From -gr Greece (every year songs are getting worse):
12p -de GERMANY (catchy and playful - the only song that i really like but i dont think it stands a chance)
10p -am ARMENIA (a little bit of ballad, little bit of beat, little bit of ethnic, little bit of beauty, little bit of fruit - i like fruits)
8p -hr CROATIA (best ballad? nice girls - don't know about the live though - yugo-block favorite)
7p -cy CYPRUS (decent entry from Cyprus but a little bit old-fashioned)
6p -md MOLDOVA (yeaah - bring back the 90s baby!I used to love euro-techno)
5p -tr TURKEY (System of a Down fans? perhaps... not bad at all!)
4p -se SWEDEN (sweet! girl-friendly pop but I don't know how will stand out this year)
3p -fr FRANCE (football anthem - but only that. With the World Cup ahead us this could be a huge hit!)
2p -il ISRAEL (love the music+violins but I really can't stand the language - this will go well)
1p -fi FINLAND (in this place I could put -az , -al or -ge but I find Finland's song more inspired, original, fresh and... ok you got me, I also like the girls-even I don't understand a word!)
In case you wonder for my entry -gr : 1p only for the Greek language. It's so ugly, cheesy and poor that even Rakintzis entry (2002) seems more classy now! Well, that was ERTs choice for some reason.. good luck and in this mediocre year, who knows, it could even go in the top10!
HAPPY EASTER everyone!