Flamme - Ove Os Pa Hinanden (63/100)
The song my (and probably your) mom will love this year. It's definitely not good, they bring so much fun! Not every country has to send a 'winner', sometimes you can just send a fun song to lighten up the place without any deeper message.

27. :ge: Tornike Kipiani - You (62/100)
Although i don't dislike this song as much as most, I definitely see why it's not popular. I get what it's going for and it does make me feel something. It just never fully gets there. It feels like an unfinished song. The performance is not bad, but is also not good enough to help elevate an already mediocre song.

28. :mt: Destiny - Je Me Casse (60/100)
I feel like a broken record at his point. Again catchy and well sung, but i'm just so sick an tired of these type of 'female empowerment' songs. They are just so forced, cliché and rehashed. Every year you can expect a few of these songs, but this year is drowning in them. The endless repetition of these songs also makes the message a lot weaker and more forced. The production and performance is the only thing preventing me from disliking this.

29. :lv: Samanta Tina - The Moon is Rising (58/100)
Of course there is another female empowerment song, because why not? I should dislike this song way more that I currently do. This has 'last place' potential, with all the screaming and mediocre rapping. However I'm catching myself singing along to this song more than I would like to admit. Something is preventing me to place this song any lower, but I cant explain why.

30. :hr: Albina - Tick-Tock
Just such a bland boring song that has been a thousand times before, but better. That's all I can say about it.

31. :rs: Hurricane - Loco Loco
I just feel dirty after listening to this. And not in a good way, more like taking a shower for 30 minutes to feel clean again. It's way to tacky for me. If it was played as I joke I would get it, but I have they feeling they are being serious, which is kind of sad.

32. :pl: Rafal - The Ride (57/100)
Except for being somewhat catchy, this song has no redeeming qualities. It's not clever, unique or well performed and the artist is not a good singer or charismatic. The song is just.....there.

33. :mk: Vasil - Here I Stand (56/100)
Ah, the obligatory 'motivational' song. Although he might be one of the better singers of the contest, this song is way to cliché and uninspired to have any lasting impact. It sounds like a rejected disney song. I like his passion, but no amount of passion can bring this song to live.

34. :al: Anxhela Peristeri - Karma (54/100)
I swear Albania just sends the same song every year and expects nobody to notice. 2011, 2012, 2016, 2017, it's all the same song. I'm amazed how a song can be so loud, bobastic and shouty, yet still leaves no impact whatsoever. You can repeat this song a thousand time, I still forget it after the first minute. Who voted for this to get it in the final?

35. :lt: The Roop - Discoteque (54/100)
I know this brings the weirdness that makes Eurovision great, but song really isn't for me. For diversity and uniqueness sake I hope it does well, but for me it's one of the worst entries this year. This entry is basically one giant gimmick.

36. :ru: Manizha - Russian Woman (53/100)
Can't we just bring in DJ Khaled to say 'another one', every time a shouty 'empowerment' song comes on? This is one of the worse ones. It's just way to annoying and in your face. I know that's what it's going for, but it just rubs me the wrong way. It's memorable at least and will probably do pretty well in the final.

37. :sl: Ana Soklic - Amen (45/100)
Normally I would let these uninspired songs slide and place them of the lower side in the middle. But this song is so exceptionally bland, that it feels like no effort has been put into writing all. Slovenia gets the attendance medal, but that's about all it deserves this year.

38. :de: Jendrik - I Don't Feel Hate (38/100)
You know, I could almost appreciate the novelty if the song just wasn't so extremely bad. Germany has been such a hot mess in Eurovision the past couple of years. They have so much talent in their country, but seem to have no clue on what Europe likes. It might be memorable enough to scrap together enough points to avoid last place, but I'm afraid the 3rd last place in 6 years is coming pretty close.

39. :md: Natalia Gordienko - Sugar (35/100)
I feel like every year the country of Moldova tries to annoy me personally. Each year I think that they can't possibly get any worse, and they go out and do just that. 'Cheap', 'weird', 'outdated', 'tacky', 'uninspired' are all words that describe this entry perfectly. How this got to the final is beyond me.
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January 29, 2017
Loin d'ici
:12: :ua:
:10: :es: :no: :al: :bg:
:8: :sm: :is: :il: :fi: :lt: :be: :de: :mt:
:7: :se: :gr: :ch:
:6: :ru: :it:
:5: :fr: :uk:
:4: :nl:
:3: :rs:
:2: :md:
:1: :cy:
:0: :pt:


Worldvision Mod ❄️
Staff member
February 10, 2019
chocolatine in savouè
First time I post my ranking this year. I did the final version yesterday but still kept the points I gave in March to see the evolution since then. Some growers, not many faders.
The returning artists were in the majority a downgrade from last year, even Ukraine, however I tend to like more the 2021 entries of the countries that didn't send the same artists.



August 10, 2020
1. :ee: (10/10)
2. :at: (10/10)
3. :mk: (10/10)
4. :es: (10/10)
5. :no: (10/10)
6. :bg: (10/10)
7. :ie: (10/10)
8. :sl: (10/10)
9. :ru: (10/10)
10. :ro: (10/10)
11. :al: (10/10)
12. :ua: (10/10)
13. :nl: (10/10)
14. :hr: (10/10)
15. :az: (10/10)
16. :pl: (10/10)
17. :dk: (10/10)
18. :it: (10/10)
19. :cy: (10/10)
20. :ge: (10/10)
21. :de: (9/10)
22. :ch: (9/10)
23. :fi: (9/10)
24. :fr: (9/10)
25. :pt: (8/10)
26. :rs: (8/10)
27. :au: (8/10)
28. :lv: (7/10)
29. :gr: (7/10)
30. :uk: (6/10)
31. :lt: (6/10)
32. :be: (6/10)
33. :cz: (4/10)
34. :se: (4/10)
35. :is: (3/10)
36. :il: (3/10)
37. :mt: (2/10)
38. :sm: (2/10)
39. :md: (1/10)

Will make a video later
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Well-known member
October 5, 2009
One final ranking before Eurovision week starts....

01. :fr: France -----
02. :is: Iceland +3
03. :ua: Ukraine -1
04. :au: Australia -1
05. :lt: Lithuania +1
06. :hr: Croatia +4
07. :no: Norway -3
08. :de: Germany -1
09. :ch: Switzerland -1
10. :be: Belgium +3
11. :lv: Latvia -2
12. :dk: Denmark +19
13. :it: Italy +3
14. :il: Israel +3
15. :ie: Ireland -3
16. :ru: Russia +7
17. :sm: San Marino +1
18. :az: Azerbaijan -7
19. :fi: Finland -4
20. :mt: Malta -6
21. :cz: Czech Republic -----
22. :al: Albania -2
23. :bg: Bulgaria -4
24. :rs: Serbia +6
25. :gr: Greece -----
26. :ro: Romania -4
27. :nl: The Netherlands +7
28. :ge: Georgia -4
29. :md: Moldova +4
30. :cy: Cyprus -4
31. :sl: Slovenia -2
32. :pt: Portugal -4
33. :uk: United Kingdom -1
34. :at: Austria +2
35. :se: Sweden -8
36. :es: Spain -1
37. :pl: Poland -----
38. :ee: Estonia +1
39. :mk: North Macedonia -1

Denmark had a pretty big jump, it's really grown on me.

Figured I'd do one last ranking after the contest:

01. :fr: France -----
02. :is: Iceland -----
03. :ua: Ukraine -----
04. :lt: Lithuania +1
05. :au: Australia -1
06. :hr: Croatia -----
07. :no: Norway -----
08. :de: Germany -----
09. :it: Italy +4
10. :ch: Switzerland -1
11. :dk: Denmark +1
12. :be: Belgium -2
13. :ru: Russia +3
14. :sm: San Marino +3
15. :lv: Latvia -4
16. :il: Israel -2
17. :fi: Finland +2
18. :az: Azerbaijan ----
19. :ie: Ireland -4
20. :rs: Serbia +4
21. :bg: Bulgaria +2
22. :nl: The Netherlands +5
23. :al: Albania -1
24. :mt: Malta -4
25. :cz: Czech Republic -4
26. :gr: Greece -1
27. :ro: Romania ----
28. :cy: Cyprus +2
29. :pt: Portugal +3
30. :ge: Georgia -2
31. :sl: Slovenia ----
32. :md: Moldova -3
33. :se: Sweden +2
34. :uk: United Kingdom -1
35. :es: Spain +1
36. :at: Austria -2
37. :pl: Poland ----
38. :ee: Estonia ----
39. :mk: North Macedonia ----

Italy and The Netherlands grew a lot on me after the final, they had really good performances, The Netherlands definitely didn't deserve that 0 from the televote.


Well-known member
March 3, 2019
Update #16
(~: No Change | N: New | +#: Up by x places | -#: Down by x places ) [since previous update]

1) :fr: Voila (+1)11) :md: Sugar (-5)21) :uk: Embers (-8)31) :ge: You (+7)
2) :sm: Adrenalina (-1)12) :az: Mata Hari (+4)22) :nl: Birth Of A New Age (+9)32) :lv: The Moon Is Rising (-8)
3) :mt: Je Me Casse (~)13) :is: 10 Years (-1)23) :ie: Maps (-5)33) :dk:Øve os på hinanden (+4)
4) :ch: Tout L'Univers (+1)14) :ro: Amnesia (-3)24) :rs: Loco Loco (-1)34) :ee: The Lucky One (+1)
5) :it: Zitti e buoni (+10)15) :il: Set Me Free (+11)25) :fi: Dark Side (~)35) :cz: Omaga (-6)
6) :al: Karma (+1)16) :gr: Last Dance (-2)26) :pt: Love is on My Side (+8)36) :pl: The Ride (-6)
7) :ua: Shum (+3)17) :lt: Discoteque (~)27) :se: Voices (-5)37) :de: I Don't Feel Hate (-4)
8) :bg: growing up is getting old (~)18) :ru: Russian Woman (+2)28) :es: Voy a quedarme (-1)38) :no: Fallen Angel (-2)
9) :cy:El Diablo (~)19) :hr: Tick-Tock (+2)29) :at: Amen (+3)39) :mk: Here I Stand (-1)
10) :be: The Wrong Place (-6)20) :sl: Amen (-1)30) :au: Technicolor (-2)

What a strong year!
I thought I'd do another update after the 3 shows and a week to let things settle down, but it was still so damn hard!
It feels weird having some of these songs so low down as I really like them, just not quite enough as whatever comes before them.

In the end, France just tipped the scales into my first place, after hovering just below San Marino for aggessss.

Still so close, still room for movement!


Well-known member
March 6, 2012
So, this year I decided not to follow so much the contest before the actual Eurovision week... no regrets, I enjoyed the shows more than expected! I knew just a few entries in advance and had no idea about any of the stagings, very little about bookies and etc.

This is my final ranking of 2021 edition

Top 10 xheart

01. :ua:
02. :pt:
03. :it:
04. :ru:
05. :ch:
06. :fr:
07. :is:
08. :be:
09. :sm:
10. :at: DNQ
11. :dk: DNQ
12. :se:
13. :ee: DNQ
14. :gr:
15. :al:
16. :hr: DNQ
17. :no:
18. :nl:
19. :pl: DNQ
20. :de:
21. :uk:
22. :fi:
23. :cz: DNQ
24. :az:
25. :ie: DNQ
26. :il:
27. :cy:
28. :lt:
29. :ge: DNQ
30. :sl: DNQ
31. :es:
32. :md:
33. :bg:
34. :mk: DNQ
35. :ro: DNQ
36. :rs:
37. :mt:
38. :au: DNQ
39. :lv: DNQ
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Well-known member
February 28, 2017
In 2020, when the contest was cancelled, Jon Ola Sand promised that the contest would be back with a bang - bigger and better.
I think he was right... Eurovision's back, and the 65th edition will be well-remembered going forward, I'm sure :)

Rotterdam 2021 - my top 39

:12: :ch: Gjon's Tears - Tout l'univers
:10: :it: Måneskin - Zitti e buoni
:8: :is: Daði og Gagnamagnið - 10 Years
:7: :fr: Barbara Pravi - Voilà
:6: :lt: The Roop - Discoteque
:5: :pt: The Black Mamba - Love Is on My Side
:4: :bg: Victoria - Growing Up Is Getting Old
:3: :sm: Senhit - Adrenalina
:2: :ua: Go_A - Shum
:1: :gr: Stefania - Last Dance
11 :il: Eden Alene - Set Me Free
12 :mt: Destiny - Je me casse
13 :ie: Lesley Roy - Maps
14 :rs: Hurricane - Loco Loco
15 :be: Hooverphonic - The Wrong Place
16 :ru: Manizha - Russian Woman
17 :no: Tix - Fallen Angel
18 :fi: Blind Channel - Dark Side
19 :de: Jendrik - I Don't Feel Hate
20 :dk: Fyr & Flamme - Øve os på hinanden
21 :nl: Jeangu Macrooy - Birth of a New Age
22 :au: Montaigne - Technicolour
23 :at: Vincent Bueno - Amen
24 :cz: Benny Cristo - Omaga
25 :cy: Elena Tsagrinou - El diablo
26 :se: Tusse - Voices
27 :es: Blas Cantó - Voy a quedarme
28 :uk: James Newman - Embers
29 :sl: Ana Soklič - Amen
30 :al: Anxhela Peristeri - Karma
31 :ge: Tornike Kipiani - You
32 :ee: Uku Suviste - The Lucky One
33 :az: Efendi - Mata Hari
34 :md: Natalia Gordienko - Sugar
35 :hr: Albina - Tick-Tock
36 :mk: Vasil - Here I Stand
37 :ro: Roxen - Amnesia
38 :pl: Rafał - The Ride
39 :lv: Samanta Tīna - The Moon Is Rising
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Active member
May 9, 2021
2021 is an upgrade compared to 2020 but still I didn't really care for the majority of the songs. For most of the time I was listening only to my winner and towards the contest's time my top 3 and that was it. When it comes to the show, it didn't really help tbh. I wasn't particularly impressed by any performance, the show and the hosts was uninteresting to me and felt a bit cold. The ranking:

01. :no:
02. :dk:
03. :ua:
04. :it:
05. :is:
06. :ru:
07. :sm:
08. :bg:
09. :ch:
10. :az:
11. :gr:
12. :il:
13. :pt:
14. :rs:
15. :al:
16. :fi:
17. :at:
18. :mt:
19. :pl:
20. :ie:
21. :cz:
22. :fr:
23. :es:
24. :md:
25. :uk:
26. :be:
27. :ro:
28. :de:
29. :cy:
30. :hr:
31. :au:
32. :se:
33. :lt:
34. :ge:
35. :nl:
36. :sl:
37. :ee:
38. :mk:
39. :lv:


Well-known member
February 10, 2010
1. 🇵🇹 Portugal 10/10
2. 🇱🇹 Lithuania 10/10
3. 🇨🇿 Czechia 9/10
4. 🇦🇺 Australia 8/10
5. 🇭🇷 Croatia 8/10
6. 🇦🇿 Azerbaijan 8/10
7. 🇷🇺 Russia 7/10
8. 🇧🇪 Belgium 7/10
9. 🇨🇾 Cyprus 7/10
10. 🇮🇹 Italy 7/10
11. 🇫🇮 Finland 7/10
12. 🇲🇹 Malta 6/10
13. 🇸🇲 San Marino 6/10
14. 🇷🇸 Serbia 6/10
15. 🇨🇭 Switzerland 6/10
16. 🇮🇪 Ireland 6/10
17. 🇦🇱 Albania 6/10
18. 🇬🇷 Greece 6/10
19. 🇫🇷 France 6/10
20. 🇮🇸 Iceland 6/10
21. 🇷🇴 Romania 5/10
22. 🇲🇩 Moldova 5/10
23. 🇬🇪 Georgia 5/10
24. 🇩🇪 Germany 5/10
25. 🇧🇬 Bulgaria 5/10
26. 🇪🇪 Estonia 4/10
27. 🇸🇪 Sweden 4/10
28. 🇩🇰 Denmark 4/10
29. 🇮🇱 Israel 4/10
30. 🇦🇹 Austria 3/10
31. 🇱🇻 Latvia 3/10
32. 🇸🇮 Slovenia 2/10
33. 🇬🇧 United Kingdom 2/10
34. 🇪🇸 Spain 2/10
35. 🇳🇱 Netherlands 1/10
36. 🇵🇱 Poland 1/10
37. 🇲🇰 North Macedonia 1/10
38. 🇺🇦 Ukraine 0/10
39. 🇳🇴 Norway 0/10
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